Mannn.. I’m starting to get in my feelings 😋😇 There was a time! You HAD to know how to sing to be a singer.. There was no cult internet following to make you famous
You had to network You had to rub shoulders with people .. You had to actually know how to sing ...
That’s why these artists nowadays aren’t humble because they didn’t to struggle to make it to where they are now’s all about who’s popping online
Some of these people aren’t even cut out to be famous They haven’t had the training or couching to be in the industry
That’s why you have artists like Summer Walker who won’t even touch her fans or sit next to them in pics because of “ social anxiety”
These people made you what you are today and you can’t sit next to them in a pic backstage All the money they spent to get back there ! Wow ..
Growing up in the city I remember always having singing contest ..
It was something we always did.. there’s a lot of people who can sing in it’s very normal to be next to someone who can sing good af
All my close friends could sing and we always sang together
So one day my favorite teacher in 6th grade let my friends and I come to the front of the class to sing
So we chose this song that we loved ... As kids we never pondered the lyrics we just sang them
The song that we chose ..the lyrics were too “mature” for the teacher because she was super dramatic stopping us like ..OK !OK ! pick another song .. 😂
And we didn’t understand what the big deal was at the time lmao
I remember my brother was tryna help me parallel park one day when I went to visit in Chicago..
He said I was taking forever so he was gonna do it himself for me
So I got out the car and he tried to get in and my seat was pulled all the way to the steering wheel because that’s how I drive and he couldn’t get in really lmao
So he got in and let the seat all the way back making room for his legs
Then he says , Sis if you get into an accident you’re goin straight through the windshield Lmao it’s not my damn fault