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Posts by Scrawny The πŸ‘»

  1. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    f u
  2. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    ur just jealous you cant get lolis
  3. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    "wana put 2s on a monkey fist of dhc"
  4. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
  5. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Well it's more about the blatant hypocrisy that is displayed by a 'certain type'.


    "You should accept a transgender person and address that person by it's gender/pronoun/etc of preference…or you're an intolerant bigot!"

    …you see the hypocrisy in that statement I'm sure…

    You just like tearing peoples sign. It's okay, your hostility proves just how much of a bottom bitch you really are.

    If you were cool this wouldn't bother you so much.

    You are a lot more triggered and upset than any gay person I've ever met and they tend to be pretty fucking triggered.
  6. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Fucking humans
  7. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Originally posted by apt I'm about ready to give up on the internet as a whole. It's been all downhill since the mid-late 2000s and has now become a centralized surveillance/behaviour modification network with very little useful or interesting content. NiS is just a microcosm of its degenerated state with some vague spiritual ties to &T.

    Shut up faggot
  8. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Can I be the new admin. I have the most exp
  9. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Shut the fuck up
  10. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
  11. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Still *he's…

    hows it feel to be less tolerant than people in their 70's?

    just how fucking old and out of touch are you?.

    no wonder why all your posts are just one liners of nonsense
  12. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Originally posted by 🐿 Captain always has the best avatars.

  13. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]

    Humans don't have gills so don't in the water dumb fuck. I can't swim so if I saw someone drowning I would just make memes, im not risking my life for some fucking gay fish

  14. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson That's like saying "the shit I took last night was the best ever"

    found a pic of u.

  15. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    HTS is the coolest transgender girl ever. The only people that use the wrong pronouns or her slave name are her parents and they are like 70 years old so that just shows how closed minded you are.

    I've had a child with my ex girlfriend and I don't consider her a 'lady' at all. Most women these days act hypermasculine and simply don't know their place as women.

    Women belong in the kitchen, cooking and cleaning the house. They should only leave the house when accompanied by a man, they should not drive or vote.

    I consider myself a feminist but I do not want equal rights for all genders. Women were created by God to Serve man, Man was created to serve God. That's why the world is filled with sin, women are not serving men so men no longer serve God.

    You call yourselves ladies?. Pffff... How many of you even have a man?. What's that? You're a strong independent woman that doesn't need a man? Good!, Enjoy dying alone.
  16. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    See you next month.
  17. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I figure within a year most of the nigs will have ODed or committed suicide and this place will be ours by default.

    I'm not suicidal and I only smoke weed what now faggot
  18. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Need iced coffee
  19. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Originally posted by DietPiano I think high dose bundy is just inherently hard to control because you itch like crazy unless you take a bunch of dph, which makes it easier to fall asleep which is already easy to do on bundy because it's the most sedating and confsuing disso to me by far. The others are somewhat lifting actually, except ket which is neutral. bundy is still the most difficult disso to control. I dunno, stick to about 300, it seems to work better.

    Having a tolerance means less bad side effects. High tolerance = no bad effects.

    Its like heroin
  20. Scrawny The πŸ‘» Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Good morning
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