African Astronaut
[unalterably regard the persecutor]
Originally posted by POLECAT
I have to agree with fat girl,, you GUYS kinda suck, I mean I used to post 100 to 1000 posts a day and laugh all motherfucking day on the internet, see sexy and non sexy pic's of attention whores, fight with morons,, flirt with women , fight with women,, tell save a hoes how much they really suck and all kinds of other stuff tht was entertaining,, here its kill myself and do drugs and make dumb shit up to post bout stupid fucking dhit,, dont get me wrong some of you people re cool but then you go and start using an alt and hiding,, I'm not here to get to know you sad fucks enough to be able to tell who the fuck you are today or next week.
and when a funny sort of thread does get started you cocksuckers either quit posting in it or you burry it 437 pages down the fucking list.
dhr's were, are a fucked up bunch of assholes but at least we could have a good time and be diverse in our humor and entertainment
Awww, look who's missing Dh, after coming here, and kissing everybody's ass, till you finally started getting a clue.. You're a real class act, Poley..
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African Astronaut
[the overexcited four-footed chanar]
Lel, the last [and only??] time I encountered a nazi flag the person apologized to me for it
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POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret
[my presentably immunised ammonification]
nuthin,, I'm just feelin ornery
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The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
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2018-09-30 at 11:08 AM UTC
Kavanaugh to be Impeached
Originally posted by HTS
I give up. What's it all about? 😋
It's about the Dems trying to save themselves from a military tribunal for treason.
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Originally posted by cupocheer
Nope – one may be afflicted with a communicable STD and never communicate that disease to another.
It pains you to be wrong at times, doesn't it?
SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED disease... (dumbass again mmq before you ask)
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Originally posted by cupocheer
I have never gone into a social establishment by myself – ever.
Then I suggest you put your big girl pants on and do it.
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Originally posted by -mal-
I don’t understand you DHers at all.
Old and bitter, that pretty much explains everything.
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Originally posted by cupocheer
Thank you, dea.r.
You bitch about what I highlighted like I give a fuck whether you think I highlighted it as an error or not just like a whiney-assed pushy bitch would be expected to do.
You're quite welcome.
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You highlight that like it's an error Cup...it's not.
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Have you considered going out to a social gathering spot...say a bar or coffee shop and engaging humans in conversation face to face?
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Heather IS NOT here cupocrap.
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Originally posted by -mal-
Sure loogs. If that’s you and not Bill Krozby. But I’m pretty sure it’s not Bill Krozby.
You spelt
wrong babe. You still got my number though? If you want my fat 12inch cock inside you again you know what number to call ;)
Also I've been working out, all about the fitness these days darling.
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2018-09-26 at 1:43 AM UTC
Ban all schizophrenic users
Ban them. It's for their own good. They clearly can't handle space.
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[the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
Was funny that time zok made the no-PI rule, but then let his little circlejerk spread PI without consequence, and then I social engineered and manipulated them all into getting themselves banned for it on their own rule in the end. Goood times. It is sooo good to hear it.
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Originally posted by cupocheer
I thought about being a dade and cruise schoolyards in a fancy van with observation Windows and snazzy curtains and lots of polished chrome while an exterior audio system played "Wheels On The Bus".
You aren't funny.
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Originally posted by cupocheer
How utterly queer of you to think that utterly queer of me like you hold a degree on diagnosing queer chit and stuff of a queer nature.
I am indeed adapt at spotting queer things, i get used to 'normal' to fast.
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Originally posted by cupocheer
I thought about being a dade and cruise schoolyards in a fancy van with observation Windows and snazzy curtains and lots of polished chrome while an exterior audio system played "Wheels On The Bus".
How utterly queer of you.
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The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
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2018-09-24 at 11:27 PM UTC
FEAR: Trump in the White House
Originally posted by cupocheer
I see the republicans in D.C. getting mighty jittery.
You're delusional and misinformed.
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