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Posts by infinityshock cock stuck in lannyniggers cum saturated esophagus

  1. if god didnt intend for animals to be eaten they wouldnt be made out of meat.

  2. if god didnt intend for animals to be eaten they wouldnt be made out of meat.
  3. Originally posted by benny vader fake news.

    thats just their shill to drive tourists into their little backwater village.

    off topic post in a ser'rus topic thred. bant.

  4. Originally posted by Obbe What the hell is that??

  5. Originally posted by joerell If there was a block feature everyone could enjoy removing him from sight. He'd probably start crying or kill himself. His medications must be extreme or destined to live in a psych ward very soon.

    i would pay to be a fly on the wall when lanny sees his pet threat and blows a gasket...

  6. if god didnt intend for animals to be eaten they wouldnt be made out of meat.
  7. Originally posted by joerell If there was a block feature everyone could enjoy removing him from sight. He'd probably start crying or kill himself. His medications must be extreme or destined to live in a psych ward very soon.

    you may suck a dick.

    carry on.

  8. if god didnt intend for animals to be eaten they wouldnt be made out of meat.
  9. this thread is now about the protein choices of other countries.

    for example.

    in several asiatic countries puppies and kittens are considered menu items.

    discuss at will.

  10. Originally posted by EllariaSand

    No meat tho


  11. Originally posted by xox_LJ_xox I find this semi-endearing in an odd sorta way. Lmao


    probably bordering on sexual harassment.

    if that were even a thing.

    which it isnt, obviously, considering ive literally offered to sodomize Bill Krozby on several occasions.

    i knew i should have picked up a movie while i was out today...
  12. Originally posted by xox_LJ_xox I say this with peace and love….You may have the award for a tantrum. Lol :P

    he is a little bitch. thats all hes good at

    im up to a ten-week ban...and lanny hasnt even discovered my latest shit-spamming.

    i cant wait to see whats next for his menstruation tantrum.
  13. Originally posted by joerell I was talking about you idiot.

    no you werent

  14. Originally posted by RisiR † This isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. You won't be able to keep this up and run through the tape.

    reverse psychology wont work, untermensch.

    you dont dictate the terms. i do.

    youve already clearly demonstrated your ineptitude as well as your inability to make even the most mundane situational assessment.

    nor am i going to advertise anything to you...much less telegraph my moves.

    now stfu and go have your mummy change your diaper. youre getting ripe.
  15. Originally posted by joerell Amazing how some complete morons spend their life.


    just dont be too mean to him, he might actually suicide this time.
  16. Originally posted by joerell This is why I want to marry you…LMAO.

    i want to insert my cock into your anus then blow my load and launch you into a different zip code.
  17. Originally posted by RisiR † You haven't even gotten a front page flush. Your spamming skills are on par with your overall posting.

    Very disappointing. You should try harder.

    youre pathetic and delusional. i laugh at you.

  18. Originally posted by RisiR † You sure don't, buddy. I think that's why you try so fucking hard, lol.

    Go on, try to beat the system. I guarantee you will fail. As always.

    im always hard, faggot.

    new flash: im banned. im posting.

    ive already beat it.

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