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Posts by Iron Ree

  1. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    the forum drama is crazy, wariat is clearly thanking all crandyrains posts trying to get people to defend him against the infinityshock spam. It's really a wonderment how much infinityshock brings out the victim mentality in people,
  2. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Ghost he is possessed by a supernatural entity for sure.

    this is such an amazing success story It still fascinates me how I no longer live in a reality where the creator of dwarf fortress pays his rent by selling crayon drawings of his weird indie ascii game but now I can sleep at night knowing his project is funded for life and he became a millionaire by following his dreams and going against the grain of society and the video games industry to create the most complex game ever

    tarn adams is definitely a hero of mine, a true american
  3. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Obbe I wish there was a mobile version.

  4. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    ^ obsessed with a chinaman, keeps bumping his threads
  5. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    spray paint an anarchy symbol on that with brick etching acid
  6. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Just don't do drugs, easy

    (Marijuana-Peyote-Morning Glories-LSD-DMT Psilocybin DPT)

    It is our belief that the origin of religion and spiritual awakening is the ingestion of Psychedelics. People long ago came upon Mushrooms, Marijuana, Peyote, etc and had visions and experiences of this Higher Being. In other words, the original followers of every true religion, such as Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, etc., believed that Psychedelics are the embodiment of God. This was and is the God of the ancient prophets and messengers. This is the Light spoken of in scriptures and sacred texts. The ancient Nahua tribe of Mexico had a word for Psilocybin mushrooms - Teonanacatl - which means God's Flesh.
    This Higher Being chooses messengers - and there have been many people who have fulfilled that role ( Moses, David, Elijah, Jesus, Mary, Vishnu, Uma, Gautama, Mohammed, Mani, Quetzacoatl). They are alive again physically, the crucifixion/exodus has happened again…the mystery has been revealed.
    We are Their Children and citizens of Their Realm.

    I am writing to you about those who would deceive you
    but the Oil you received from him remains within you
    and you really need no teaching from anyone;
    simply remain in him,
    for his Oil teaches you about everything
    and is true
    and is no lie.
    Remain in him
    as his Oil has taught you to do.

    – 1 St. John 2,26

    Salvation does not come from the darkness, (alcohol, cocaine, d.a.m., (diacetyl morphine), dishonesty, violence, etc.).
    Our Eucharist is Dipropyl Tryptamine, a very powerful Angel of the Host, closely related to Psilocybin.
    (From the book jacket of "Alcoholism–The Biochemical Connection" by Joan

    You are about to embark on a seven-week journey that will change your
    life. Once and for all, you are going to break your addiction to alcohol
    and end your cravings–and do it under your own power. You are going to
    reverse the harm that alcohol has done to your body–without having to
    endure the emotional and physical anguish which traditionally accompanies
    detoxification. If you think it sounds too good to be true, think
    again. At last, the statistics work for you because this medically
    respected program boasts an amazing 75 percent recovery and maintenance
    rate as opposed to the 25 percent success rate realized by standard
    treatment approaches.

    In "Alcoholism–The Biochemical Connection", Joan Mathews Larson, PhD.,
    who developed the system at her esteemed Health Recovery Center in
    Minneapolis, and HRC's medical consultant Keith W. Sehnert, M.D.
    conclusively prove that the traditional rehabiltation programs fall
    because alcohol related emotional dysfunctions such as depression and
    memory loss are the physiological effects, not the psychological causes,
    of your illness. Most of the damage done by alcohol abuse cannot be
    "talked out", bio-repair is essential to healing both your body and mind.

    Larson and Sehnert then provide you with all the information you need to
    begin detoxification and recovery. They lay out a detailed, week-by-week
    protocol for wellness featuring suggested lab workups; biotype
    questionnaires that reveal the biochemical roots of your addiction;
    complete dietary and exercise plans, vitamin and mineral therapy
    regimens–all illustrated by actual case histories–as well as extensive
    charts, graphs, and tests that enable the individual at any point in the
    seven weeks to evalutate his or her progress and select the most effective
    nutritional formulas for treating specific deficiencies.

    Dr. Joan Mathews Larson began researching alcoholism after her teenaged
    son's suicide following rehab. Larson's impassioned sensitivity to the
    subject adds to the efficacy of "Alcoholism–The Biochemical
    Connection"–an upbeat program in book form, empowering you to free
    yourself from the fetters of a crippling disease…permanently.

    Joan Mathews Larson, who holds a doctorate in nutrition, is founder of
    the highly esteemed Health Recovery Center in Minneapolis.

