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Thanked Posts by PrettyHateMachine

  1. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny That’s the most hipster thing you could have possibly said

    Go back to listening to your streamed pop rock with your beats headphones
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano Sending cordinitts–

    *cops, bang bang swizzle jell**redarcted**


    Where are you, frend boi ???

    Indiana, the best state in the country.
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  3. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS I can't wait to not see the footage of Alex Jones anywhere on the internet ever again.

    People like you are the reason the world is going to shit
    You fill your body will chemicals so you can pretend to be a woman, while rooting for organizations that want to do away with free speech and attack people trying to defend our country and way of life.
    I would personally kill you myself.
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  4. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS Lanny, please send this thread to the mongolvoid. You should not be allowing videos from racist, bigoted, fake news trolls like Alex Jones to be shared openly on your platform. Think of the children.

    I can't wait to see the footage of you being dragged onto the streets and beaten to death
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  5. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    watashi no favorite chiptune artist
    it's really sugoi stuff you should check it out desu

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  6. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Glokula's Homabla You're permanently disfiguring your body with faggot medicine and will probably suicide from disgust with yourself in 10 yrs

    That's not very politically correct, goyim.
    We spent a lot of money on market- err I mean researching this stuff!
    This is savin lives, goyim!
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  8. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    You should all immediately cease use of any google product.
    From here on out I will, tomorrow I'll start the process of moving all my stuff to protonmail and delete all my google accounts.
    Use instead of google proper, use protonmail instead of gmail, bitchute instead of youtube and classic IRC or instant messaging instead of jedibook.

    I'm watching the video right this moment.
    Their motive has always been, very the very start, to undermine the political system of the United States and usher in globalism/technocratic communism.
    They literally are a trojan horse of the 21st century.
    They literally use their services and technology to spy on you, log everything you do and say and use that information to learn how to manipulate and control you.
    They do all of this evil with a smile, portraying themselves as the good side, when in reality they are no different from any corrupt system of the past.
    They are literal fascists and you better bet your ass that if they ever came into true power things would be wayyyyy worse.
    China's Sesame/social credit system would be coming here, you absolutely better bet your asshole that they will use that on you because if they got their way there would be no United States, there would be their one world and one government with their surveillance system implemented world-wide.

    My phone's service ran out just recently and I swear from here on out, I will never use another smartphone or any new tech product as long as it's connected to the googleplex surveillance apparatus.

    This is real and this is war
    This isn't just about ethnicity, race and creed, this is about freedom vs technocratic slavery everyone, man, woman, child and handsome and well tanned individual should work together to resist and destroy this evil.
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  9. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box

    that's why they retreat to black holes
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  10. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Climate change isn't real
    Literally the same people who took down the twin towers are behind this.
    Look up HAARP, they can manipulate weather now.
    Climate change is just a political tool they use to get their way.
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  12. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by stare rape It can't be the official thread if it's misspelled in the thread title

    But really, I know exactly how you feel. Really. I spent almost four years of my life hiding from people I thought were after me for things I'd posted online and done IRL while amassing an arsenal of weapons, ammo, medications, and survival gear. I had over $10,000 worth of it at one point. I spent a shitload of money on firearm training, had a gun club membership, and went to the range for hours three times a week.

    Sometime in 2015, I said "fuck it. If there really is someone after me, let them come after me. We all die eventually anyway."

    And from then on I was seemingly able to look at my condition from an objective point of view and realize that I was being ridiculous. Almost all of the things I had taken as "signs" were nothing more than coincidence, or people going about their business who happened to see me and look my way. Sometimes it was a hallucination, but now, somehow, I could tell the difference. Once in a while, i still find myself caught up in some delusion that somebody is after me, but I "snap out of it" much faster than I used to. It was like a switch had been flipped.

    I thought it was the drugs at first, so I stopped taking them. I stayed mostly clean for three years, only taking Crouton and the occasional benzedrex. It's only recently that I've started on that shit again. Didn't seem to make much difference. Though the intensity of the paranoia was diminished, it was still there.

