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Posts by Scrawny The 👻

  1. Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Originally posted by A College Professor why arent the dems giving president trump any good coverage for this story???

    also is this why he gets two scoops of ice cream ?

    Pizza gate
  2. Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    I bet you just typed that didn't you.

    I know his first name so prove it by posting the last letter of his first name.
  3. Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Originally posted by komokazi Projection. The reality of your anxiety is the near-overwhelming sexual desire you're experiencing knowing you're communicating with another male.

    There is copious, irrefutable evidence that you are exceedingly more qualified through experience and demonstrated proficiency in the handling and manipulation of cocks. Now, you're trying to justify acting on your insatiable thirst for semen through projection. It's 2018, there is no closet anymore. Why are you ashamed of what you are? I haven't condemned homosexuality, I've simply made authentic, verifiable statements whilst you shroud yourself in denial. Don't be ashamed of yourself.

    Didn't read lol.

    Tell him I said you guys are too easy to troll.
  4. Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Says the guy who was forced to change his username.

    He TSTM'd in solidarity like a real man.

    Unlike you, who is too much of a coward to delete his own account. You know who you remind me of? Sophie.. he is too much of a cuck to delete his account too.

    You are both Lanny's good little pets.
  5. Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    I have the ultimate toothache remedy so I dont care.


    keep it ice cold and if you feel pain just take a swig and hold it in your mouth until your lips go numb and you lose control of the muscles keeping your mouth closed.
  6. Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    only smart people will get this joke
  7. Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    post the ones you sent him as proof or ur lying
  8. Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Originally posted by A College Professor why is there no good news vids about this? infowars is the only lengthy video bout it

  9. Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    They should have called it Operation BROKEN HYMEN

  10. Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Because he is one

  11. Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I was a moderator on Totse.
    I was a moderator on Zoklet.
    I was a moderator on tRP.
    I was a moderator of TheDamagedOne.
    I was a moderator of Avoyel.
    You two think you know more about the BBS scene than I do.

    Then why are you such a triggered baby when it comes to the internet?
  12. Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL This from a self-professed faggit who has to fuck kids because he can't get any real women. Give me a break, pole smoker. You think it's funny to molest children? Better head over to Iran or some shit, because around here we beat the fuck out of you diddlers.

    It's the internet, when you did become such a triggered SJW?.

    You're just a coward man, don't tear my sign.

  13. Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Originally posted by komokazi I talked about it because you broadcast it on webcam and I am simply referencing this point in time to compare how there was a staunch lack of homosexual tendencies despite methamphetamine being involved. For you, it was derived from lust and desire that you manipulated another male's genitalia with your mouth after an arduous trek cross-country.

    you sure do post a lot about cocks.

    This thread is making me uncomfortable. You closet fags are weird
  14. Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    All I did was call someone a mean name for blocking me on facebook.

    Your the one that started talking about doing meth and sucking off guys.
  15. Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Originally posted by WE SMOOTH Man I wanna swoop thru and hang out but yall niggas gonna get me arrested.

    The punishment for posting once a month is a lot worse than prison.

    Originally posted by komokazi Oh but you do… You do know. You are Scrawn, right?

    Don't try to turn this on me, I didn't travel the country to live with him and engage in rigorous homosexual activities.

    Then why do you keep talking about it lol
  16. Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    I did! I said its all I live for.

    But that was like two days ago. I wasn't even trying to FPF I'm just bored and killing time until I can buy drugs.
  17. Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    I'm not trying to be clever or make jokes or anything I just googled "pole cat mushrooms" and this is what came up

  18. Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    I'm like a cat that brings birds home.
  19. Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    Originally posted by komokazi He started a group on facebook that amassed 3.6k members and is actually very active, but he just sold it.

    As far as being a faggot, do you not see the irony here? He and I were able to do meth without having sex the entire time. You show up and can't keep your mouths off each other's cocks long enough to tongue each other.

    Yeah I got blocked from that group too for trolling him in the chat.

    I don't know about any of that sucking each other off stuff you guys did. Just tell him to watch his back because ima' comin'
  20. Scrawny The 👻 Houston (banned) [tame my contributory fire-wheel]
    It only counts if you bump threads you were gonna reply to anyways. The threads I highlighted in red are ones I don't want to reply to, so how do I get an FPF in this situation?.

    Just go to page 6 and bump another 20 threads and try to go for a double, and push threads off page 1 that you don't like.

    THATS how its done, you can't just spam some random crap in every thread you see, that would be retarded. Believe it or not there is actual rhyme and reason to my chaotic shit posting.

    Look at this guy, he fucked up bumping T&T threads with 1 post, thats not cool man you cant do that.

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