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Posts by FonaplaX

  1. FonaplaX Yung Blood (banned)
    Lanny has requested my presents back on NIS.
    He finally came to his friggin senses.
    He apologized and I forgave him.

    Now you get to read my daily FonaplaX threads everyday again.
  2. FonaplaX Yung Blood (banned)
    So I have been feeling really down lately and self-sabotaging and it was kinda letting up a little bit this afternoon once I took my medication I quit taking 2 days ago.
    I feel better and more confident.
    Then the mail man came and I got this months issue of Plastic News!
    Now I dont know what to think.
    Part of me wants to run into work and be happy and the other part wonders if I lost my job and am going to get reminded of it for the next 11 months of my subscription.
  3. FonaplaX Yung Blood (banned)
    Skipped work today because I was embarrassed I skipped yesterday.
    Havent ate hardly anything in over 2 days.
    Super depressed lately.
    Feel like giving up.
    I dunno what to do with my life anymore.
    It just seems so fucking lame.
    And to top it all off I think I might have accidentally done that thing Jim Carey did in "Mask" where he put on a stupid face and fake personality so long and now I think I might have grown retarded.
    God damn it.
    I am on super thin ice if I am on any ice at all.
    The only good to have come from me mutilating myself is that I haven't drank in 3 days.
    But god damn it.
    I am at a loss right now.
    I feel like I have no future.
  4. FonaplaX Yung Blood (banned)

    I agree.
    You should unban Fonaplats and give him his original name back.
    Who else is going to Day-long Jump Start Our GNOMES!
    You might as well have taken the toilet paper out of the bathroom when you banned him because all you did was cover us in the shit of a thousand dating site refugees.
    When he was here he would handle those bitches and keep them at bay.
    Now Lala has 6 chins instead of 5 and Candyrein just lurks in hope Fonaplats will post something so she can thank it.
    I for one met Fonaplats and even shook his hand.
    He has a very strong hand shake.
    As far as being seamless goes...
    Yes, he is pretty damn smooth.
    Everything has been going really good with my life.
    Except for on Saturday night when I found out thanks to my friend Slaynk, that the jedi people are directly responsible for 9/11.
    I got mad drunk and went to random tinychat rooms to berate faggots and try to get them to kill themselves and some retard needed a visual and I accidentally cut my arm a bit.

    not posting image

    That was just a momentary lapse in judment I swear to god.
    Anyways I got to skip work today because I sure as hell aint going in while my arm looks like a 14 year old girl's thighs.
    In other news...
    Luigi is a pussy whipped lil' bitch.
    And Mal is a god damn heartless friend stealing whore.
    oh shit...
    I forgot about the jediS!
    I am not going to the effort to timestamp this but if you watch it he says "Fuck America because they support the jedis."

    So 9/11 is the fault of the jedis.
    Found out the trash dump we took the World Trade Center debris is called "Fresh Kills Trash Dump"
    ^Found that funny as shit.
    So yeah, my life is going pretty great.
    I love my job (if I still have one)
    And I got a sweet chocolatey piece of ass that love my guts even when they are filled with vomit I swallowed because puking on my carpet is out of the question.
    And I am sorry Lanny.
    Never meant for you to get so butt-hurt over me being a positive influence in people's lives.
    Here is a picture of feet to make you feel better about being an asshole to me while you unban me.

    That's all I got.
    Hope everyone is doing great!
    I love you all very much.
    See you when I come up with another alt.
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