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Posts by Lanny is Hitler

  1. I am now "Scromit"

  2. Literally whom
  3. Originally posted by hydromorphone I'm not going to share my personal clydesdale porn-folio with you. Sorry, dude, just the way it is.

    I'll just have to take it from you then!.
  4. Cockatiel ranch.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby its a ranch with birds.. kinda like how monster ranchers was a ranch with monster..

  5. Does dating a transgirl count as trapping?
  6. Originally posted by RisiR † 90% of this forum is just GAY TALK. NOTHING BUT GAY TALK.

    I hope you're fucking happy with your lives and all that GAY TALK.

    Talking about gaytalk is gaytalk.
  7. Wtf is a bird ranch lol
  8. Shiva is the Indian devil.
  9. Originally posted by hydromorphone I do have family and friends. I don't like it because most people feel forced to go to a get-together with people they don't even like, sometimes even hate, and often there is some sort of drama attached. I can (and have) planned many meals with friend's and family, or even just times to get together with nothing special in mind. A key difference between what I do and what it seems a good portion of folks, much like yourself do for say, Thanksgiving is, there's no obligation, nobody is feeling forced, nobody is being made to be around people they couldn't give a single fuck to ever see again, and wouldn't if not for the fact that they either share genetic material or share some relation through marriage. I also don't differentiate between family and friends. They are one and the same. I won't associate with someone just because they have some genetic relation to me, and feel obligated to do so.

    At least my relationships, and thus times when we do get together, are based on sincere want, love, and care for the individuals. How many people have family that is only in a short distance, but won't see them save for a holiday dinner? If they're that important, and you sincerely love them, wouldn't you both make time to see each other more than once a year? I at least don't fake loving people, fake the importance these people are to me. If you're an important person to me, you'll know it, and if you're not, well, you won't be hearing or having me reach out to you- simple as that.

    Family is the people you love, care for, support, and are supported by. Family isn't about genetic relation, well, it shouldn't be anyway. It's pretty common in society for people to dub these genetic relations "family", when again, they, nor the others involved wouldn't give two fucks about the other if they didn't share the genetic link. How is that a good thing? It's stupid. Share your time, love, and energy on those you connect with, have an understanding, and love with rather than wasting time because you feel obligated with spending time with people who might as well be strangers. Certainly, some families can have great connections, with sincere love, and care, but quite often, that's not the case. The only call to loyalty is based on a family name for a lot. Fuck that noise.

    I think it's sick what you have considered to be your family. To each their own, but… from your own description, and even complaints at times, it's a rather fucked way in which you associate with these people you'd otherwise have nothing to do with if there wasn't blood, or a marriage. I've at least been happy to see the people I consider special to me at all times, to deal with them when ever, to have open and honest dialog, and genuinely enjoy their company, unlike what you've described to me over the years. But I'm sure you having a "traditional" family makes you feel superior, makes you feel stronger, when it reality, it just makes you weaker, with a life built on lies. Good luck with that, §m£ÂgØL.

    Did not read
  10. Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 Yeah yeah yeah, and its celebrating killing native americans too. Fuck off with that angsty shit. What matters is how people celebrate it now.

    That's not at all what it's about, did you even read the article?.

    Do you not know your own history?.
  11. Yah
  12. Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 Thanksgiving is a time of celebrating and eating with your family and friends. You probably don't like it because you don't have any.

    No it isn't
  13. Originally posted by RisiR † I guess that's true. Bill Krozby is so ultimately cucked that he needs a 60 year old pedophile and a homeless tweaker to white knight for him.

    You sound jealous.
  14. Originally posted by hydromorphone This is fucking retarded.

    No u.

    Delete your account... Or are you too scared?.
  15. Are you throwing gay stones?.
  16. Originally posted by hydromorphone I definitely loath Christmas and this time of year in general (including Thankgiving, new years, etc- Halloween is the only holiday I really liked to celebrate ever), any holiday, or birthday too. If I want to do something nice for someone, then I'll just do it, why fucking wait for a particular day to do it? I'd rather give and be gotten for from the heart rather than some silly social notion that I 'ought to give or be gotten for just because of some stupid holiday of religious significance I don't even prescribe to.

    Halloween has been the only holiday I found to be a good holiday. It's fun. There's candy. You an dress up as anything you want. Mostly, it's a very lighthearted event, with little pressure from society forcing this or that with it. That's why I liked it so much. An added bonus is that is pisses off a lot of religious folks who get their panties in a bunch thinking people are worshiping the devil and shit.

    What did you dress up as this year hydro?.
  17. If you want CP just go to Google, type in "dasha Anya LS magazine" and keep clicking related images you will eventually get hardcore cp on Google (which means it's legal)
  18. Originally posted by RisiR † Hahahahaha… uuuuhhhahaha..

    You can't actually care about Bill Krozby's banlist. He doesn't even give a shit himself. Stop it.

    He has been banned into submission and is too scared to speak out against injustice like the rest of the people here.

    I have been banned for making unban Bill Krozby threads and bling banned for doing the same for me.

    We are the true fighters of freedom and we don't take the bans personally (Even though they are personal).

    You can't fight evil with evil though, you must be noble to have a chance at defeating it.
  19. Originally posted by Lanny is a Nazi


    "Hi there!

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