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Posts by shaggy

  1. shaggy Yung Blood [smack ratiocinate the bookclub]
    Originally posted by inb4l0pht No thanks. Neoreaction is political philosophy for pseudo-intellectuals.

    How so? What's fundamentally wrong with neocameralism?
  2. shaggy Yung Blood [smack ratiocinate the bookclub]
    Originally posted by Fox Paws It exists, but it’s shrouded in a cloak of invisibility like Wakanda

    I've seen visual evidence of Wakanda. Can't say the same for New Zealand.
  3. shaggy Yung Blood [smack ratiocinate the bookclub]
  4. shaggy Yung Blood [smack ratiocinate the bookclub]
    Burden is on Kiwis to demonstrate their existence.
  5. shaggy Yung Blood [smack ratiocinate the bookclub]
    What happens there? Does it actually exist?
  6. shaggy Yung Blood [smack ratiocinate the bookclub]

    For those of us with ADHD who require a soothing robot voice reading:
  7. shaggy Yung Blood [smack ratiocinate the bookclub]
    Originally posted by Zanick If one country couldn't retain their position as the preeminent superpower, I doubt a single family could. I'm sure there are many families with history, but I don't think any of them have singularly dominated any political sphere for more than a few centuries. Can you establish a lineage that says otherwise?

    I obviously can't trace one back to Rome, and I doubt one exists. I'm using it more as an illustration of what is possible and what is possible now.

    You don't think the Rothschilds or some other ultra-wealthy family will jump to the next empire when America collapses? Rothschilds already traveled from Germany to London to New York. You think they'd go down with the ship?
  8. shaggy Yung Blood [smack ratiocinate the bookclub]
    You ever wonder how the ultra-wealth elite perceive the world? Consider this, where do their loyalties lie? Not to a singular nation-state or political system. Rather, an elite family only exists to drain the resources from one profitable empire and move on to the next up and coming state. Consider the possibility that one family could have leapfrogged from Rome, to Constantinople, to France, to Germany, to Britain, and to the U.S., and...then where?

    Move in. Secure the profits of successful industry via your wealth. Drain industry. Move to another country before the collapse. And so on and so forth.

    The earth literally plays host to economic vampires.
  9. shaggy Yung Blood [smack ratiocinate the bookclub]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Wasn't even really any bomber. They just shot that kid to make a patsy out of him and parade him in the media. All these attacks are being carried out by the shadow government, in order to keep the fakestream media goons galvanized on anything else but their deep state's current demise.

    If attacks were planned by the deep state, why not carry them on for a little longer? This all came to an end fairly quickly.
  10. shaggy Yung Blood [smack ratiocinate the bookclub]
    Originally posted by GasTheKikesRaceWarNow Because Austin, as the local metropole, parasites on the local area. You present a facade of glamour, to cover up your seedy underbelly, to attract in the young, naive and unworldly kids from the surrounding rural areas. Then you rape them for rent, you exploit them for labor, and you indoctrinate them politically.

    Then, when they're used up, you abandon them to a life of eating dogfood and thinking over their regrets.

    In a just world all hypocritical liberal metropoles like Austin Texas would be nuclear bombed - repeatedly in case any survivors emerge. You people thrive on human misery.

    Damn. This was dark.
  11. shaggy Yung Blood [smack ratiocinate the bookclub]
  12. shaggy Yung Blood [smack ratiocinate the bookclub]
    Anybody else living through the great nor'easter of 2018?

    Everything's closed. We're all fucked. The end is nigh.
  13. shaggy Yung Blood [smack ratiocinate the bookclub]
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel This nigga has a mental illness yall.

    a h y e a h b r a h
  14. shaggy Yung Blood [smack ratiocinate the bookclub]
    Sometimes I ponder that Totse spawned the jedis of the internet. We are spread to the winds like the Twelve Tribes of Israel, wandering, always yearning for hearth and home.
  15. shaggy Yung Blood [smack ratiocinate the bookclub]
    Originally posted by Zanick You're drawing a false equivalence. NPR reports on facts with a slight bias to the left. Fox and Drudge are barely news at all.

  16. shaggy Yung Blood [smack ratiocinate the bookclub]
    Nikola Tesla & John Trump.

    The legend-tellers suggest that Donald’s uncle John George Trump, who was a very well-known scientist and inventor, oversaw the examination of famous engineer Nikola Tesla’s notes after his death.

    Serbian-born Tesla moved to the US in 1891 was famed for his reputation as a “mad scientist”.

    Tesla was also well-known in his later years for exploring theoretical subjects, and even made very early pronouncements into the possibility of wireless connectivity.

