I love weed... when I smoke weed it does something to my memory I’m an extremely reminiscent person by nature anyway...
I’ll randomly remember phrases my Dad would say that I’ve forgotten over the years...
One just popped in my mind almost like a message..and I believe that’s what it was ..
“Don’t help me, help the bear”
I understand what that means as an adult.. when he said it when I was a kid I never knew wtf that meant lol
Also I realize my dad used a lot of metaphors and phrases with bears lmao 💖 His birthday is tomorrow and I really miss him but I know he’s with me and always will be ...
My mom was telling me how excited my Dad was when he found out I was gonna be born so close to his birthday and hoped we shared the same day.. but pretty close at 5 days apart.. *tokes* 💖 But man..I get it.. Don’t help me..help the fuqn bear...