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Posts by HD-ASS and scrawny

  1. HD-ASS and scrawny Yung Blood (banned) [reconfirm my forfeit pulpwood]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby nah your just more gay

    No u
  2. HD-ASS and scrawny Yung Blood (banned) [reconfirm my forfeit pulpwood]
    You ain't shit chicken.
  3. HD-ASS and scrawny Yung Blood (banned) [reconfirm my forfeit pulpwood]
    I got banned for being prophetic, spreading too much knowledge on fake totse. Real totse allowed free speech and information. None of that is allowed here.

    I wasn't spamming, I got banned for making unban threads originally for Bill Krozby and bling and then I got "in trouble" for front page flush too many times so I said fuck it and gave up all hope on pleasing Lanny the nazi and figured out how to break the forum.

    This all goes back to before the summer when everyone pissed me off, finny spammed Bill Krozby pictures in all my threads and I said enough is enough and spammed him back and I got banned for that, so I realized there is no point trying to reason with a retard and I've just been purposely fucking with everyone since in protest of the totse spirit being betrayed.

    You might have predicted this would happen first but I was the first to take action. Bling gave up the fight along with everyone else because Lanny was too strong for any of you, I'm the only one with the guts to stand up to him


    Trianglism and falling in love with hts is "spamming"
  4. HD-ASS and scrawny Yung Blood (banned) [reconfirm my forfeit pulpwood]
    I'd fuck this loli

  5. HD-ASS and scrawny Yung Blood (banned) [reconfirm my forfeit pulpwood]
    Originally posted by Helladamnleet I was still talking about HTS and Scron

    Why don't you shut the fuck up and quit stalking my girlfriend because we stopped posting on your shitty fake totse site months ago.

    At least my woman doesn't look like she just got fished out of the ocean and escaped from Marineland.

    And you look like the epic fail guy which explains a lot since your life and website are complete failures.

    What did you do this Christmas besides stalk my girlfriend? Fucking loser creep.

    Have fun having sex with that monster trailer trash looking landwhale. She looks like honey boo boo's mom

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