2019-11-21 at 11:55 PM UTC
Random Thoughts
Hell I forgot I had an arson case to write closing arguments for..
I couldn’t sleep 10 hrs if I wanted to.. Realistically I don’t think I can sleep a full 8 hours ..I usually function on about 4-6 And if I take a nap I definitely won’t sleep the rest of the day/night Ot About to go get some wood From my friend in a few... Firewood...
2019-11-21 at 1:26 PM UTC
Your thoughts at the moment
Everyone in that video has a great butt! 😋 Ot *clocks out*VIDEO *falsetto* 🎵 And I just got to be free Freee Freeeeee!❤️ And I have to be me Meee Meeeeeee!❤️ 🎵
Finishing up the last of my charting :)
I didn’t look at it really ..I felt weird Don’t call me a noob!
Well.. you have fun with that I need to get a little more rest but before I do that... I’m about to feed starving children over seas...with donations from your debit card 💳 I’ll send you the thank you letters Enjoy your night
You definitely, look cool right now ... And I’m glad you don’t hate it here anymore ..my lil bipolar self hating emotional roller coaster So does that mean you don’t wanna stick it to whitey anymore? Lol
Why are you deflecting from your statements and my question Are you cool now? Lol
2019-11-21 at 3:21 AM UTC
black women are pretty cool
I’m gonna find you guys some women of your caliber... This is one..VIDEO
Are you impressing your friends with this and looking “cool” now again? Lol
2019-11-21 at 3:12 AM UTC
black women are pretty cool
Mmm fuq! 😍he lives with his mom and is socially retarded plus he does crack and drinks 40s Omg what a heartthrob stfu clowntergeist
Remember you kept sending the picture of you with your “old lady” (the one that’s locked up..)because I said you look sad af In it And you kept sending it over and over 😂🤣 Lmao @ the misery in your face Misery loves company Byeee😏
It’s just a lil cat nap before work I go in at 11