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Posts by infinityshock balls deep in lannys transverse colon

  1. Originally posted by RisiR † What the fuck, dude. Why bring that up?

  2. Originally posted by RisiR † I know you are but are you retarded?

  3. Originally posted by coolbreeze your report was deleted but not before i reported it.

  4. Originally posted by RisiR † Kill yourselves.

  5. Originally posted by RisiR † Reported.

  6. Originally posted by RisiR † Reported…

    Originally posted by infinityshock balls deep in lannys transverse colon as an interesting tidbit of trivia, unless your boyfriend can be online 24/7, i can keep this up forever.

    check out the times of my posts.

    i dont sleep.

    sukkit, nigger

  7. Originally posted by Lanny Mission statements are gay, so here's the quick and dirty of where we stand: rdfrn has apparently bit the big one (or soon will) and we need a place to shitpost. Hopefully we've learned something from the last three dead communities and this one will hang around for a little longer but every autist who has shat out some webspace has said the same thing, so you're rolling the dice here just like we all did on each site that came before. On the last three sites (rdfrn, sanc, zoklet) a lot of time and effort was spent on deciding what the rules were and how they were going to be enforced but so far no one has been hurt by overly permissive rules and three sites have died at the intersection of autism, admin burnout, and doxxing. In light of this fact I want to try something different, namely the minimal set of rules that are necessary for a forum to operate because I just don't have the energy to police a bunch of man-children on the internet. With that let's look at:

    [SIZE=26px]The Rules[/SIZE]
    1. No content which will get Lanny arrested. I'm not a fucking lawyer so I don't know what the fuck that really boils down to but we're going to play it by ear. When the cops show up at my door or I wake up with a C&D notice in my mail I'm going to be mad. When I see things which will obviously land me in jail (like child porn (the real kind)) I'll delete it.

    2. No intentionally disrupting discussion. This one is, admittedly, fuzzy. The site is here so people can have a place to talk about shit they want to talk about. If you spam incoherent shit in a thread about something technical or specific then allowing that would just be defeating the point of the site. If you call someone a faggot for making a dumb thread, well that's probably alright. Listen, it's not a clear line when shitposting in good faith becomes intentional disruption but my pledge to you, gentle posters, is that I really don't give a fuck and will alway err on the site of not doing shit.

    Isn't there a personal info rule?[SIZE=12px] No, there isn't. Reg an account under a different name or man the fuck up. Why in the fuck would I waste my free time cleaning up your fuckups in maintaining anonymity? Besides, niggers who see your PI posted on the open forums are the absolute least of your concerns if your info is out there.[/SIZE]

    What's up with the shitty layout and broken features.[SIZE=12px] Idio didn't exactly give us a ton of time to arrange alternatives. On the up side I'm a professional programmer and the first admin who's actually qualified to operate a site since Zok (and his coding skills were a bit shaky, you should look at the zb3 source some time). On the down side I'm a professional programmer and work, sometimes crazy hours. If something is fucked up open a thread about it in the support forum and it will go on the list (below) and I'll get around to it as soon as I can be fucked to burn some time.[/SIZE]

    Who are the mods/Can I be one? There are none and no. I am the only person who has elevated privileges and I have to log into a different account to get them. I was a mod on zoklet for a while and while doing that it occurred to me that the best mods didn't need to have additional privileges on the site to do well and the worst mods only abused the mod tools. You just read the rules, if enforcing them ever becomes more than a one-person job then it's obvious they've been stretched well beyond what's intended. I may appoint another admin at the point that I decide to stop participating in the site but I have no intention of having more than one person making moderator decisions at a time.

    [SIZE=26px]Site Features
    [SIZE=12px]This is really mostly just for me, to keep track of the technical things I need to do when I have time to. If you have an issue make a thread and make sure it ends up on this list. If I put it in bold (strikethrough once I get around to that…) and it still isn't fixed feel free to bitch at me.[/SIZE][/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=26px][SIZE=12px]Fix avatars[/SIZE][/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=26px][SIZE=12px]faggy "comment" feature (as distinct from replies) remove[/SIZE][/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=26px][SIZE=12px]add flora and fauna forum[/SIZE][/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=26px][SIZE=12px]back to top link at bottom of the page[/SIZE][/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=26px][SIZE=12px]add OI, DIY, and a money forum[/SIZE][/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=26px][SIZE=12px]add strikethrough[/SIZE][/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=26px][SIZE=12px]make new-topics show your own posts (read threads)[/SIZE][/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=26px][SIZE=12px]noscript compatible login[/SIZE][/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=26px][SIZE=12px]auto-subscriptions[/SIZE][/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=26px][SIZE=12px]add totse theme[/SIZE][/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=26px][SIZE=12px]thanks (likes are for fags)[/SIZE][/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=26px][SIZE=12px]add zoklet (newschool) theme[/SIZE][/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=26px][SIZE=12px]banlist (or figure out where the banlist is)[/SIZE][/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=26px][SIZE=12px][SIZE=26px][SIZE=12px]remove photo uploading[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=12px]auto-links[/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=12px][SIZE=26px][SIZE=12px]get rid of tags[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=12px][SIZE=26px][SIZE=12px]make sure move-to-top gets propagated to other themes[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=12px]making a new thread subscribes you to the forum you make it in, which is dumb[/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=12px]Hot topics bar[/SIZE]

