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Thanked Posts by larrylegend8383

  1. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    On a serious note, I hope all of you guys find happiness. Genuinely mean that. Everyone is dealing with demons. Wish every one of you all success this year.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Trip and fall on your blade faggot
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  3. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    The fact that it took awhile to get you to come clean shouldn't hamper your ability to do your job in a timely manner. Now snap to it, biggun.
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  4. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    My negro you believe Jesus was an alien who is at war with alien Satan.

    How in the hell am I supposed to discuss facts with you?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Your brain is dusty.

    Admit you're a grown ass man who supports another grown ass man threatening war on twitter like a 13 year old who had his lunch money stolen.
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  6. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    ^ extra dumb
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  7. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Will God let you into heaven if you stole protein powder from KMart? Asking for a guy at the gym.
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  8. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Fona post videos with Chell using facial blur technology so she feels at ease.
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  9. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Speaking of the swamp, Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, has just "apologized" for being the one who leaked privileged Executive Branch internal information to the media in 2016 in order to interfere in the 2016 election in favor of Hillary Clinton. When investigators at the time asked him about the leak, he stated he knew nothing about it, and even went so far as to set up an investigation team that worked long hours into the night over several weeks to look into the source of the leak, when he now admits that he himself was the source of the leak. He's been referred by the Inspector General's Office for prosecution, yet they allow him a free walk, because he's a Democrat. But Roger Stone, a Republican, who also allegedly lied to investigators, had a SWAT team with CNN in tow, barge into his home at 5:30am and terrify his wife and dog and hauled him off to jail. No Democrat deep state there, eh? But don't worry. You'll lose, in the end.

    Lol damn Spectral. The USA today was reporting on McCabe leaking information back in September. It's not a revelation. And the leak he was responsible for was information to the Wall Street Journal that confirmed the FBI was investigating the Clinton Foundation in Oct of 16.

    How in the fuck was that leak meant to help Ol Hill dawg in the election? You're one of those dishonest retards that you like to talk about.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    You guys do realize that "The Biden Thing" was part of international pressure to remove a prosecutor for NOT prosecuting corruption, right?

    Shokin was a holdover from Yanukovych's administration and wouldn't prosecute corruption cases despite people with the Ukrainian Procurator General's office resigning in protest over INACTION.

    How was it a personal favor to Biden when the US government wanted the prosecutor removed for not prosecuting???
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  12. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Got these conservatives rankled more than the christian right after an episode of Meet the Press with Chuck Todd
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  13. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Where can I buy a shotgun I buy a shotgun without running into an FBI agent

    Look at this glitch in the matrix. Folks, he is in fact an FBI influencer.
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  14. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by iam_asiam68 nah, but this site cracked me up when i first got here due to the name.
    when i served, i was a racist fuck anyways then.
    i spent 2 years in a high max facility holding 1800 inmates broken down into 4 blocks with 48 man 6 pods.
    the police thought it would be stick me with a shit load of brothers and messicans and me being 1 of 3 whites.
    that first night is when they do their best to scare you.
    the doors were locked down at 11 pm and the lights were set to dim when all the locals began hollaring and jumping on their bunks and banging the walls trying to scare us white.
    1 guy did tap out by getting on the com and crying for help hahahaha
    when the guards removed him and locked us back down, they tried that same shit again.
    the first time i just stayed in my bunk and watched.
    second time, i slammed the biggest nigger into the wall and began bashing that bitches head into the cement block walled.
    by time the guards got in there, that dude was out like ready for a body bag.
    as they forced dragged me to solitary, i yelled, ill be back you mother fuckers.

    of course, after solitary, they kept me near the more controlled areas where it was 2 man cells and 24 hour watch.

    prison was good to me <3

    Was Wariat one of those other white guys?
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  15. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged

    The deficit has ballooned under Trump. What happens when you run at a higher deficit?

    An increased deficit is normal during economic downturns. Like say in the aftermath of a recession. That's not at all what is going on right now. Why is that?
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  16. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL More like shut your lying, commie mouth.

    Na bro I'm scared of the reptilian god people that visit your canadian bacon log cabin during trapping season.
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  17. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by 🐿 Well call me a faggot.

    You're a perfect little anal whore is what you are
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  18. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Don't let em sully the good name of the father, Iam. COME ON MAN TEACH THEM
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  19. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Done dropped a bucket in the pig pen watch em go
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  20. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    I appreciate your videos Fona. Post more.
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