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Posts by CandyRein

  1. CandyRein Black Hole


  2. CandyRein Black Hole
    I love you too πŸ’–

    I really would do a dance off rn
    pop lock and drop it too πŸ’–πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‹
  3. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by RisiR † I had a Super Nintendo, though.

    Ditto 😊
  4. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by RisiR † Creep Crawler Workshop was the shit but I always wanted to get this DIY candle making kit but for some reason never got it.

    Probably because I'm a bit of a pyromaniac.

    I also have a fascination with pyro
    I’ll stare at a bonfire for hours especially if I’m high πŸ˜‹
  5. CandyRein Black Hole
    Like extremely energetic for some reason, I need to use this energy for something productive

    Wish I could just walk up to someone and challenge them to a dance off but I think that went out of style in the 80’s :/

    Maybe I can bring it back!

    Wish me luck!
  6. CandyRein Black Hole
  7. CandyRein Black Hole
    The Glo!
    You feel the magic in your soul
    It’s the power of elevation 🎢

    The Glo has been inside of you the whole time ..❀️


    *moonwalks out thread*
    *bumps into wall*
    Oh chit my bad fam

    *continues moonwalking out*
  8. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny *swings whip*
    *quivers in fear*

    Benny, you strong like Rambo, look like hero but your brain just like potato

  9. CandyRein Black Hole
    I liked the skull goopy head πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    That was a good one , classic even
  10. CandyRein Black Hole
    Mash, with much flyness comes much hatred

    It’s a cross I’m happy to bare


    I saw before your edit..
    Carry on 😁
  11. CandyRein Black Hole
    I actually do remember that.. but I’d rather remember this
    My cousins used to chase me with these creepy crawlers.. it was like an easy-bake oven but for boys and you couldn’t eat the insects you made unlike my easy-bake oven that made delicious light bulb treats

  12. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Lol. Love that song.

  13. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by mashlehash

    Can you see the negro?

    If they see me, it’s gonna be like this πŸ™‚

  14. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by mikeyagain

    Maybe this will help…😊

    Welp, there goes the last lingering thread of my heterosexuality


    Guess I’ll go buy some timberland boots and fitted caps

    Thanks Mikey
  15. CandyRein Black Hole
    It’s gonna be swishers and hott Cocoa
    On my way out now πŸ˜‡
  16. CandyRein Black Hole
    Good morning, Tech Babe 😍
    All is well thank you hope your holiday was splendid darling ❀️
  17. CandyRein Black Hole
    Benny, how about you find someone who wants to talk to you to talk to lol
  18. CandyRein Black Hole

    So beautiful when the fam gathers, I tell you what πŸ˜‹β€οΈ
  19. CandyRein Black Hole
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    I’m glad he didn’t kill him either, LaLa πŸ˜‚
  20. CandyRein Black Hole
    Chillin with my niece and nephew, watching... β€œ The Last Dragon”
    Because I gotta show these youngins what classic cinematography is all about

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