How did you manage to get your panties all wadded up?
Slam on the emergency brake (no brake lights) then retire after the lawsuit is settled.
Well fuck! Guess we are one big happy family now..ugh!
Planes, Trains ans Automobiles is about getting home for the holidays, you will laugh your ass off, a lot of top dollar characters in the movie.
Faggots will do anything for a buck and a BJ...SMDH!
Steve Martin and John Candy! You have to see it! Classic!
Again? Well I guess I have my go to's. If I ever come across Planes, Trains and Automobiles...I got to watch!
2018-06-03 at 2:36 AM UTC
A lesson on free speech
Don't hate me, hate the truth!
2018-06-03 at 2:35 AM UTC
Govenor Bush, No One Cares!
Like him or not Trump won! He is kicking ass! I held my nose voting for him but the alternative was nasty!
2018-06-03 at 2:20 AM UTC
A lesson on free speech
Everybody knows they have the right to "free speech" granted to each of us as citizens of the United States, written into the Constitution. But do you really know what it means? Sadly I doubt it if you graduated from most public schools in the U.S. I am not going to quote the entire first amendment that grants you the right to "free speech" because there is more to the amendment. The first amendment states that "Congress shall make no law...abridging the right to free speech.."
The end! So "Congress" shall make no law. Congress alone is mentioned in the amendment. Not NIS, not Zacola, not any website or corporation or anywhere is mentioned in the first amendment. There ARE consequences for that which you speak.
So if you (oompha loompha) think you have "free speech" on a website, think again. You don't!
2018-06-03 at 1:58 AM UTC
Well cash in then! It better be upwards og 100K though. Stormy? Is that you?
2018-06-03 at 1:55 AM UTC
Karma is a bitch! Be careful.
2018-06-03 at 1:40 AM UTC
my story
Questions? No. But you came to the right place for help! SMDH!
WTF you babbling about nigga?
You already did with your avatar..
2018-06-03 at 1:19 AM UTC
ATTN: Residents of California
Fuck I wish Cali would fall off into the Pacific. I would sacrifice my brother for the good of the country.
Well hell! This shit got off topic while I was out living life..It's not uncommon though for shitholes like this.