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Posts by Red_Woman
2019-03-22 at 11:14 AM UTC in Rise up Men of the West.
Originally posted by Jυicebox I thought the video was fake until I heard that he did it there "to show that no country is safe"
The cabal has always thought of New Zealand as a safe haven for when their actions destroy most of the world
It could still be a false flag though, NZ was the only other first World country that allowed semi-autos iirc, though they were expensive as fuck
What do you mean "it could still be a false flag"? In ref. to what? -
2019-03-22 at 10:28 AM UTC in Rise up Men of the West.I couldn't have said any better myself. ^ It's mindblowing how short sighted these politicians seems to be (or are they really?)
Spiked makes a good point about a similar argument that you are making, on the decision of Jacinda to not name Tarrant.What they don’t seem to grasp is that, for Tarrant, the manifesto served the role of a prop. The visuals and the impression he was able to convey were the most important parts of his action.
Unfortunately, the refusal to name terrorists is unlikely to undermine the capacity of terrorists to gain publicity. Governments can actually make matters worse by unwittingly cultivating a sense of mystique and power around the persona of a terrorist who cannot be named. Sections of the public will interpret the reluctance to name terrorists as an expression of fear rather than of defiance. In any case, whether Tarrant realises his objective of gaining fame depends not on whether he is named, but on how society responds to him and his act of terror. Unfortunately, it seems that politicians and the media respond to acts of terror precisely in accordance with the expectations of the terrorists.
instead of treating the massacre at Christchurch in its own context, as a specific crime, the media have tended to represent it as part of a growing international problem. No doubt terrorism is a serious problem confronting the world in the 21st century, but it is made all the worse if every single incident perpetrated by a lone wolf or a fame-seeking lunatic is depicted as part of global dynamic. In this way, society provides an ‘oxygen of publicity’ to its own fears. It responds to an act of terror by terrorising itself with fantasies of international plots. -
2019-03-22 at 8:29 AM UTC in Rise up Men of the West."This same government removed the name of Jesus Christ from the Parliamentary Prayer to ensure “that the prayer would no longer be specifically Christian in nature.” Parliament opened with an Islamic prayer in Arabic when it sat this week for the first time since the massacre. Many public institutions have also issued guidelines for behaviour and dress at events tomorrow. Many private organisation are encouraging their female staff to wear hijab (headscarves), a sign of religious submission. The following was sent out by the University of Auckland: On Friday, for at least a moment, New Zealand will become an Islamic nation as “there is no god but Allah” and “rise up for prayer” will be broadcast by prime-ministerial decree."
Good! It's a sad day though when you have to reinforce the First Amendment, in the Universities of all places
The order requires U.S. colleges to protect free speech on their campuses or risk losing federal research funding.
http://time.com/5556429/trump-executive-order-free-speech-colleges/?utm_campaign=time&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=socialflowfb&xid=time_socialflow_facebook&fbclid=IwAR1IxWnPINfNIahhg70fu3RJkjGFUrzHzuNB9fhLVbH_6x5EDCtd9fGOCjE -
2019-03-21 at 8:39 PM UTC in Rise up Men of the West.
Originally posted by Archer513 We can tell our children we were there…right before they eat us.
Originally posted by aldra They're not so concerned with stopping people from seeing the video, they're terrified of people realizing that they're not the only one who actually isn't as horrified as the evening News tells them to be.
Exactly!But they have only themselves to blame for this. People are getting exasperated by all the shite that's going on everyday. Thought police, online police, PC police, open border and globalist propaganda, "hate speech", white guilt bullcrap, feminazi, gender wars, cultural wars, YT, FB, twitter censoring and banning people, everything. It's madness. Orwell at its best.