  8. Originally posted by Lanny Yeah, it's a pretty recent TLD. Gandi, the registrar I swear by, did a giveaway of domains on post-sunrise TLDs and everyone who had been a customer for more than like a year or something got to reg domains on a randomly selected set of the new TLDs.

    I could switch us over to but I figure fantasy novel X vanity domain would be a little too much for good taste.

  9. Originally posted by Lanny I reduced the char requirement to 1 a little while ago, it wouldn't let me choose zero, presumably because shitty programming using falsy coercion but w/e, if you really want to make a fully blank post I'm sure you can find the keycode.

    No vB license on hand, downloaded a cracked version. May throw the money at jelsoft at some point but we'll see.

    As for safeguards, that's a good question, I've been thinking about the same issue. So the first thing worth saying is that I'm happy to give the site to someone else, no matter how much of a clusterfuck it is, if I decide I can't take it anymore. That doesn't offer much protection in the case of blackmailing though. I don't think I've done anything that anyone knows about that can be used to blackmail me (I've made peace with the genderfaking thing coming to light, full DGAF mode) but it's something worth considering. I've thought about distributing copies of the database at regular intervals. Passwords should be hashed securely (but it wouldn't surprise me if it was some pussy ass crypto like SHA-1, need to dig into the code) but there doesn't seem to be a way to get around PMs being made public without a BIG code change and all the caveats that come with pbkdf. I'm totally open to ideas here though, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make a clean transition feasible (ala deadmans triggers that won't let me back out in a blackmail situation) that doesn't compromise user security in the now.

    Hosting cost is $10 a month at the moment plus $7 a year for the domain or whatever. Will probably bump the hosting fairly soon but the cost is so low I have no need nor desire to defray costs via advertising or anything else.

    Yeah, going with ramnode because they're the best of the low end that I've found but they are american and DMCA compliant. Might think about moving hosting offshore if it's necessary, we'll see how it goes. Latency to Romania is kind of a pain in the ass and I'm ultimately located in the US either way so no level of opsec I'm going to put out will make US-illegal content feasible but I'm willing fight a suit if I think it's possible (based on caselaw) to win and if it comes down to something like torrents where a host ignoring US LE complaints will make it go away then I'd be willing to make the move.

    Also my whois is a funny mix of actual info and made up stuff. Again, I'm not particularly worried about being doxxed, I assume what I post here will eventually be made public anyway.

  10. Originally posted by Lanny I disagree with your opinion OP. I've gotten good milage out of my membership to the asian art museum here in SF. I'm not even particularly into asian art but they cycle stuff through there so often there's almost always at least one interesting thing to see. Plus art museums are a pretty good date. Like maybe not a first date, but second/third or beyond.

  11. Originally posted by WellHung That's extremely disturbing, young man.

  12. Originally posted by Bill Krozby god dangit bobby!

    what fucktard left your gimp box unlatched

    get back in there or you get the stick.
  13. Originally posted by xox_LJ_xox Lmao you’re insane. :P

    certifiably so
  14. Originally posted by Karen I think Lanny should see that there is definitely a place for finny here. I find it funny, but I realize most people don't.

    If nothing else, Finny is a great case study in what happens when you feed the troll. If you would have just ignored him, he would've stopped a long time ago, so as far as I'm concerned, he's your fault.

    What's rule number one of the internet?

    Don't feed the troll.

    ive clearly established the function of this site: to shit in. by the law of averages i may post a small percentage of posts that arent shitpost worthy, but that doesnt change the fact that due to lannys own actions this site has no use other than as a shit fest.
  15. Originally posted by RisiR † Reported.

    as an interesting tidbit of trivia, unless your boyfriend can be online 24/7, i can keep this up forever.

    check out the times of my posts.

    i dont sleep.

    sukkit, nigger

  16. Originally posted by RisiR † Reported.

    you go ahead and tell me how that reporting thing is working out for you there, spanky

  17. Originally posted by xox_LJ_xox Cuz I come from a crazy site where lots of dumb stuff was done throughout the years. :)

    maybe so, but that was that site, and this was this site

    you can post them. dont worry...i wont tell anyone its you
  18. Originally posted by Merlin I intern for the FBI, my current assignment is to do drugs and shitpost nights and weekends.


  19. Originally posted by WellHung But im not a faggot.

    youre a faggot

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