    In July 2015, after getting extremely fucked up and telling everyone that was staying with me at the time that I was going to kill myself, I had some sort of "moment of clarity" and had myself committed (although they wrote "involuntary" on the paperwork)

    I was diagnosed with depressive psychosis, but the "medicine" they gave me for it made it twice as bad, and I could barely get out of bed most days because it sapped every bit of motivation out of me while making me shake like a Parkinson's patient if I tried to sit still, something that still hasn't completely gone away. I tried to stop taking it but it resulted in a terrifying psychosis that was far worse than the original symptoms and ended up committed again, but I convinced them that it was the medication that had done it, and they tapered me off of it.

    Then I find out schizophrenia (and mental illness in general) has a much higher rate of incidence among Native Americans than the general American population.

    I've mostly accepted the fact that I've got some mental illness somewhere between OCD and schizophrenia, and that I will most likely be unable to tell the difference between fantasy and reality 20-30 years from now. Just look at a certain other poster here.

    All that said, I still believe that there was a point in time that I was being watched, but I was involved in medium-level criminal activities at that point, it was probably just people making sure I was doing what I said I was going to do.

    As of now, most of the weapons and such have been sold or confiscated, but I still have a lot of the survival gear, and feel like I could hold my own for quite a while if some sort of disaster or apocalypse were to happen.

    I'm still very paranoid, and won't let anyone get close to me, but it's still much better than it used to be. I think I've hit the "ceiling of improvement" for my current situation and will have to change it to improve further.

    I know I'm going to regret posting this, but there it is

    TL;DR: I'm slowly losing my mind but at least I'm aware of it

    That sounds a lot like what I have gone through
    A few years ago, through meditation using marijuana and VR, I began to hack reality and was able to pull unlimited knowledge from some unknown source, maybe the akashic records.
    I started thinking to myself, hey what if I use this ability to take down the government, what if I go even further and find a way to destroy this reality ... then I thought surely there would be some organism that oversees all the ongoing processes within this reality, it would notice me and try to stop me ... then I got to thinking maybe the government would tyr to stop me ... then I started thinking maybe it was their doing all along.
    I would hear voices occasionally, and grow really paranoid thinking certain happenings were proof that they were on to me, sending agents out to monitor and fuck with me to try and demoralize me so I couldn't take them down.
    I really honestly don't think I'm schizophrenic, I think I was just having a psychotic period from nonstop marijuana use for years, losing my grandparents and going from being a hikikomori since the age of 11 or 12 to starting to go outside and be around the fleshnet and humans so I'm not used to the variables that come with the chaotic outdoors, I'm used to everything being aspeptic and calculated, coming from living my entire life on the computer.
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  13. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2.0 - The GMO Reckoning This sort of shit makes we want to go straight edge. Not even booze.

    Alcohol definitely can and will cause you to become psychotic
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  14. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    target is trash

    they're as dirty as walmart but pretentious and more expensive
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  15. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Trumpstein is so far from being a nazi
    The piece of shit is literally a kike loving pro-israel shill who would sacrifice his entire race for the hooked nosed beasts
    We need to impeach him and replace him with a real white nationalist
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  16. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Blah blah blah nothing but propaganda of the communist jedis
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  17. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Got my cds today ^_^

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  18. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    They're just trolling.
    You can see there is tension in the muscles and the skin looks fresh
    If it were a corpse the limbs would be completely limp and the skin tone mouldy yellow
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  19. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Glokula's Homabla cant describe in words how horribly disturbing my ocd intrusive thoughts are
    theyre practically traumatic
    bro have you ever had to stop mid fap because of uncontrollable mental images of roach swarms
    multiple times in one fap session
    jesus christ this is horrific

    I thought I was the only one with intrusive thoughts during masturbation.
    Literally every time as I orgasm some really upsetting thought takes over, it's been that way since I was 15 or so.
    I have OCD and intrusive thoughts all the time, like I get triggered nonstop every day.
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  20. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill I straight up refuse to use public restrooms

    I practically live in them
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