Sure, or i could just give you mine.
We're open for consultation between 12am and 12pm.
Seriously tho, don't give anyone on these boards your number. Pm instead.
2021-05-07 at 9:12 AM UTC
Asians are superior
It is kinda true though.
They got discipline, work ethics, and a reasonable honor system.
Incentive to progress in life comes from the need to make their parents proud.
Honestly, the rest of the world could learn a little from that.
2021-05-07 at 9:09 AM UTC
RIP WellHung
The only penis i remember is the non existing penis on malice.
2021-05-07 at 12:42 AM UTC
Douglas Monks loved dinner
His name is douglas monks
2021-05-06 at 12:53 PM UTC
Unban cock nose
The postal games are pretty epic though.
2021-05-04 at 6:34 PM UTC
Reanimate The Self Taught Man
Enter is not dead though.
2021-05-04 at 2:09 PM UTC
Who do you hope dies next?
I would prefer it if there was no more deaths, at least not without some influx of new users and its not like there's another dating site waiting to join us anytime soon.
The future of nis is a grim one.
We will mourn our fellow bbs warriors, for a few minutes.
Some users will die without anyone here knowing, they will simply stop posting one day.
Some will fake it, others will make it.
This site though, it wont make it. It will die with the rest of its users and there's hardly any OGs left.
Well if you ask the buddhists his true self is now roaming somewhere between dimensions where he is searching for and is drawn to his future parents.
This is not unlikely to be true.
What's just as likely is that he went to his own belief system, if he had any.
He could also, when dead here wake up sitting around a table with a pipe in his hand and his friends asking how it was?
He could go home.
He could vanish from existence.
He could become one with the universe, which is what i'm leaning towards.
He could have become what we consider a god.
He could be a liserd now.
Either one of these are just as likely as heaven and hell.