Frikn ready for lunch I’m craving tacos like a son of a gunn ..
Well that’s a dilly of a pickle m8!
I’ll have to agree to disagree with you pimpin
My heart is what separates me from the pack.. and I like it like that 🤗
I typed a long thesis type response and then I took a toke and I said..
Why am I explaining myself.. lol
It all boils down to this, the heart wants what the heart wants
That should cover everything
And you know I love ya crazy azz 😋
2019-06-27 at 1:18 AM UTC
Hurt people hurt people
I’m sorry you’re hurting §m£ÂgØL
2019-06-27 at 1:14 AM UTC
Hurt people hurt people
Someone is lonely and on the ass ragg
Smile, Hector.. you’ll find love one day and won’t have to follow me around lol
Assad ~ I’m thankful I have no niggers in my life
Assad~ Desperately jumps into conversations to interact with nigger
2019-06-27 at 12:57 AM UTC
things you are thankful for
You are extremely predictable Assad.. you post under me wanting my attention often
You long for it..I don’t blame you Assad
I’m thankful for you, Assad
And the quicky mart
2019-06-27 at 12:56 AM UTC
things you are thankful for
I’m thankful I don’t have to quote people who I don’t even interact with because they insulted someone who I like ..who doesn’t share those feelings 😋❤️
2019-06-27 at 12:51 AM UTC
things you are thankful for
Assad, my name is Tara.. why are you wanting my attention ?
I am merely participating in the thread.. why must you tug at my coat tails lol
You want this nigger in your life?😂😋
2019-06-27 at 12:47 AM UTC
Hurt people hurt people
To answer the Op
Misery loves company
It is what it is 😋
2019-06-27 at 12:39 AM UTC
things you are thankful for
Why are you typing my name , Assad?
2019-06-27 at 12:27 AM UTC
things you are thankful for
I already kinda hinted at that but I don’t need another thread about us so I just left it open to imagination
2019-06-26 at 11:57 PM UTC
things you are thankful for
I’m thankful for peace and joy
I’m thankful for the trials and tribulations I lived through..that’s shaped me into a loving yet strong individual
I’m thankful for my home and all my material possessions
But more thankful that I realize that’s not what brings genuine happiness to me .. it’s the people who love me.. and care for me
And I’m thankful for them a great deal
I’m thankful I can sing.. singing has always been everything to me
I’m thankful I can dance, it makes me really happy
I’m thankful for the people who believed in me
I’m thankful for the people who doubted me, they make great footstools after a long successful day ❤️
2019-06-26 at 9:59 PM UTC
things you are thankful for
I’m thankful.. I’m about to leave work , go home and get high with an awesome person
More in depth thanks coming soon 🙏🏽