2019-03-05 at 3:47 AM UTC
Holy shithole
Lol@ long mad paragraph
Diary of a mad fat fagg
2019-03-05 at 3:46 AM UTC
Holy shithole
I consider this interaction charity work and a donation to the needy & attention starved.. it’s a tax write off
2 nights in a row huh..😂
So you wanna make me roasting your obese enchilada clogged artery azz a routine?
2019-03-05 at 3:41 AM UTC
Holy shithole
Right , right.. but what I’m trying to figure out is... who gives af tho..
Didn’t read no juan care :/
2019-03-05 at 3:25 AM UTC
Holy shithole
GGG enjoyed callin me racial slurs and more so enjoyed me not calling him any in retaliation
Now he feels some type of way 😭
Ohh no!
Your avatar is a false flag.. gays are happy and attractive
2019-03-05 at 3:20 AM UTC
Holy shithole
Things a Fat Mexican greasy bean farting borrito would say?
The fat faggette Mexican one?
12 hours down less than one to go 😃
2019-03-05 at 1:03 AM UTC
Holy shithole
Yeah... things are gonna change around here.. no more Tara taking chit from you bitches
2019-03-04 at 11:16 PM UTC
Holy shithole
I’m roasting tf outta you faggs from now on.. ❤️
2019-03-04 at 11:15 PM UTC
Holy shithole
Bitch fuck off.. I’m done playing nice with you loser faggs
You’re a fat spic §m£ÂgØL.. you and Kr0z look like the number 10 side by side LOL
2019-03-04 at 10:33 PM UTC
Holy shithole
I’m no alt bitch.. but you are a disgusting spic
Go fake another kids death lowlife
Having lunch on break... bout 3 and a half hours left and my 13 hours are done for today
2019-03-04 at 10:15 PM UTC
Holy shithole
Be mad at yourself for saying your child died and she’s alive ..you loser