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Posts by Hellnahandbasket

  1. Originally posted by Technologist Here’s what’s gonna be funny. All these staunch trump supporters will shut there mouth after he is out of office, and known as the 1st treasonous president. You won’t find a one who supported him, they’ll be in hiding.

    Mark my word.🤔

    *their mouths* 🙄
  2. Trump is no worse than any other politician. He’s just vocal about his convictions instead of hiding and playing the PC game. You’re buying into the mass hysteria and parroting what’s presented by the news media. They’re all idiots but at least he has the stones to say what he thinks.
    That scares the sheeple
  3. I’m sick and tired of all this PC crap today. Why can’t we just say what we want without fear of losing our jobs or suffering some kind of reprisal because some pussy ass bitch was offended by something we said?
  4. Nominate one poster for a permanent ban from nig nog orbit.
  5. nuq Dalegh naDev lIj qaw
  6. DERP ^^
  7. Originally posted by ohfralala Wrong. Also, the last picture I saw of you looked like a bloated, diabetic Gary Busey left dead in a river for two months after a year long buffet binge with grandma at the Golden Corral.

    LMAO @ bloated Gary Busey left dead in a river for two months

  8. You made lasagna in a crock pot?
  9. Name one political ever who could be trusted
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