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Posts by Little Mac & cheese

  1. Yeah I did it and it was the best thing for me even though I had no internet, no money and a shit job I made a fake Facebook, hooked up with a bunch of people, started flipping ounces and QPs of weed, hash and getting into extractions in my tiny little basement suite that didn't even have a proper bedroom.

    I bided my time and eventually had enough resources to teach myself to make weed oil, grow a few weed plants and trade my way to a few thousand dollars in cash which I used to rent a nice 2 bedroom apartment with my best friend and we celebrated new years with champagne and lots of hash.

    I still look back to those days in that dingy basement surrounded by idiots and thieves, and I was with a pregnant girl I hated. I would read chemistry and meth stuff which is how I hooked up with this IRA chemist guy in California and we got into Bitcoin early and made cool profit for us both.

    Then I got into meth, more chemistry, got sick of working and took a year off to do research which ended in a horrible mess of fire and destruction and now I am thousands of miles elsewhere doing something totally different with my life.

    I was 17 when this all started now I'm 24 and it all happened so fast, I've had 2 jobs in this period of time, one for 4 years and the other for 1 year. Mostly I just sat around for much of that time shit posting on Rdfrn or this site in summer 2016.

    Also my dad moved in with me sometime in 2015 maybe earlier because his girlfriend left him and all the utilities were in her name.
  2. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Wrong, I not a cigarette.

    Someone tell this cigarette to shut up
  3. Originally posted by D3VDINSIDX so srry new to this website, actually first thread I've ever joined. I now know this should've gone in better living through chemistry.

    Ur gonna get baaaaaaanned.
  4. God made plants and extracts for us to enjoy and utilize to cast evil out from this world.
  5. Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery How would you know? Your SO has a penis. Faggot.

    I also have a child.
  6. What question? Looked like a statement to me.
  7. Originally posted by Speedy Parker In case your wondering who I am let me tell you a little about just a few of the high points in my life.

    Using only a hoe and a single large glass of water I once single handedly defended a small village in the Amazon basin from a horde of ferocious yellow army ants.

    I play bluegrass cello.

    I am the subject of numerous documentaries.

    I was scouted by the Mets.

    When I am bored I build large suspension bridges in my backyard.

    I excel at inner city hang gliding.

    And on Fridays, after work, I destroy electric appliances with my mind for free.

    Who am I?

    A fag
  8. Finish him!
  9. Originally posted by Totse 2001 it wrapped up in 2009

  10. All those pics were fake
  11. Originally posted by Daily Don't get good at eating pussy

    All that does is increase the likelihood of bitches getting needy and then crazy when you break it off

    It literally destroys relationships

    You're a pussy for not eating pussy & an anti feminist
  12. I am the chosen one foretold in the prophecy of totse

    We're you on totse in 2012? I was and nobody was ever aware until now.
  13. Originally posted by -SpectraL If I can somehow penetrate Lanny's hardened shell, will you consider calling off the dogs… cats?

    I'll call off the octopi myself but I am banned unjustly

    I believe I am being suppressed at the highest level to keep the truth from spreading.
  14. Seals are cute
  15. Originally posted by infinityshock good attempt at a save, but everyone already knows you suck the dick so you dont have to be coy about it

  16. Liserds are reeeeaal!
  17. Novichok agents
  18. I'm ancient from another time here to protect the great pyramid of the temple.
  19. Dem hoopz
  20. Old enough.
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