How tf does our brain decide what it’s gonna what makes a moment so pivotal that it’s stored .. why does it pick one instance over another
I’m feeling nostalgic and I remember something that happened when I was a kid ...
My step mom and I used to watch some shows at night when I was coming up that I remembered
One was a show called Unsolved Mysterious.. it was creepy af but we loved that show..
There was one episode that a psychic had drawn out a map of her prediction of the world in a number of years I don’t remember
But I was mostly under water...the map or globe that she made out barely had any land ...
It’s just something I remember as s I’m 35 and it’s like all this climate change and rising sea levels and polar ice caps melting and highest recorded temperatures in colder areas is like
She was right.. she was real.. she kneweded this was gonna happen