    Keith W. Sehnert, M.D., is a respected researcher, former university
    professor, and well-known medical writer. Medical consultatnt for the
    Health Recovery Center, he lives in Minneapolis.

    From: Orthomolecualr Psychiatry
    Volume 6, Number 4, 1977, Pp.300-308

    The Hypoascorbemia-Kwashiorkor
    Approach to Drug Addiction Therapy:
    A Pilot Study

    by Alfred Libby and Irwin Stone

    (Part 1)

    Drug addictions, like cancer, are terrifying conditions to the
    victims because of the feelings of hopelessness and abandonment generated
    by the rigors of and general failure of the orthodox "treatments."
    Although crude opium addiction has a very long history, the
    large-scale addictive use of morphine salts, in this country, is
    generally dated from their use on wounded Civil War soldiers. Following
    1864, morphine addiction was realized to be an emerging socially
    significant problem in this country; therefore searches were instituted
    to find less addicting drugs. The year 1890 saw the introduction of heroin.
    For about five more decades, to the year 1912, nothing was done to stop
    the rising tide of morphine and heroin users in this country. The
    realization of that fact promped in that year the organizing of legal
    opiate clinics, not however, to treat the addict, only to support the
    user's habit in an attempt to stem the rising crime rate and sales of
    black market drugs. These legal opiate clinics remained open until 1924
    when they were closed down as dismal failures. It took until the
    mid-1950's, another fallow period of about 30 years, before another major
    attempt started, the Methadone Program, which has continued up to the
    present. This program embraces the concept of orally giving a legally
    addicting drug (methadone) in place of an illegal addicting drug
    The lack of success in handling drug addictiion, until now, is due
    to placing the emphasis on the legal aspects of the problem, mainly that
    of the crime and punishment concept, and ignoring the mental and physical
    condition of the addicts and neglecting to treat the health and metabolic
    problems of the victims. Drug addicts suffer from severe metabolic
    dysfunctions and are very sick people. Any attempted solution to the
    drug addiction problem which fails to bring total health back to the
    addict is doomed to failure.

    Drug Addiction and the Genetic Disease, Hypoascorbemia

    Drug addicts, like other humans, are born carrying a defective gene
    for the synthesis of the liver-enzyme protein, l-gulonolactone oxidase
    (GLO). This birth defect (Stone, 1966), causes a potentially fatal, but
    now easily correctable (Stone, 1967), genetic liver-enzyme disease,
    Hypoascorbemia (Stone, 1966a). This "inborn error of carbohydrate
    metabolism" has destroyed the capability of the human liver to synthesize
    ascorbate from blood glucose, and thus deprives mankind of this important
    mammalian mechanism for combatting stresses. The normal mammalian
    response to stress is to increase liver-synthesis of ascorbate as an
    antistressor and detoxicant to maintain biochemical homeostasis within
    the body (Stone, 1972).
    Most mammals carry the intact gene for GLO and normally produce,
    under conditions of little stress, about 10 to 20 g. of ascorbate per day
    per 70 kg body weight to take care of their daily physiological needs. A
    biochemical feedback mechanism evolved in the early mammals (Stone,
    1972a) which increased daily ascorbate production possibly three to
    five fold under a variety of chemical and physical stresses. Humans,
    among the very few mammals deprived of this homeostatic protective mechanism,
    suffer more physiological damage from equivalent stresses unless
    exogenous ascorbate is supplied. Thus a daily intake of 10 to 20 g of
    ascorbate by a relatively unstressed adult human is not "excessively
    high," but well within the normal mammalian range. Under stress humans
    require about 30 to 100 g or more a day to maintain health. The
    therapeutic use of mega levels of ascorbate has met with great success in
    the treatment of the viral diseases (Klenner, 1974; Cathcart, 1976),
    cancer (Stone, 1976), and many other pathologies. The sub-subsistence,
    "homeopathic" daily intakes of ascorbate, recommended for the past 40
    years by the nutritionists as "vitamin C" for humans, would barely
    suffice to keep the other mammals alive and certainly not in good health.
    The wide acceptance of this erroneous nutritional hypothesis by modern
    medicine has only led to the continued persistence of chronic subclinical
    scurvy (CSS Syndrome) (Stone, 1972; Stone, 1977) as our most wide-spread
    and insidious human disease at present.

