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Posts by PrettyHateMachine

  1. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by apt There will be no hot civil war, california will most likely vote to secede within a couple generations (just look at support for secession by age/race demographic and this will be clear) and the US will end up splitting relatively peacefully into 2 countries

    New Mexico and Arizona will join them.
    When I was visiting California earlier this year it was literally like going to another country, there was nothing American about those regions.
    handsome and well tanned individuals everywhere, handsome and well tanned individual language everywhere, buildings all looked very mexicany, handsome and well tanned individual art on the buildings etc etc
    They might as well just fucking do it already.
    The Americans should just leave that region right this moment, there is no reason for them to be there.
  2. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by cupocheer You can't miss something you've never had.

    But that's just the thing ... I'm missing what I once had.
    A world that felt like my oikos, my environment ... it completed my psyche and now I'm left in a strange place feeling alienated.
  3. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    I wonder what Totse circa 2000 - 2005 would have thought about this.
    They probably would have mentioned events like WACO and Timothy Mcvey as the precursors to this war.
    It would have been really interesting to get their take on this though ... it seems like there were so many people there too ...
  4. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut

    Reading threads on cripplechan about the great American 21st century civil war.

    It's crazy to think that imageboards have penetrated society and entered the public mind.
    It's also very frustrating to see all these normies talking about 4chan, as if it wasn't bad enough the culture died out years ago to these newfag kidiots calling themselves the alt-right (if you aren't a Japanophile with yellow fever what business do you have on an imageboard?) appropriating our beloved messageboards but now even my stupid borderline mentally retarded half spic cousin knows about "q-anon" and with that he must know of 4chan.
    But I'm glad that of all places, it was IMAGEBOARDS that become the beacon of light and hope for the future of the free world ... I mean honestly where else would the resistance movement have come from?

    So anyways, lets have some serious talks about the upcoming civil war.

    I really hope this doesn't sizzle upon being lit, I hope some serious jedi blood is spilled across the streets and the leftists/handsome and well tanned individuals are either all killed off or sent packing.
    The rational side of my mind tells me though that nothing will happen and this will just be a really long drawn out "soft war" that will eventually lead to balkanization.
    Parts of Canada and western US will merge to become the new socialist utopia for handsome and well tanned individuals and leftists, then the eastern NA will become home to the opposition (us).
    This also all feels like it was either planned by the NWO or that it definitely works to their benefit, a weakened US and a stronger east, which is where they're headed anyways right?
    The NWO cabal will station its HQ in the BRICs nations while leaving behind a weak and corrupted United States ... wasn't that part of the plan all along?
  5. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    This thread is about how I miss the way things were in the 90s
    The people born in the 20s and 30s really defined American culture and now with them gone it feels like we're slipping further into living in the talmudic 1980s multi-kulti vision of the US.
    I miss the way my hometown once was.
    I miss true real Americana
    I miss being a teen browsing the web on my AOL pc and the only frustration at the time was having to re-dial the internets every other 30 minutes.
    Now that era is gone I feel a huge loss, nothing about the current world feels right to me.
  6. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Is it painful or painless?
    Clean or messy?

    My plan is that if things don't shape up and the zionist oligarchs arne't taken out then I'm gonna close this world and open the next.
    I might try full blown isolation for a few years to a decade, meaning living indoors without any contact with the outside world even on the net, then exiting my psychological bunker and if things aren't any better or they've gotten worse I'll suicide for certain.
    I would be 7 years older than Marco Corbelli after he killed himself.

    Fuck ... I will be older than the musicians I looked up to as adults from the perspective of a teen ... that's reason enough to kill myself.
  7. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Video games were so much better in the 80s - mid 00s.
    Seriously, everything went downhill with the 7th generation.
  8. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor is that you?? ive seen that guys videos and he alludes to some kind of weird deviant past and he creeped me right the hell out. hes got that whinesteen grin on lock

    you should see if he will pull u around with his campor, u could ride shotgun and tell him about ur evil cousin???

    that's the guy from the videos you fucking blind retard
  9. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Because he already has company

  10. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by S6x It shouldn't exist at all even in simulation. that addiction or perversion should be stompped out right away. it should be stompped out with medications or medically you should be casterated.

