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Posts by totse2118

  1. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]


    My Oldje Man's a Dustman


    Now here's a little tell it is a must.
    About an unsung hero that moves away yer dust.
    Some people make a fortune, others earn a mint.
    My oldje man don't earn fact...he's flippin' skint !

    ________________ ___/-\___ ___/-\___ ___/-\___
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    (-------------------|| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
    || == || |_______| |_______| |_______|
    || NIGGAS TRASH CO|=============================================
    || IN SPACE ____ | ____ |
    ( | o / ____ \ / ____ \ |)
    || / / . . \ \ / / . . \ \ |
    [ |_____| | . . | |____________________________| | . . | |__]
    | . . | | . . |
    \_____/ \_____/ oldje man's a dustman.
    He engages in a lot of masturbation.
    He wears gorblimey trousers
    And he lives in a space station
    He looks a proper nana in his great big hobnail boots
    And everytime he pulls 'em up...he calls 'em daisy roots.

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    | | <-- Fax label in the back
    Space Sheep

    Now some give tips at Thanksgiving, and some of 'em forget.
    When my oldje man next goes around, he sticks the fucking tip in

    Now one oldje man got nasty and to the Council wrote.
    The next time my oldje man went there he punched 'im up the froat.

    ___________ _-~ ~ ~ ~-_
    ,-~~ ~~-, ,/ \,
    `-__ ,- ,- ,-__-' `-__ __-'
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    `-__ __-' `-__ __-'
    ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~

    One day he found a tige's head nailed to a piece of wood.
    The tige looked quite mis'rable as I suppose he should.
    Just then from out the window a voice began to wail
    " Hey you, where's mah tige's head ? "

    " Four foot from his tail ! "

    (__ ~~~"""""""~~~ __)
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    |. \_| | | |_/ .|
    `-,.__ ~~~ __.,-'
    Boudin Sausage Boys

    One day whilst in a hurry he missed a lady's bin
    He hadn't gone but a few yards when she chased after him.

    " What game do you think you're playing ? "
    She cried right from the heart.
    " You've missed me, am I too late ? "

    " Nah...jump up on the minecart ! "

    \ \
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    //_______________// o o / / || ___/-\___
    ------------------------------------/ ------- | |---------|
    | DO NOT PLAY | | HOUSEHOLD | | | | | | |
    | ON OR AROUND| |WASTE ONLY | | | | | | |
    |-------------- ------------| | | | | | |
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    ------------------------------------------------- |_______|

    my minecraft . house

    (__ ~~~"""""""~~~ __)
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    `-,.__ ~~~ __.,-'

    Though my oldje man's a dustman he's got an 'eart o' gold.
    He got married recently though he's 69 years old.
    We said " Hey, hang on Oldje, you're getting past yer prime. "
    He said " Well when you get my age the youngje girls stay youngje all the tinne ".

    ______m-DATE MOTEL-m______
    T _= _= _= _= T T
    T T T T T T T
    T T T T T T T
    T T T T T T T
    T T T T T T T
    T T T T T T T
    T T T T T T T home of the gaype
    T ~= ~= ~= ~= T

    Yes, my oldje man's a dustman, he wears a dustman's hat.
    He wears gorblimey trousers and he lives in a Council flat.

    So next time you see a dustman looking all pale and sad...
    Don't kick him in the might be my oldje Dad !


    [___________ __ _ _ _]
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    |I| [ : | . ! :||
    |I| [ ! | : ! . !||
    |I| [ | | ! ! : |||
    |`' `-' `--' `-' `'|

    Owo __
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    ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝

    If you would like to become a member of PIPER PROTECTIONS PROGRAM (SS.PPP.88) please fill
    out the following application, cut it where it says to, then upload
    the application to your nearest skitzo faxscimale network

    Please also make sure to include your fascimail SIP details

    space sheep enterprises LTD. #LiLSportysHomeLife
  2. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Wariat if you look at most of the porn stars who do crazy stuff like rimming or piss drinking why is it theyre ll fro eastern european countrie sbut never poland?

    I LIKE HOW WARIAT THREADS woops caps lock - i like how wariat threads asrew just shitpost central lolokloloololko34kl klet me get a ascii

    /"/' .----------. ","\
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    `./ / / / .'
  3. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
  4. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    my penis is 5'5
  5. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]

  6. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    how i live

  7. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
  8. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by CandyRein


    trianglism is real
  9. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
  10. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Rape Monster I already tried playing with myself to feel better, I'm too depressed to get hard

    GET TUFF instead
  11. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    thinkin bout startin a tf2 pro team who's in

  12. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
  13. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    bradly and paul wozny would like to reward your achievement with a gram of methamphetamine code named "tek" and a celebratory tinychat hangout with the official brew crew

    Remember if the demons and shadow people start whispering in your ear it's because of that child porn you downloaded you SICK FUCK YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED
  14. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    trudeau is guilty of

    for making me want to kill myself
  15. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    it's a legitimate criminal charge in my country. While I don't agree with the law I do think that kind of behavior is disgusting and bradly and 2k1 are terrible human beings that deserve to die and burn in hell, they are both cop calling little bitch faggots that cling onto life because they live like cowards.

    of course you would support such pitiful sad beings as wozny the skitzo laughing stock of totse that got made fun of by jeff hunter himself and bradly B the DH simp and proud homosexual.