Did you hear about the NZ police contacting the Kiwifarm forums asking for their user's e-mail and IP? Those morons thought the forum was NZ forum because of the name. lol
But the reply from the owner to the NZ police made me laugh so much.Is this a joke? I'm not turning over information about my users. The person responsible for posting the video and manifesto PDF is myself. I feel real bad for you guys, you've got a quiet nation and now this attack is going to be the first thing people think of for the next 10 years when they hear the name New Zealand, but you can't do this. Tell your superiors they're going to make the entire country and its government look like clowns by trying to censor the Internet. You're a small, irrelevant island nation barely more recognizable than any other nameless pacific sovereignty. You do not have the clout to eradicate a video from the Internet and you do not have the legal reach to imprison everyone whose posted it. If anyone turns over to you the information they're asking for they're not only cowards, but they're fucking idiots.
My name is Joshua Moon, I'm a US Citizen living overseas. My company is contained within a Florida company. If you need an address to send physical documents to this works. Lolcow LLC 913 Beal Pkwy NW Suite A-1017 Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547
If you're wondering, no. Kiwi Farms has nothing to do with New Zealand. Our name is a pointed jab at some of the mushmouthed autistic people we make fun of. Absolutely nothing about our community is NZ oriented. And I don't give a single solitary fuck what section 50 of your faggot law say about sharing your email. Fuck you and fuck your shithole country. - Josh
Josh is DA MAN! -
2019-03-21 at 7:14 PM UTC in Rise up Men of the West.The "top counterterrorism cop" has nothing better to do but to instruct the media how should they report terrorism? lol
It's sounds more like a threat to me.
If there is a ‘mantra’ being repeatedly chanted in Britain today, it is certainly not in defence of free speech. It is the mantra that free speech means ‘hate speech’, that freedom does ‘harm’, that words are as dangerous as weapons, and that society needs even more restrictions on what we should all be allowed to say, hear or read.
https://www.spiked-online.com/2019/03/21/now-a-top-cop-wants-to-edit-the-national-news/ -
2019-03-21 at 6:46 PM UTC in Recommend a book
Originally posted by Zanick The World's Major Languages, edited by Bernard Comrie. It's a thicker tome, but very thorough.
Not strictly academic in focus, but Tolkien is fabulous and reading the musings of an Oxford-trained linguist is educational in its own way.
In case you haven't seen it. Watch this docu. -
2019-03-21 at 6:01 PM UTC in Anybody who thinks they're being 'followed around' this website is a fucking victim
2019-03-21 at 5:22 PM UTC in My internet just cut out for a minute after I made a joke about killing people at the fbi/nsa/cia hqs
2019-03-21 at 5:20 PM UTC in Recommend a book
Originally posted by aldra Actually, Globalistan by Pepe Escobar is very good
I like the title. lol Ima get this one.
OT: The one I'm reading now. Actually, it's a re-read. "Deception - The Invisible War Between the KGB and the CIA" by Edward Jay Epstein. It's really good and lots of interesting information. Especially what James Angleton has to say. I knew little about the man, except for the "official version". In fact, I would like to know more about him and find a good book. -
2019-03-21 at 4:44 PM UTC in Facebook Stored Hundreds of Millions of User Passwords in Plain Text for Years
2019-03-21 at 4:43 PM UTC in Rise up Men of the West.
Originally posted by GGG What you are talking about is a social issue, and not an issue of legal free speech. You sound like you are basing your entire opinion on whatever the media is telling you, and not on what's actually happening, which is: Nobody getting arrested for speaking their opinion.
Actually that's exactly the stories that the media won't report. People have lost their jobs for speaking their mind.
What do you think these people are trying to do with "hate speech"(the most stupid term I've heard) debate? They are trying to attack the First Amendment. Do you think the communists dictatorships were established in one night? You start with this shit and the pass to legal is easy to jump. Legally you might still have it, although some laws have passed in some states which do violate the freedom of other groups (see transgenders in women sports or entering private areas for women). But de facto things are not as good as you seem to think they are. -
2019-03-21 at 4:32 PM UTC in Facebook Stored Hundreds of Millions of User Passwords in Plain Text for YearsI used a pass that I never used for other things, and an e-mail I never use. Honestly though, I always gave it for granted that FB, Google and all these people do that. I read that the Chinese government have bought some VPN sites too. Go figure whom to trust in the digital era. No place is "safe".
