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Posts by Lanny `

  1. Lanny ` Yung Blood (banned)
    Leaving us without word, nothing left to say,
    Mom and me are never going to forget that day.
    Something must have hurt so bad and I simply turned my back,
    There's so many things I want to say, but it seems the right words I lack.

    I never got to say goodbye or tell you that I care,
    You must have felt all alone, desperate, hurt, and scared.
    I wonder why you felt so bad that your pain engulfed your life,
    I wonder if you thought of us, your daughter and your wife.
    If I could go back in time and try to ease your pain,
    I would dry all your tears when they fell like rain.
    It must have been a place so dark that you could not see the light,
    But here I am, your pain I feel, I cry myself to sleep at night.

    So Daddy please forgive me, I was only 15 at the time,
    I didn't realize how lucky I was that you were all mine.

    Forgive me Lord for I am about to sin.
  2. Lanny ` Yung Blood (banned)
    I had to do this to protect myself.
    Things have gotten that bad.
    I am 100% serious. The syte will be down at midnight.
  3. Lanny ` Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by Village Idiot does lanny really type like that? i wish this was real.

    I am so very pissed I can barely hit the damn keys and spell words correctly.
    You guys will have to find some place else.
    This is not joke.
    May god have mercy on us all.
    I told you all in the rules that if I get in trouble this is done.
    I meant it!
  4. Lanny ` Yung Blood (banned)
    I am shutting the site down tonight at midnight.
    Recent events have given me no other choice.
    I am shutting the site down to protect myself.
    I can not say what happened but it happened and I am pissed.
    The site will be shut down indefinitely.
    Do not PM me and ask questions. You will not get answers.
    I enjoyed it while it lasted.
    Too bad someone had to fuck it up.
    I can not be a part of this anymore.
    I will be deleting everything at midnight so if you want to archive it go right ahead.
    Good bye.
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