Originally posted by Wariat
yea but they can still find out since they scour social media or ask other people related to the company or simply look for reasons and come to conclusions or simply how would you explain it in his case? or how would he say he got laid off when say a company was clearly not laying anyone off? they could easy ask why you were laid off or keep asking him to get to the answer as well just keep asking until his lies come out like cops do.
well im not a rapist or a chomo so I don't have these problems but I created a different email address for work only so I don't have rattexex trying to bust me or look me up when its none of their business, like I don't do that to other people.
I'm glad I left the last place I was working because they were the biggest rats I've ever had to deal with ever, guy half assed manager asked me my last name, and I'm not going to lie infront of a room full of people that probably already know, but yeah they background checked me, not through a legal background company but just on their own investigative research and they couldn't fire me because of that but they definitely knew about my criminal history and made hints at it. But the literal faggot that works there got a pass because he beat up his boyfriend, while I'm not a homo and choked a woman for hitting me first. But hey its totally cool that he does it because he's a homo.
Fuck that shit.
But anyways I have a failbook account under a different name so I could spy on my daughters mom for court and to get a tinder acct to slay vaginas with my pork sword
but all this stuff about me being a pedo / rapist is total bullshit, the only people that care about that are whyte nights like §m£ÂgØL, most women actually don't care I'm the austin strangler just as long as I don't do it to the
but in all honesty I have zero remorse for what I did to that bitch, I've basically made her fall into a depression and used her for money and drugs because I figured she owed me after lying in a court of law saying she's afraid of me only because the DA pressured her to say that, and they occorstrated a huge production about it only for her to come back to me a day later saying she misses me.
And with mal too, what kind of woman joins a website where her "rapeman" post on.. it never happened her story is completely the opposite of what actually happened, she begged to comeover to my place for several years and I finally had the chance for her to comeover and we just hungout and listened to music, then I fell asleep, we both did and in the morning I ate her out and she told me to high ride her so I did, and I deleted her number.
Then she has the balls to tell me she's taking me to court and getting her bf to beat me up, So many of you idiots eat it up, like master blaster got visibly angry at me defending her saying I need to start treating women better and not rape them.
I've said if before and I'll say it again, you can't rape the willing, theres a reason why she doesn't post here anymore, I hope she actually gets for real raped and her face slashed with a knife.
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Originally posted by Ghost
yeah, literally nobody ever checks the "have you been fired before" box. They just put that on there to see how stupid you are.
Yeah, just in case people don't know (in the US) they can't legally ask your former employers why you left...so you can lie through your teeth and say you were laid off etc.
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Originally posted by Grylls
Gave me a job in Thailand as a translator for her real estate business just reading documents and shit because you can travel for work purposes
See you fuckers in about 3 months
Peace out
thats a dude
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Alan What?
[annoy my right-angled speediness]
Several years ago I said I thought it was a really worrying sign, that hundreds of thousands of adults were queuing up to see characters that were created 50 years ago to entertain 12-year-old boys. That seemed to speak to some kind of longing to escape from the complexities of the modern world, and go back to a nostalgic, remembered childhood. That seemed dangerous, it was infantilizing the population.
This may be entirely coincidence but in 2016 when the American people elected a National Socialist satsuma and the UK voted to leave the European Union, six of the top 12 highest grossing films were superhero movies. Not to say that one causes the other but I think they’re both symptoms of the same thing – a denial of reality and an urge for simplistic and sensational solutions.
Of course you would be a fan.
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