2019-03-21 at 4:20 PM UTC in Rise up Men of the West.
Originally posted by GGG Lol what. That's the definition of freedom of speech. Entities acting in whichever way they want. Free speech is why America is controlled by corporations. Fox suspending people for their opinions is free speech. Freedom of speech doesn't just apply to individuals here, it applies to everyone.
You can say you support Hitler here and march on the street with the nazi flag. Or you can march topless and shout about how omnivores are immoral and that we need gender neutral bathrooms. It's all under the flag of free speech. You can't support Hitler in Europe without getting arrested, and you can't march over transgenders in Russia. But in America, you can do both. You can say whatever the fuck you want whether it is true or not. Just look at Trump.
Media is far, far more tightly controlled by the government in Europe. And the people. Me? I never have to worry about that shit. Never seen a single person locked up for having an opinion.
LOL You might check that again the definition of free speech.
If you are invited by a group of students or the university, the other group doesn't have the right to not let them speak. They can go and fuck themselves if they don't want to listen. Nobody is forcing them. Not to mention, the comics who are invited have to check first their repertoire of their jokes with nutters. Becuase god forbit if comedy can be offensive towards some students and they need "safe spaces". People forced to take courses of "antiracism". Not to mention the joke that the Humanities have become in America.
Free speech. Yeah, give me a break. lol -
2019-03-21 at 4:15 PM UTC in Facebook Stored Hundreds of Millions of User Passwords in Plain Text for YearsNot that I'm suprised, but anyway...
"The Facebook source said the investigation so far indicates between 200 million and 600 million Facebook users may have had their account passwords stored in plain text and searchable by more than 20,000 Facebook employees. The source said Facebook is still trying to determine how many passwords were exposed and for how long, but so far the inquiry has uncovered archives with plain text user passwords in them dating back to 2012."
https://krebsonsecurity.com/2019/03/facebook-stored-hundreds-of-millions-of-user-passwords-in-plain-text-for-years/ -
2019-03-21 at 3:49 PM UTC in Rise up Men of the West.
Originally posted by GGG Say what you will about America but at least we have freedom of speech.
Yeah, freedom of speech my ass. The academia are infested by nutters who won't let anyone speak who doesn't agree with them. Mass media is full of PC and SJW ideology. Even Fox, ffs, suspended Jeanine Pirro for questioning the loyalty of Madam Allahu Akbar.
Originally posted by Archer513 Gorgeous 😘
Check out Peterson’s interviews with joe rogan. Pretty cool stuff. On Rogans pod cast
Yeah, I've seen that. Did you see Alex Jones on Rogan? LMAO -
2019-03-21 at 3:39 PM UTC in Where should I go in Europe?
Originally posted by GGG I'd rather avoid English speaking countries tbh. Normandy sounds delightful though. I'm sure there's some sort of WWII memorial there to visit. I'm a sucker for memorials. And old things. There's something awe inspiring about walking around in a building that is hundreds of years old.
Normandy is fantastic. Beautiful place and plenty of historical places to see, be that of WWII (the best and a lot of them) or Medieval period. Prices are good, people are great and the food is delicious. If you have to choose one place in France I would recommend Normandy or Bretagne.
The whole Normandy is great but if you are into WWII sites, museums and memorials go to Basse-Normandie. You will not be disappointed. -
2019-03-21 at 3:31 PM UTC in Rise up Men of the West.
2019-03-21 at 3:11 PM UTC in My Final Four picks are Duke, North Carolina, Virginia, & Michigan State...You gonna study gender studies, Matt. :P
2019-03-21 at 3:09 PM UTC in Has anyone NOT seen the video? Is everyone into disaster porn?Lmao
2019-03-21 at 3:07 PM UTC in First day of spring my ass..