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Posts by ShizNitty

  1. ShizNitty Houston
    I’m not gay but one time when I was in San Francisco I saw this fat guy walking through the gay pride lease completely naked. I was shocked to say the least.
  2. ShizNitty Houston
    Just cause you did, doesn't mean you shouldve though.
  3. ShizNitty Houston
    Ive been posting on NIS exclusively for a while now under various names. Now im starting to venture outside my comfort zone and look into other forums that might be similar to NIS,

    Recommendations anyone? *sips tea*
  4. ShizNitty Houston
    Thinking about taking my shirt off, but don't wanna get too much attention.
  5. ShizNitty Houston
    that would actually be pretty cool if you had a computer like that, Id probly smash if it was true
  6. ShizNitty Houston
    Sup Pip. welcome. Im pretty much the head huncho around here so if you need anything let me know. I may or may not help you.
  7. ShizNitty Houston
    You cant say be original after your whole "only beef I have is in my burgers" scpheel. cause that in itself isn't original either. just saying.
  8. ShizNitty Houston
    What is your guys beef for those that don't know? enlighten them please
  9. ShizNitty Houston
    Im 6'1 185 lbs. workout six days a week and practice intermittent fasting along with drinking a gallon of pure spring water a day. So with those details, ill leave it up to you to decide whether im unhealthy or not hahaha

    the answer is yes though
  10. ShizNitty Houston
    Last thing I bought was about 50 dollars in groceries and paid for my dry cleaning bill.
  11. ShizNitty Houston
    Shoulda subdued the guy calling the cops,and got outta dodge.

    make up an alibi, and say your car got stolen, after that deny deny deny. especially if you were driving in bumfuck Egypt
  12. ShizNitty Houston
    Why are you tired and feeling week? any medical conditions we don't know about? you could just be dehydrated
  13. ShizNitty Houston
    You probly just thought they were intelligent since you were only 14 at the time. Truth be told its been the same type of people on here ever since it started
  14. ShizNitty Houston
    Google is your friend NACHO
  15. ShizNitty Houston
    Ive been posting on BF since 2008, haven't heard any truthful or reliable info about BF and NIS merging. Right now its just rumors.

    Even if it did merge though I necessarily wouldn't mind
  16. ShizNitty Houston
    You don't gotta be racist about it OP especially when you already know the answer. smmfh
  17. ShizNitty Houston
    I agree with ENT. if youre a dude into asmr it deff means you have LOW T. Ive actually read about it online so there are facts to back it up.
  18. ShizNitty Houston
    It just means you are weak, and need to toughen up.
  19. ShizNitty Houston
    Sorry to hear about your misfortune, But personally ive never been to a hospital. I consider those who enter one to be weak. Just my opinion though and don't care if you fags agree with it or not haha
  20. ShizNitty Houston
    technically it is sexual harassment, But in my opinion if she declined to press charges she probly wants to fuck. So I would pursue her more.
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