    I don't agree with that.
    You shouldn't tell people what they can and cannot fantasize about, or do within a simulated environment ... that kind of mentality will lead us towards more totalitarianism.
  11. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by S6x I really want to watch you accidently feed yourself into a wood chipper. preferably feet first so I can watch your face going in. and any children you may have violated, pelting you with stones on your way in.. slowest speed possible.

    hey faggo answer my pm
  12. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Here is one of his videos

    Just a reminder this is what being diddled at a young age does to a person

  13. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader do you even have empirical evidence that having sexes with childrens is wrong ???

    When you're a child your psyche is much different from a teen or adults, you have this pure and naive perspective that is very fundamental to your emotional development and welbeing, being diddled stunts this.
    Diddled people grow up to be perverts or worse.
    No diddled person I have ever met has been emotionally stable, the worst was this one tranny who was borderline psychotic and a psychopath (would burn his neighbor's mail just to spite them, would outright steal his mom's money to buy steam games, rode a bus to another state to have sex with a jedi tranny etc).

    Child sex should be kept to a virtual environment, never with actual biological childrens.
  14. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    If Donald Trump and others are busily taking down the "cabal"
    as described in videos like this

    THEN WHY do I keep seeing their symbols and messages hidden in the media, why did the bilderberg meet up happen in our country, WHY does it appear that the satanic cabal doesn't appear to be threatened at all?
    They continue to go about their routine as usual as though nothing is happening.
    So what the fuck is happening then?
  15. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Obviously the Matrix is a message to the public about the NWO/satanic cabal.
    The puppet masters must have either killed them or as a form of taunting them, they framed them and forced them to undergo a sex change.
    What do you think, nigs?
  16. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Once we destroy the cabal and deport the leftists and handsome and well tanned individuals the US should go into isolation like what Japan did
    For thousands of years ... no communication whatsoever ever (except with Japan) we can live in a little bubble on earth and slowly over time send Americans to exo-solar planets to rebuild the republic elsewhere etc
  17. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Wow this says it's from 2002 yet it looks so much older, like circa early 90s

    it's scary to think that most of the people capable of defending our nation and taking out whatever fucking group is running our country into the ground have been assassinated.
  18. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Also ... Robert Deniro is a total pedophile satanic jedily wood shill it's cute how he's taking this huge anti-Trump/white people stance in an effort to save his ass from the coming cabal purge
    I never liked that judeo-italian cunt
  19. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    However, and this is a big if ... if the "cabal" can be eradicated from across the globe I think that within 50 years the US will split apart and the individual states will become more like countries themselves.
  20. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Okay so the jedi run media is at the moment attempting to stir public discontent and pave the way for a social war, I won't say civil war because that is between the people and a corrupt establishment.
    What we're dealing with is the late stage development of a communist coup going on in our country and it's clear that within the next two decades there will be a divide.
    So either the handsome and well tanned individuals and mentally ill leftists will move to Canada, take California and become their own nation or die out.
    This would just lead to the eastern BRICs lead NWO to take hold, it would weaken the US and possible lead us to an even poorer state with more state control.
    Obviously if a real war broke out between people of opposing ideologies the (((government))) would decalre martial law, take away all our rights and march in the UN/NATO troops ... so we're dealing with quite the monster atm.
    The "cabal" will use any possible means to strip away our rights and subjugate us even further ... what we need is a fucking manhattan project to take these fucks out.
    So I propose that we don't balkanize or genocide and instead work within and on the macro level to weed out this menace, restore the United States to true glory then re-write our constitution to protect ourselves from this ever happening again.
    Once the US is stronger and the cabal has been mostly killed out, we can deal with the leftists and handsome and well tanned individuals and so I predict that within two to three decades there will either be millions to leave this country for regressive shithole socialist states in south america or canada or in a hilarious stroke of irony we'll send them all to the fema camps and murder them without mercy but I doubt the second option would happen.
    What seems to be the most likely is that the US won't balkanize, but that the whiny handsome and well tanned individuals and satanic minded types will flee for other countries.
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