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Posts by RottenRobert

  1. RottenRobert African Astronaut
    Its whiteys fault that Floyd was a druggie and a criminal.

  2. RottenRobert African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo They just had Boko Haram wreck the entire northern part of the country. That's not Lagos or Kano or Abuja, your blanket racism is pretty transparent. I suspect you lack many things you desire or you wouldn't be so concerned about what people with less capability for social mobility do or don't do with themselves

    Fucking dumbass. You're dumb RottenRobert, plus you're a bitch. I bet you've been beaten up by and laughed at by people of all races and cultures your whole gay life.


    There there you can't help that you were born with a sub-Saharan IQ. Join up with your Bros & Hos burn down a few buildings and get a new pair of looted sneaker to boot!

  3. RottenRobert African Astronaut

    You would think after all these years they would develop their skills a little bit more...

    This picture is current folks.
  4. RottenRobert African Astronaut
    President Trump suggested that scientists test whether disinfectants, such as bleach, could be injected inside the human body to fight the coronavirus.

    Please Mr. Trump inject yourself with Clorox it will make you better
  5. RottenRobert African Astronaut
    So what are the odds of Trump dying from Covid-19?

    74 yrs old
    High blood pressure
    A blubbering idiot asshole
  6. RottenRobert African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai Not upcycling them into balloon animals was her first mistake.

    Probably make more money

  7. RottenRobert African Astronaut

    Vietnam Confiscates Over 300,000 Recycled Condoms for Sale
    A raid at a warehouse led to the arrest of a woman who said she had been paid by the pound to recycle the prophylactics.

    HANOI, Vietnam — The police in Vietnam have seized more than 300,000 used condoms that had been boiled, dried and put up for sale in a southern province.

    Officers who raided a warehouse in the province of Binh Duong on Saturday found the recycled condoms in bags weighing almost 800 pounds, the state-controlled Tuoi Tre newspaper reported.

    Footage broadcast by the state-owned Vietnam Television showed thousands of prophylactics spilling out of bags on the floor. It was unclear what led to the police raid, but news reports said officers had received a tip from a local resident.

    The police arrested a woman in connection with the operation, Pham Thi Thanh Ngoc, who told the authorities that she had received a monthly delivery from an unknown person and had been paid the equivalent of 17 cents for about every two pounds she recycled, local news outlets reported.

    She told the police that the condoms had been recycled through a process of boiling, drying and reshaping them using a wooden prosthesis.

  8. RottenRobert African Astronaut
    Can you get Covid-19 from a BJ while wearing a mask?
  9. RottenRobert African Astronaut
  10. RottenRobert African Astronaut
  11. RottenRobert African Astronaut
    So that means only if they get caught
  12. RottenRobert African Astronaut
    The claim

    “It’s important to note that black men commit nearly half of all murders in this country, which is astounding when you take into consideration the fact that they only make up 12-13 per cent of the population.”

    “JAMES”, 26 NOVEMBER 2014
  13. RottenRobert African Astronaut
    Floyd the criminal druggie didn't matter. Niggers that use him as a martyr down matter. Lets start lynching again
  14. RottenRobert African Astronaut
    Its go to be that sub Saharan IQ problem blacks have

  15. RottenRobert African Astronaut
    How many blacks were shot or died who were under the influence of drugs starting with Floyd.

    Mr. Floyd could not breathe because he had ingested a lethal dose of fentanyl and, possibly, a speedball. Chimpout resulted
  16. RottenRobert African Astronaut
    This MoFo gets set on fire

  17. RottenRobert African Astronaut
  18. RottenRobert African Astronaut
    Wonder if they took a rice and beans snack break between fucking this girl
  19. RottenRobert African Astronaut

    These boys pulled a train on a drunk 16 yr old girl

    The girl’s mother found a video of her daughter being sexually assaulted that one of the perpetrators had posted on Facebook.

    The mother took out her phone, recorded the video on her computer screen and sent the recording to the police.

    “That’s when the investigation really heated up,” Maj. David Lapatin of the Providence Police Department said in an interview Wednesday. “We were able to see who was there. We were able to see faces. We were able to see the actual act, of first-degree sexual assault.”

    On Wednesday, the police said the mother’s discovery of the Facebook video helped them charge eight men with sexually assaulting the 16-year-old girl after she lost consciousness at the house party Dec. 20, 2019.

    You think all seven made a deposit?
  20. RottenRobert African Astronaut
    Start the ovens
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