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Posts by coolbreeze

  1. coolbreeze Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you've already created the drama by bringing up the post so just post it dummy

    be cool bro. i have been in your corner since i got here. many more are silently cheer yo ass on. don't fuck up anymore or yo ass will lose us all
  2. coolbreeze Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by CandyRein Well ok, I guess that seems harmless… but I still rather just send it..
    Seems kinda drama llama'ish to post in open forums lol

    DO IT because...

    and STFU get naked for me Starr inbox if you are CHICKEN lmao
  3. coolbreeze Tuskegee Airman
    any polar bears or koala's melt me heart...fuckers are too damn cute and shit. just NONE of you tell anyone that to your friends or family. DON'T need that kind of exposure online. Ya feel me?
  4. coolbreeze Tuskegee Airman
    Hmm to trust the Spectral or not to trust him? hmm what if its a she? hmm. Works for the Company? behind every cover up and big time official big news killing the last 50 or so years. Hmm i am watching you carefully...and I suspect it does scare you. Hmm

    J/K of course
  5. coolbreeze Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by xox_LJ_xox As good as it’s gonna get lol I’m kinda diggin’ my clock. 😂😝

    oops forgot about this. awesome pic. now you are fully ready for a NIS gang bang
  6. coolbreeze Tuskegee Airman
    lmao. all the same family the online equivalent of the texas chainsaw family the sawyers
  7. coolbreeze Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Any time a famous person is found dead in a hotel there is a 99.9% chance it was a murder setup to look like a suicide. The feds, the Mafia and Hollywood have control of all the hotels and their staff, and consequently, they have keys and access codes for every single room.

    i will scare YOU as much as this nigga above and fuck yo ass up if you don't share what you smoking.
  8. coolbreeze Tuskegee Airman
    probably just korbyn or pink...or both since they fuck each other day and night

    maybe even the same person who knows?
  9. coolbreeze Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Any time a famous person is found dead in a hotel there is a 99.9% chance it was a murder setup to look like a suicide. The feds, the Mafia and Hollywood have control of all the hotels and their staff, and consequently, they have keys and access codes for every single room.

    what the fuck yo ass smoking son? i want some bro. hook me or stfu post your worthless geriatric fuckstain nudes so i can have a few laughs and jack off to them
  10. coolbreeze Tuskegee Airman
    just some good ol whisky for breakfast, probably lunch too, and for dinner i might have to make another liquor store run idk yet lol

    good times
  11. coolbreeze Tuskegee Airman
    can i sleep on your couch tonight bro? maybe order up some kfc for me too? oh i haven't showered in like a month or two so if you smell a skunk frequently its just me. oh get me some m & m's all the varities i don't discriminate, uhmm pork grinds, and hell throw is some spicy sausage. oh some peacan pie for dessert. i promise i won't make a mess bro
  12. coolbreeze Tuskegee Airman
    fuck his ghost is haunting us by making us these pointless fucking threads

    he has infinityshock in him
  13. coolbreeze Tuskegee Airman
    unless your tits have neon like lights, its probably the radio

    or perhaps something from beyond is following OMFG!!! you're DOOMED Star. Doomed.
  14. coolbreeze Tuskegee Airman
    i think each of us should get to have his "job" so to speak for a week...til this site dies forever.

    he can have a subforum for himself so he can poke and whatever the fuck we want to him

  15. coolbreeze Tuskegee Airman
    damn right i am and will give you the herpes, aids, and ebola all in one fuck
  16. coolbreeze Tuskegee Airman
    i prefer pissing and shitting over the roof onto lil kids going to school or ol grannies walking their walkers

    its google for a lil giggle

    so long as no off duty cops get it i'm usually alright
  17. coolbreeze Tuskegee Airman
    absolutely heart wrenching...
  18. coolbreeze Tuskegee Airman
    mengele all the way
  19. coolbreeze Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by aldra what the fuck did you just call me

    he called you a worthless third world poser posing as a nsi poster. i understand his cryptic language its not so foreign
  20. coolbreeze Tuskegee Airman
    clearly you have problems with your homosexuality but i'm willing to wait honey
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