Originally posted by RestStop
This shit sound lit AF fam. Are there bonuses for extra shit mailing/production? I'm off ice at the moment so a nigga's asshole be producing some mad max type mountains yean know?
Excellent question! I have authorized many contracts with terms more favorable than our standard 11/unit rate for our higher producers. What I would need is to see a solid calendar month of production beyond our standard 30 production units/month and then I would gladly approve you for our Brown status membership. I know this all sounds complicated but its pretty simple.
Heres a breakdown of the compensation one of our high producers might get;
32 Units per month at "standard production" at 11.00$ ea = $352.00 USD per month
13 Units per month at "overtime production" at 16.50$ ea = $214.50 USD per month
It's pretty cool because you are getting paid for work that you already do anyway, and the above example nets our donor $566.50 just for 2 minutes of extra work a day. I will admit that is at the higher end and most donors don't break through the 32 units per month threshold but there are dozens of earners that do qualify for the Brown status.
Certain obese individuals having particularly large samples can be compensated VERY handsomely, and of those obese people that exceed 45 units per month I can negotiate a double-time rate for all units after the 45th.
I know people love to see the numbers but just let me know your situation because I can really tailor the compensation to your situation and one example definitely does not cover everyone. Drug use, disease status etc can really put the figure all over the place ( up or down! ).
Originally posted by NARCassist
would it be cool if i subbed this out to my friends? i'll pay them all $5 each and pocket the other $6 for myself. you'll need to send a shit ton of bags to me tho(no pun intended, well tell a lie, it was totally intended actually).
Nice avatar buddy! We are an emerging company so I haven't set up a standard referral procedure yet but I would be happy to work something out with you. We would need to give you a few hours of training ( which could be done online ) to handle their samples properly and you need adequate space in your refrigerator but YES, an arrangement like that could certainly be had.