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Posts by Mewsik

  1. Mewsik African Astronaut [diagonally photosensitise my summation]
    all of the above ... I have never been a still sleeper. I flop like a fish outa water most of my sleep time... I think my side, just because it was the only way I could sleep when pregnant years upon years ago.

    Enjoy your nap .... zzzzzzzzzz
  2. Mewsik African Astronaut [diagonally photosensitise my summation]
    One of my families favorites (my kids loved it) and I loved watching it with them
  3. Mewsik African Astronaut [diagonally photosensitise my summation]
    Yup ... Painted, pulled out trees and shrubs from the front yard. Not exactly a relaxing weekend lol.
  4. Mewsik African Astronaut [diagonally photosensitise my summation]
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Time to pile in the Clown car.<span class="emoji-outer emoji-sizer"><span class="emoji-inner" style="background: url(chrome-extension://immhpnclomdloikkpcefncmfgjbkojmh/emoji-data/sheet_apple_32.png);background-position:26.02820211515864% 16.039952996474735%;background-size:5418.75% 5418.75%" data-codepoints="1f41b"></span></span> <span class="emoji-outer emoji-sizer"><span class="emoji-inner" style="background: url(chrome-extension://immhpnclomdloikkpcefncmfgjbkojmh/emoji-data/sheet_apple_32.png);background-position:75.96944770857814% 73.97179788484137%;background-size:5418.75% 5418.75%" data-codepoints="1f921"></span></span>

    I remember this from DH several years ago .. like 2013 .. But I can't remember who use to post it ::headbanging:: emoji (I miss that emoji most) Hmmmm ... now I'm not sure if it was DH, Uhg.

    Side note - Does anyone know why I have to move my window around on my windows 2in1 to different spots to get my submit button to work?

    5:40 pm time to switch the laundry over .. I'm beat ::Yawn::
  5. Mewsik African Astronaut [diagonally photosensitise my summation]
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Time to pile in the Clown car.🐛 🤡

    I remember this from DH several years ago .. like 2013 .. But I can't remember who use to post it ::headbanging:: emoji (I miss that emoji most) Hmmmm ... now I'm not sure if it was DH, Uhg.

    Side note - Does anyone know why my I have to move my window on my windows 2in1 around to different spots to get my submit button to work?
  6. Mewsik African Astronaut [diagonally photosensitise my summation]
    Faggotty? Ok maybe you’re not cup after all.. Cup knows damn well I’m a woman .. carry on with your lame shit. I’m done trying to treat you like a somewhat coherent individual... blahhhhh
  7. Mewsik African Astronaut [diagonally photosensitise my summation]
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box anyone that uses an alt instead of registering with their social security number is absolutely a fag

  8. Mewsik African Astronaut [diagonally photosensitise my summation]
    Cup - will you please focus and answer my question ffs ... pffttt.
  9. Mewsik African Astronaut [diagonally photosensitise my summation]
    Never mind ... strange I couldn’t find this one a minute ago.

    Are mongol void threads locked?
  10. Mewsik African Astronaut [diagonally photosensitise my summation]
    Testing testing ... my threads are in a black hole 🤣
  11. Mewsik African Astronaut [diagonally photosensitise my summation]
    Why does the tag line under my handle say Houston?
  12. Mewsik African Astronaut [diagonally photosensitise my summation]
    Who or what is M. Lynn and what does non -Ging mean?
  13. Mewsik African Astronaut [diagonally photosensitise my summation]
    Originally posted by CandyRein You been to a Comicon?
    @Mewsic, gorgeousnesses 😍❤️
    I’ve only seen pics and would love to go ..

    LOL@ normy at the Walmart
    Maybe PM me the next one and we can go together 😋

    Oh yeah 2:34! Pm lol

    Good morning Candylicious 🌻

    The company I worked for hosted a few of the VIP groups every year. It isn’t really my thing, but the town is a lot of fun for the week they are there. I live on the east coast now and probably won’t be back to my home state again. But I highly recommend it, if that’s your thing. Just don’t go solo !!

    If you decide to go, let me know and I’d be happy to see if I could hook you up with some special rates and such 😊

    7:46 am
  14. Mewsik African Astronaut [diagonally photosensitise my summation]
    I’m pretty sure cup is cup from DH .. not sure why even DH’rs think it’s not the same poster.
  15. Mewsik African Astronaut [diagonally photosensitise my summation]
    I need to win the lottery
  16. Mewsik African Astronaut [diagonally photosensitise my summation]
    Originally posted by Uhhm


    Huh? Do I need to be drunk to understand where this came from lol?
  17. Mewsik African Astronaut [diagonally photosensitise my summation]
    Dang candy you rockin the white yoga pants girlfriend 😍 it’s crazzzzy town in SD during Comic-Con you would be normy at Walmart that week.

    Oh, it’s 3:24 pm

    Not drunk posting😊
  18. Mewsik African Astronaut [diagonally photosensitise my summation]
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Lol

    Lol … ooops 🤣 too much going on in life. I needed to let loose damn it .. thank god im not always like that 😊
  19. Mewsik African Astronaut [diagonally photosensitise my summation]
    I don’t drink often at all.

    But when I do I usually set out to get hammered 🤪 every couple of months or so.

    Most of my adult life, I maybe drank twice a year.

    God I feel like shit uhgg. Such a gorgeous day though .. picking out paint for the exterior then gonna paint today yippeeee
  20. Mewsik African Astronaut [diagonally photosensitise my summation]
    But you would think a decent dr. Would be concerned with 30 lbs difference in weight 2 x is 6 months and I’m not on any drugs
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