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Posts by nguyen

  1. nguyen Yung Blood
    Looking back, the winter months seem to be a time of sedation, dreaming, disconnection from life, tripping, opioid use and sleeping.
    I spend the summer months being as active as I can physically and mentally, coming up with as many ideas as I can, making as much money as I need to be able to live with parents, and general hedonistic pleasure.

    Do you think its possible for a cycle to exist of long term rest and relaxation, and then moving forward, and then more rest, vaaodilation, and neurogenesis resulting from the afterthought of said activity?

    Sorry if I sound cringey and pseudointillectual ive spent the last few months on methadone and sleeping with occasional excursions to the outside world.
  2. nguyen Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Saying "U-boat and Submarine" is redundant. No semantics…

    Yeh youre right
    Im about 15 shots drunk coming out from a monthsworth hibernation
    Since September
  3. nguyen Yung Blood
    What kind of heating?
  4. nguyen Yung Blood
    But HOW
  5. nguyen Yung Blood
    A director of science fiction
    Not a writer, I wouldnt be able to hack out a full story
    But to put it together,
  6. nguyen Yung Blood
    Originally posted by nguyen Its pretty literarily redundant to say u boat or submarine twice in the same sentence
    Also u-boat base has more distinction than saying submarine base

    Semantics? Nitpicking? Probably.

    Durr durr im a idiot
    Needs more vodka
  7. nguyen Yung Blood
    Didn't we all?
  8. nguyen Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Submarine and U-boat is the same thing. Dönitz knew that because unlike you he was a genius.

    Its pretty literarily redundant to say u boat or submarine twice in the same sentence
    Also u-boat base has more distinction than saying submarine base

    Semantics? Nitpicking? Probably.
  9. nguyen Yung Blood
    Did you know the seinfizzle theme was played on a casio keyboard not a bass
  10. nguyen Yung Blood
    Depression, agony, drug binge, etc

    Long term suffering.

    Mine is probably permanent, drug induced life discomfort, fatigue and lack of motivation (albeit abstinence from stimulants has been making my serotonergic persuits more tolerable)

    Also I've been here before, Roshambo be thy name.
  11. nguyen Yung Blood
    Originally posted by HTS Spironolactone, estrogen, and levothyroxine. 🤗

  12. nguyen Yung Blood
    Months of life, well years but to the most drastic of falters, months applies more accurately

    The drugs, chemicals, time, life, wasted, on hedonistic ventures has simmered and diluted my soul to nothing

    How I live in a junkpile and pharmaceutical (psychedelic) use is what brings me out of my hellhole is just icing on the Ironcake.
  13. nguyen Yung Blood
    The beginning is often the end.
  14. nguyen Yung Blood
    (President of germany after hitler, genius commander of submarines and u boats. (Iirc he built an indestructible u boat base)
  15. nguyen Yung Blood
    Grand admiral Karl Dönitz
  16. nguyen Yung Blood
    "Inner negativity"
  17. nguyen Yung Blood
    No as all kavalactones are fucking worthless.
    Weak hepatotoxic gabaergics and cannabinoids?
    Nah Id rather spicexanax
  18. nguyen Yung Blood
  19. nguyen Yung Blood
    U gotta reverse the squares bro

    12^2= 144
  20. nguyen Yung Blood
    Iboga therapy

    Just do a psychedelic and realize why you suck
    Its pretty simple any druggie can do it
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