    Physiological Effects of Drug Addiction

    The usual history of addiction follows this sort of pattern: The
    future addicts are born with the genetic defect for GLO, and already at
    birth are suffering from the CSS Syndrome. The CSS Syndrome usually
    continues throughout childhood, adolescence, and adulthood without much
    of an attempt at any significant correction. It has been our experience
    that all of the addicts we have dealt with began their introduction into
    the drug culture at an early age. They usually begin as a weekend
    'high," escalating into a daily habit from which they can't escape. Each
    of these stresses further depletes the already dangerously low body
    stores of ascorbate leading to the severe exacerbation of the CSS
    Syndrome already present. Adequate repletion of the body stores of
    ascorbate is nonexistent.
    On drugs, the addicts lose their appetite for food. Food
    deprivation or restriction leads to severe protein and vitamin
    malnutrition. All the chronic addicts tested suffer from
    hypoaminoaciduria. This has led us to regard a confirmed addict as
    suffering from a Hypoascorbemia-Kwashiorkor type of syndrome, and our
    treatment procedure was designed as an intensive holistic approach for
    the full correction of these genetic and multimalnutritional
    dysfunctions. The procedure is completely orthomolecular, and no foreign
    substance or toxic narcotic or drug is used.
    Briefly, by fully correcting this Hypascorbemia-Kwashiorkor
    Syndrome, we are able to take the addicts off heroin or methadone,
    without the appearance of withdrawal symptoms. If during the period of
    full correction they take a "fix," it is immediately detoxified or
    otherwise handled by the body so that no "high" occurs. It is like
    injecting pure water provided the dosage of ascorbate is high enough.
    After a few days on the regimen, appetite returns and they start eating
    voraciously. They also have restful sleep. Restless sleep or no sleep
    at all are characteristic of heroin and methadone withdrawl.
    "Full correction" in the addicts treated comprised giving them 25 to
    85g sodium ascorbate a day in spaced doses along with high intakes of
    the other vitamins, essential minerals, and high levels of predigested
    proteins. This is continued for four to six days, and then the dosages
    are gradually reduced to lower holding dose levels that varied from about
    10 to 30 g per day. Both the therapeutic and the holding dose levels may
    vary widely according to the clinical response of the particular addict
    being treated. The therapeutic dosage is usually slightly beyond the
    bowel tolerance level, held for 12 to 24 hours. Selection of proper
    dosage is based on clinical experience and observation and responses of
    the patient. Bowel tolerance is a concept introduced by Robert Cathcart
    M.D. (1976) for judging the toxicity of the pathology and the required dosage
    of ascorbate needed for treatment. Cathcart found the bowel tolerance
    increases with increased stresses on the organism. The general
    improvement in the well-being of the addicts within 12 to 24 hours after
    beginning sodium ascorbate detoxification is striking. It is
    demonstrated by improved mental alertness and visual acuity; appetite is
    returning, and the addict is amazed that treatment is succeeding without
    the use of another narcotic.

    Some Recent Studies on Ascorbate

    We do not claim to be the first to suggest or use ascorbate in the
    addiction problem, but we do claim to be the first to use sodium
    ascorbate properly to get these desired results. Ascorbate injected into
    rats at the rate of 100 mg per kg body weight attenuated and abolished
    the narcotic effects of morphine (Ghione, 1958). Ascorbate's
    detoxification of a wide variety of inorganic and organic poisons was
    reviewed (Stone, 1972) and included Klenner's study on the successful
    megascorbic treatment of barbiturate poisoning, snakebite, and Black
    Widow spider bites. It was also suggested in this review that
    megasdoses of ascorbate be used in drug addiction (Stone, pp. 157-158,
    l972). Two interesting papers appeared in 1976, one from Thailand which
    showed that the sleeping time induced in rabbits by 15 mg of
    pentobarbital could be progressively reduced by increasing amounts of
    ascorbate injected five minutes prior to the pentobarbital. The sleeping
    times in minutes for ascorbate dosages of 0, 250 mg, 500 mg, 750 mg were
    50, 29 27, 23, and at 1,000 mg ascorbate the rabbits did not fall asleep
    at all (Bejrablaya and Laumjansook, 1976). The other paper (Scher et
    al., 1976) was originally presented in 1974 to the North American
    Congress on Alcohol and Drug Problems, by these authors from the National
    Council on Drug Abuse and the Methadone Maintenance Institute, and was
    entitled, "Massive Vitamin C as an Adjunct in Methadone Maintenance and
    Detoxification." These authors realized that scurvy played a large part
    in the drug abuse problem, but they only saw ascorbate as a means to
    reduce some of the side effects of methadone administration like
    constipation, loss of libido, and restless sleep. For this they used
    about 5 g of ascorbic acid a day. It apparently never occurred to them
    that by switching to sodium ascorbate and increasing their dosage by a
    factor of 10, they could completely eliminate the ill-conceived Methadone
    Program with all its problems and at the same time have a simple,
    nontoxic, and elegant solution to the drug abuse problem.

