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Posts That Were Thanked by CandyRein
2024-10-23 at 6:08 PM UTC in Random image thread
2024-10-23 at 3:57 PM UTC in This Sunay's Confession
2024-10-23 at 1:19 PM UTC in This Sunay's ConfessionThis thread was started as a confession thread to the Lord and you 'people' turned into a smutty fuck fest. I hope you're proud and enjoy yourselves.
Here's a song you can fuck to.
2024-10-23 at 11:03 AM UTC in It's a celebration 💐🎉It's my birthday today 🎁🎉
Hope everyone has a great day! Mine is going to be like any other day, really -
2024-10-23 at 8:18 AM UTC in This Sunay's Confession
2024-10-23 at 7:30 AM UTC in 🍬🍬Candy~Land🍬🍬Howdiddy I miss all this thread action!!
Originally posted by CandyRein
Amen ♥️ 🙏🏽
Originally posted by CandyRein I just dumped my new boyfriend yall I saw him doing some coke …I can’t have that in my life …
I’m back with Butt…
How’d I miss ^^^ all this?
* I kinda get mixed up between this & the Sunday confession thread cuz… didn’t even know/ realized you weren’t with the same bf… lol
* hmmm… thinkn’ I’ve gotta go back & read. As Pulp Fiction’s, MIA, would say, I’ve got to “Ketchup”!!!
*grabbing me some popcorn to snack on. 😊 -
2024-10-23 at 4:32 AM UTC in 🍬🍬Candy~Land🍬🍬n lonely
2024-10-23 at 1:37 AM UTC in This Sunay's ConfessionBlacky McBlacky
2024-10-23 at 1:14 AM UTC in This Sunay's ConfessionBlacky Chan
2024-10-22 at 6:38 PM UTC in 🍬🍬Candy~Land🍬🍬I'd hang out in the woods with u
2024-10-22 at 6:34 PM UTC in This Sunay's Confession
2024-10-22 at 6:21 PM UTC in What are you doing at the moment
2024-10-22 at 5:58 PM UTC in Someone gave me half a pizza today!!!Folks he said "Hey u want this?" and I felt so excited, I said yes sir and he gave me half a papa john's pizza. Part of me though, this is kinda strange I wonder if it's FUCKED but the person who gave it to me appeared to bea 20 year old male with athletic clothing (like name brand stuff on)
I figured a young man with some money surely would not poison a random old man on the college campus. So I proceeded to eat 4 delicious pieces of pepperoni pizza.
Thank you for coming to my discussion regarding my half a free pizza
2024-10-22 at 5:25 PM UTC in 🍬🍬Candy~Land🍬🍬Not exclusively bitches, but if I tell you I dreamed about you it's a good idea to be extra nice for at least a day or two.
2024-10-22 at 2:11 PM UTC in This Sunay's ConfessionBradley, how many toupees do you have?
2024-10-22 at 2:10 PM UTC in This Sunay's Confession
2024-10-22 at 2:06 PM UTC in This Sunay's ConfessionSooo... a policeman, a bodybuilder, a pool cleaner, and a milk man?
2024-10-22 at 2:03 PM UTC in This Sunay's Confession
2024-10-22 at 1:15 PM UTC in 🍬🍬Candy~Land🍬🍬I also had a dream about you but I did not wake up.
Is this a dream, Tara? -
2024-10-22 at 3:27 AM UTC in This Sunay's Confession