This idea that life is a virtual simulation created by other beings is intriguing. This life certainly feels real, especially on those days when you're tired and worn down or ill. However, don’t I know ‘I Am’ because I think or is this “I Am’ also an illusion? Are we truly living in samsara as described in Hindu and Buddhism? Could the ancient thinkers and philosophers be correct and science is just now catching up? Is this life just some game? Does it matter?
In the simualtion all the history of the universe is repeated until new simuation inside appears. That explains why the universe is expanding and infinite.
Because every new simuation creates another one and billions of them because this cycle is endless.
For the ones who created the first one all of our simulation can be just a short clip or footnote in the report ( depends of the proccesors power and observers needs) so all of our lifetime most likely are skipped or fastworwarded just to be doomed to repeat ancient cosmic loops. (Universe or nature or god loves a good loop)…
When the blind lead the blind the world is full of casualties…. a person who knows nothing is getting advice and help from another person who knows almost nothing.
It’s why we come here to torment each other.
Those lacking the skills or knowledge for something are being guided by equally inept individuals.