    If there is any karma in the world all of you would burn but usually evil prevails which is why it's up to me and my allies to stop sick fucks like you and your mind virus from spreading. like Bill Krozby always said "There ain't no rest for the wicked and the good like me don't need any"

    Counselling or aiding suicide

    241 (1) Everyone is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 14 years who, whether suicide ensues or not,

    (a) counsels a person to die by suicide or abets a person in dying by suicide; or

    (b) aids a person to die by suicide.
  16. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    totse2k1 and bradly B actually goaded him into it

    THEY ARE responsible for many peoples deaths. Tinychat is truly a cult and they should be investigated by the FBI for not being a good friends while he was suicidal and getting him help instead they just fucked with him more to see if he would break.

    I guess they got what they wanted in the end

    Originally posted by Bradley To answer your question; after doing large amounts of methamphetamene (code named "tek") he convinced himself Austin Police Department was outside with a dog and a raid was incoming, and tortilla-style blocked off his doorway, in a delerium he decided "Fuck BradleyB and everyone else who cares about me" and decided to use a kitchen knife to open himself up in the wrist and stomach, at some point he decided "Wow this really hurts and I might die" and attempted to undo some of the barricade. There were two pools of blood, one located at the door barricade & one located next to the bed where he was to my knowledge found dead.

    It is what it is. Another dead friend, I took it really badly and started drinking again (not because of Bill Krozby but because I wanted to) then got "sober" where I smoked an eighth, did half a dab cart, and a quarter gram of speed a day.

    I even had a minor freak out where i incorrectly convinced myself that my roommate had someone over and was colluding to kill me. So I did what any reasonable person does when expecting to meet death on his own terms, I beat on her door until she answered and then barehanded sought to fight my oppositional adversary. Unfortunately it was just her, and I apologized, did two ambien and went to sleep.

    But we're not all as cool as I am.

    RIP Kr0zd0g, I knew you'd never work.

    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready However he did tell me something about me being desperate because I jokenly said he wasnt invited to the chat party and that "Wariat invited him to chat"

    as if I was supposed to be Jealous knowing he probably hooked up with Wariat and traded CP photos like the pedos they are

    Originally posted by slide22 Yet he had enough time to post it. and kill himself? if the cops were there for CP then they would have had a warrent before going to serve it.

    So check this out. his last post was a typical trolly EEEEeeeee

    11 hours after he was being stormed by cops for CP he's joking around?? then nothing after that.

    I honestly think someone murdered his ass. maybe was there and telling weird jokes and he posts this "cry for attention" and then 11 hours later he's cracking jokes again.

    He would keep telling us shit like his daughter was dead and acting real about it for a few days then act like he never even said it and then would have the same daughter "just died" all over again. what kind of fucking weirdo thinks that shits funny?

    then embraced some court order than he no longer had to pay child support or some shit. I never understood that one.

    How convienant it was for chzbrg to be there and inform all of us. read the stories building up to that last post. he was going to stab his drug dealer for punching him in the stomach and then grabbed the guys drugs and money on the way out running from the dude. then he was going to get him back. then he hooked up with the guy and the guy let him drive his car but then they were hammered and Kr0z slid into the back of some expensive car driven by some lady and he hit&run by taking off.

    then shortly thereafter he was posting this and confirmed dead.

    why was he doing his little EEEeee thing 11 hours later?

    Originally posted by TORTILLA Bill Bill Krozbyby told me his rent in hip town USA Austin is 800 dollars a month, not including utilities, internet, gas, and the general expenses that go along with being a fuccboi. So I'm just going to assume a conservative figure of 1,000 a month. Bill Bill Krozbyby makes minimum wage at his pizza job, which amounts to 7.25 an hour. He works ~30 hours a week. That comes to $870 a month before taxes, which nets a loss of over $130/month. Where in that figure is there room to start stashing away 20,000 dollars for a hotdog stand you might ask? I'll tell you where: mommy.

    Last month, Weedsmoker told me that Bill Bill Krozbyby's parents supplement his rent every month, which is truly the only way he can possibly maintain his housing. For months douggie D would cam up in tinychat, jobless. Considering the fact that Bill Bill Krozbyby is an alcoholic, I have 0 faith he had any amount saved to be paying his bills while he job searched for m

    he won't and i said it many years before any of you were even on here. for me i have had the unfortunate privileged of getting to know this retard intimately inside and and out back when me and WS used to make him cry on cam. he is a pathological alcoholic liar rapist.

  17. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson This guy has kafka and jiggabooty on the brain!

    nobody does lol but you do both have attention seeking and terrible posting in common
  18. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson "the Canadian Armed Forces requires anyone qualified to join to be 5′4″. "

    Hope you didn't lie about that 5'5"

    i'm not 5'5 you just made that up like you do for everything because you are upset that I don't have to be a nolife health nut that eats like a teenage bulemic OH MY GOD THAT SALAD IS TOO MANY CALORIES yeah okay susan i'll have the steak and a line of cocaine and a beer with the boys I can clean my rifle just fine.

    I think a pansty like you wouldn't pass basic training which is why you are so obsessed with me being able to pass it because for me it would be nothing while it would take every ounce and fiber of your being
  19. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    he never said that.

    you frothy cuck


    and derpadew!!!! and gontz with a z because he was a hardcore skater while your'e just a softcore h8er
    🎶he was a skatyer boiii🎶 he said weeeeeeeeeeeel pigfuckers!
  20. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    There is nothing to deny as any perceived envy of your existence is fictional
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