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Posts by PrettyHateMachine

  1. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    You should all immediately cease use of any google product.
    From here on out I will, tomorrow I'll start the process of moving all my stuff to protonmail and delete all my google accounts.
    Use instead of google proper, use protonmail instead of gmail, bitchute instead of youtube and classic IRC or instant messaging instead of jedibook.

    I'm watching the video right this moment.
    Their motive has always been, very the very start, to undermine the political system of the United States and usher in globalism/technocratic communism.
    They literally are a trojan horse of the 21st century.
    They literally use their services and technology to spy on you, log everything you do and say and use that information to learn how to manipulate and control you.
    They do all of this evil with a smile, portraying themselves as the good side, when in reality they are no different from any corrupt system of the past.
    They are literal fascists and you better bet your ass that if they ever came into true power things would be wayyyyy worse.
    China's Sesame/social credit system would be coming here, you absolutely better bet your asshole that they will use that on you because if they got their way there would be no United States, there would be their one world and one government with their surveillance system implemented world-wide.

    My phone's service ran out just recently and I swear from here on out, I will never use another smartphone or any new tech product as long as it's connected to the googleplex surveillance apparatus.

    This is real and this is war
    This isn't just about ethnicity, race and creed, this is about freedom vs technocratic slavery everyone, man, woman, child and handsome and well tanned individual should work together to resist and destroy this evil.
  2. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
  3. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock youre not living in the right hotels.

    Not everyone can afford to live in a hotel that costs $500 a night
  4. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2.0 - The GMO Reckoning Yeah I agree tbh, any system where you can work full time and still be poor isn't one you should buy into.

    Capitalism is slavery and there is absolutely no way you can get passed that.
    It's an incredibly corrupt and primitive system, I'm surprised it's been going on this long.
    I wonder what will replace it, and no it won't be communism.
  5. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS lol for all the animosity between us, PHM is right about food banks and stuff. Why spend that money on food if your income is low enough that you can rely on social safety nets? It's pretty much the only way a poor person can have a life beyond the joyless grind of eating, sleeping, commuting, and working. If you can avoid spending all your money on necessities so you can actually enjoy your life… more power to you.

    I only go to a food bank when I'm in absolute need.
    Ever since I had a job I've been paying for my food, unlike niggers who work two days at a walmart and still expect the white man to take care of them like a child.
    I just ate some chicken salad samwhiches and spicy pickles from the gas station btw, pretty good stuff.
  6. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo I b weighin my IQ on dat triple beam

    I'm the most intelligent person on this forum
    Also IQ and the desire to socialize are not connected, neither is being "angsty".
  7. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra why do you even pretend to care about the future of society if you plan on completely receding into VR

    somebody's gotta keep the machine outside running
  8. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    More like a bleeding anus liberal from San Francisco
  9. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut

    10/10 post
  10. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    The 'gov isn't building the wall to keep handsome and well tanned individuals out and keep the US pure racially, that's just bread crumbs left for the masses to eat it.
    The real reason they're building the wall is to prepare for future war against armies coming from the south.
    Canada will be easy to destroy/take over since they're overloaded with chinks, but an autonomous south american/handsome and well tanned individual army would pose a bigger threat to the security of the US.
  11. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Was somebody using some kind of technology to direct my dreams and try to recruit me for some type of secret society or what?
  12. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    So I just had the most bizarre dream ...
    I just woke up and had to come inside because it was getting too hot out in the car, but anyways, as soon as I woke up from this dream I was really shaken up.
    First off, this dream came about from another dream (sometimes my different dreams blur into each other like scenes in a movie) where I was at some restaurant and later on during that dream I was in a backroom listening to Muslimgauze then some handsome and well tanned individuals entered the room and later on I was in an SUV with some of them, listening to rap music and driving through my subconscious mind's poorly recreated southern California.
    Anyways, I asked the car where there was a record store that was selling Muslimgauze records but it couldn't find any, also we almost ran a red light because the turd in the driver's seat wasn't doing any driving and I was too late to hit on the breaks.
    Then suddenly I'm told to follow this car driving on a white line on this hill, adjacent to other lines, which were all train tracks and then suddenly there are these little cars on them and it's like I'm in a video game staring at a tiny little town.
    As I'm following the train I'm getting the impression that this has something to do with the government and the train is following a path to a secret military base (maybe a DUMB "deep underground military base").
    Then suddenly this man speaks to me about something along the lines of "Three marks, three *something* (I forget), three pennies".
    So later in the dream, and this part was probably inspired by the heat inside the car I was sleeping in, I was sitting there trying to air off and this furry just out of the blue enters the car and tries to talk to me, obviously I freaked out and yelled at him to leave then I ran out and was in a frenzy trying to find someplace with air conditioning and this one building I happened to enter had three people in it, a man, woman and teenage girl.
    I started telling them about the mark thing I heard in my head and the man tried correcting me and made this [hand sign

    but somehow asking angered him so he was going to throw some scissors at me so I ran away, running through a neighborhood and over a fence until I saw another SUV with a woman inside wearing a white rabbit masquerade mask who said she would help me .... then I woke up ...
  13. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box yupp

    oh wait, I'm kinda drunk and didn't really look at the headline. Inside of a blackhole? I thought the idea was the even horizon was the place to be, not actually INSIDE it.

    The article talks about how the black holes within this universe connect to each other in some outer universe which is like a virtual world and within this plane of existence they're able to unlock forms of consciousness and computation not possible within this level of reality.


    To think this existence is so far out yet something like my hometown could exist, or the moments I had in my room high out of my mind masturbating to anime porn or chatting with people on a web forum called "niggas in space"
  14. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Now the REAL question:

    Assuming within a decade or so we begin to halt the aging process, and eventually within a few more decades enter full-immersion virtual reality .... will "humans" be allowed to enter these virtual worlds within black holes and live out their desired lives for as long as they wish, or is this an evolutionary path exclusive to other organisms, such as sentient A.I. etc

    I just wanna live in a full-immersion replica of my hometown circa the 1990s with my own touches
    ;-; is that so much to ask for?
  15. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box

    that's why they retreat to black holes
  16. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
  17. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie

    Anyway, i wish you were a little girl too Yume. Sadly you're not, also, please don't stare awkwardly at the lolis, only wave if they wave first. This is very important.

    Sneak a peak but don't be weird. Be watchful of when they're playing a game. For instance i was at the grocery store shopping for groceries obviously. And the store has these doors with a motion sensor right, so there was this cute little loli pretending she was opening the door for people by putting her hand in front of the motion sensor thingy. So when i saw that and all the other adults were literally pretending she didn't exist. I just walked up to the doors, looked at her, and waited for her to open it for me. It made her day, she had a big bright smile after that.

    It's a good way of making a connection, and standing out as someone special without being too weird about it.

    ^_^ kawaii!
    Little girls are so cute, I love them.
  18. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
  19. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut

  20. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS Christ, you're fucked in the head.

    pot calling the kettle black
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