2019-11-09 at 12:48 PM UTC
Is halloween for retards?
I’m prescribing you a laxative, if you think I’m gonna be humble to someone whom I say nothing to..
who has my pics without consent and is now randomly talking chit to me like I’m his bish or something ...
Take your lax and let that chit go
Lmao@ anti uppity 😋
Well...it’s about that time...I can start my weekend in 15 minutes!
2019-11-08 at 7:29 PM UTC
Is halloween for retards?
I did not dress up as a deer .. I have no idea why your drunk weird azz keeps saying that lol
2019-11-08 at 7:28 PM UTC
Is halloween for retards?
Not at all..
Kr0z has the gift that keeps on giving but I’m not tryna get gifted that lol
2019-11-08 at 7:21 PM UTC
Is halloween for retards?
Calling someone a retard with an empty quote
Case closed
And back to the op.. yes Op Halloween is for retards.. that’s why you’re thinking about it still in November
2019-11-08 at 7:01 PM UTC
Is halloween for retards?
You’re so butthurt...lmao
Leave me alone!
Shut up fagg
2019-11-08 at 6:58 PM UTC
Is halloween for retards?
I’m never on a high horse .. you talk chit you get talked chit right back to..
You gonna play victim now?
2019-11-08 at 6:56 PM UTC
Is halloween for retards?
Like that means anything...you only made this thread as a salty lowkey jab at me ..which is why you randomly brought me up talking chit about deers...lol
which makes me part owner ...you walking dildo..
2019-11-08 at 6:50 PM UTC
Is halloween for retards?
I don’t know what you mean really but I like South Park .. and I watched it long before Youtube was even popping
2019-11-08 at 6:48 PM UTC
Is halloween for retards?
I was watching the video, ...you should’ve never brought me up