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Posts by Glokula's Homabla

  1. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    they're retarded fucks with no personality that only have the value of a hole to stick a dick in. an ugly woman has absolutely no value at all, which is why they have to waste so much money on makeup to cover up their flaws because its the only chance of anyone ever giving a shit about them. i want to walk up to some fat feminist bitch with green hair and stab her 50 times in a row because that's what she deserves. honestly, women are worthless, and this should be continually reinforced on them until it is fully internalized. the only way for them to know they're about as important as dogs is to humiliate them. make them eat shit, puke on each other, stuff their head in the toilet, lick the floor, get fucked by animals, genital mutilation, cover them in bugs, etc.
  2. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Glokula's Homabla there should be a show called "The Biggest Poser" starring OP
  3. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    how many double doubles to fill the void your dead father left inside you(r anus)

    low IQ faggot
  4. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL Gonna use this every time someone comes to me with a problem.

    you wear a fedora
  5. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    flinko! flinko! flinko!

  6. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Glokula's Homabla there should be a show called "The Biggest Poser" starring OP
  7. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    there should be a show called "The Biggest Poser" starring OP
  8. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    see lanny really is a smart guy!
  9. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
  10. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    post your favorite videos of girls eating shit in this thread
  11. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    tfw when you think mixing baby laxative and crushed up tylenol pm together is marketing genius
  12. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    I sent this to the FBI with your IP address

  13. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    the lack of coherency reads like a paint victim
  14. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    from being insecure
  15. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    imagine being such a loser that your whole self-image depends on a mental disorder
  16. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    zanick the eunuch

    hts the proto-suicide
  17. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    did you self-diagnose yourself too? now you're so cool
  18. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    op is so edgy
  19. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist well the first rule to being successful selling bash is to closely guard your recipe and don't tell any fucking idiots because its only costing about £40 to make a kilo and it then sells for 10 times that. you especially mustn't tell those types of little idiots who literally live for telling all their other little dimlo pals anything they can to show them how big/clever/grown up/cool/gangsta they are. because those sorts of idiots will mostly think 'oh that's so cool i'm gonna do that too' and then not only do they start doing it, but they show off to all their divvy little pals about it too. and then they start doing it and they also go telling all their divvy little mates too. and they start doing it and telling all their muggy little pals too. before you know it you got idiots everywhere making the stuff and there's so much around that you're lucky if you can make even a 10% mark up on the stuff. so obviously i can't tell you how to make it sploo, ya get me fam?


    shut up faggot i could just use sugar or baking soda. im totally gonna harm your business on the other side of the planet you invalid paint huffer with fetal alcohol syndrome
  20. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    whenever someone brings up graphs and statistics when talking about race i assume they're autistic
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