    He apparently looked into fantastic theories such as free energy, antigravity, invisibility, and most importantly time travel.

    Trump spent three days by himself looking into the notes before concluding there was nothing of any significance.

    His report read: “(Tesla’s) thoughts and efforts during at least the past 15 years were primarily of a speculative, philosophical, and somewhat promotional character”.

    Conspiracy theorists claim Trump found theoretical designs for a time travelling machine.

    Donald Titor.

    John G. Trump spent a lot of time with his nephew Donald before he died in 1985.

    In interviews Donald Trump regularly brought up his “uncle John” and references his warning over nuclear weapons and the damage they may cause.

    During one such interview he cryptically said: “My uncle used to tell me about nuclear before nuclear was nuclear”.

    He told the Boston Globe: “He would tell me, ‘There are things that are happening that could be potentially so bad for the world in terms of weaponry.”

    Trump told the Times that his uncle “would tell me many years ago about the power of weapons someday, that the destructive force of these weapons would be so massive, that it’s going to be a scary world.”

    What is strange about the warnings is that by the time Donald Trump was born in 1946, the US already owned and used nuclear weapons.

    Trump also spoke about his dislike of nuclear weapons saying, “I hate nuclear more than any. My uncle was a professor was at M.I.T., used to tell me about nuclear.

    “Can I be honest with you? It’s going to happen, anyway. It’s going to happen anyway. It’s only a question of time…”

    Despite all John Trump’s scientific contributions, including methods for curing cancer, Donald appears to mostly speak about his uncle’s warnings of nuclear war.

    Many have cited John Trump’s foresight as proof that he might have seen John Titor’s future ravaged by nuclear war and government corruption.

    Donald Trump is also well-known for occasionally using pseudonyms such as John Miller and John Barron, using his middle as a first name.

    But, according to the theory, his third and less well-known identity was John Titor.

    John Titor.

    In 2000 an online forum came alive with the story of John Titor, who claimed to be a soldier from 2036, and lived in a world destroyed by war and government corruption.

    He offered some helpful tips on what the future had in store and suddenly vanished and after many of the predictions did not come true, he was written off as a hoax.

    The legend goes that after John Trump had mastered time travel, Donald Trump journeyed to the future under the name John Titor.

    After witnessing the destruction he returned to our time and subtly changed the future through the butterfly effect by giving humanity hints of what was to come.

    But try as he might, Trump was unable to totally change the earth’s progression towards nuclear war brought on by ISIS and Islamic radicalisation, according to the wild theory.

    So using his time travelling ability, Trump amassed a fortune with his family, and began running for president of the United States to allow himself to truly change the future.

    Now that Trump is about to become the US president he will be able to truly change the world and avert the nuclear destruction planned for the world.

    President Donald Trump.

    According to the conspiracy, there are quite a few similarities between the President and John Titor.

    In Titor’s posts, he was incredibly rude and aggressive towards those who challenged him.

    In one post he wrote: “Perhaps I should let you all in on a little secret. No one likes you in the future. This time period is looked at as being full of lazy, self-centered, civically ignorant sheep.”

    Donald Trump also seems to have a similar flare for insulting his critics and opponents and in one speech in Las Vegas in 2011 he said, “Our leaders are stupid, they are stupid people.”

    And Trump has been outspoken in claiming that he is more knowledgable about the United States’ enemies than top officials.

    In 2015 the incoming president said during a campaign speech: “I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me”.

    Trump has been mocked for his comment, but his claims are believed to back up the idea that he may know more about the future of ISIS than top US officials.

    The bizarre conspiracy theory claims that Trump is now attempting to avert the future, by becoming president and dramatically altering the world's timeline by tackling the enemies which could potentially bring humanity to destruction.
  17. shaggy Yung Blood [smack ratiocinate the bookclub]
    Originally posted by Zanick Lol, you have a distorted view of American media.

    You're right, my [subjective] reality tunnel is far inferior to your [subjective] reality tunnel.

    I wouldn't expect the country to fund Drudge or Fox News, why do you expect funding for NPR?
  18. shaggy Yung Blood [smack ratiocinate the bookclub]
    NPR is partisan dogshit and should have all federal funding stripped.
  19. shaggy Yung Blood [smack ratiocinate the bookclub]
    I think representative democracies likely work on the small, local scale and maximize the social good.

    The U.S. is too geographically unwieldy for such a system. I support balkanization.
  20. shaggy Yung Blood [smack ratiocinate the bookclub]
    Who's gonna get anally penetrated?

    Anybody want to make some bets in bitcoin or eth?

    I predict 24-10 Eagles.
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