    The Orthomolecular Procedure for Correcting the H-K Syndrome

    Originally in our early testing, when the addict came in we took a
    sample of urine for the simple C-STIX test for urinary spillover of
    ascorbate and a 24-hour specimen for a compelte quantitative individual
    amino acid and related constituent column fractionation and assay. The
    results were so consistently low on the amino acids, and with no
    spillover of ascorbate, that we no longer go to the expense or bother of
    these tests. The narcotic intake is stopped, and the addict is given the
    first dose of sodium ascorbate, high levels of multivitamins and
    minerals, and nine tablespooons per day of PHH-Pro, in divided doses, a
    predigested protein preparation. Since the addicts have a rather
    abnormal digestive system, it is an aid to direct absorption of the amino
    acids into the vascular system if the liquid amino acid dosage is held in
    the mouth as long as comfortable before swallowing. The total amount of
    ascorbate given a day will vary with the extent of the drug addiction.
    It is never less than 25 g a day in spaced doses and can go to 85 g or
    more per day. As a rough rule-of-thumb means of judging dosage:
    a $50/day habit needs 25 to 40 g sodium ascorbate, $150 to $200/day about
    60 to 75 grams. Judging dosage comes with experience, and any errors
    should be on the high-dosage side because of ascorbate's extremely low
    toxicity and lack of side effects. The megadoses are continued for four
    to six days. During this time no withdrawl symptoms should be encountered
    (if any appear, increase the soldium ascorbate intake.) Generally, in two or
    three days appetite returns and most patients begin to eat well and have
    restful sleep for the first time since the chronic addiction began. One
    of the first observations to be made of the patient on this
    orthomolecular therapy is the rapid change in well-being: they feel
    good. The mega doses are then gradually reduced to holding dose levels
    of about 10 g per day of sodium ascorbate and lower levels of the
    vitamins and mienrals. The predigested protein is discontinued if the
    patients are eating well.

    Typical Case Histories

    Case 1. T.M., male, age 23. Using drugs for 10 years. At 15, used
    heroin for a "weekend high." At the time our treatment was started, he
    was supporting a $100-a-day habit. He had tried, on several occasions,
    the hospital detoxification programs of methadone and liquid Darvon.
    Each time this program of substituting another narcotic for the heroin
    failed to give him satisfactory relief. The first thing he did when he
    came out of the hospital was to inject heroin becasue of the insatiable
    craving and being sick form the methadone or liquid Darvon. On coming
    in, his urine was tested for urinary spillover of ascorbate and amino
    acids. There was no urinary spillover, confirming the presence of
    hypoascorbemia and hypaminoaciduria. He was given 25 g of sodium
    ascorbate in 4 g doses along with the vitamins, minerals, and the protein
    supplements. After three days on the regimen, he began eating and
    feeling so much better and thinking more clearly, stating that "I don't
    want to go stealing no more," and he began to have restful sleep. The
    ascorbate was reduced to 10 g per day on the sixth day. He has now been
    on this holding dose for about three months and is completely drug-free
    and has lost his "desire" for the drug. He has graduated from the
    Manpower program and in now gainfully employed for the first time in his
    adult life.

    Case 2. A.C. male, age 24. Began using heroin at age 15 and now
    had a habit costing between $150 and $200 a day. Had tried at least
    seven different hospitals for detoxification and was on methadone
    maintenance for three years. He stil "fixed" with heroin, or order to
    take the methadone, as it upset his stomach and made him ill. "Methadone
    kills your insides," to quote the patient. He was such a skeptic of the
    value of our orthomolecular program that on a Sunday he first took 45 g
    of sodium ascorbate and then in the space of five hours he "shot-up"
    $300-$400 worth of heroin, and he felt no effect from this large amount
    of heroin. He continued on the ascorbate, 45 g per day for 10 days,
    along with the vitamins, minerals, and protein supplement. Then the
    dosage was reduced to 10 g sodium ascorbate and continued for another 30
    days. The patient has moved out of the area, but when last seen, he was
    drug-free and had an extreme sense of well-being and a good attitude.
  7. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Nice to meet you Leo! I always thought bradley was your real name, not just a screen name.
  8. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Instigator More lol

    This ones going in the book

    Originally posted by Bradley You posted you were in protective custody in a separate wing with Luciano because you were being harassed for your sex case.


    Originally posted by Warcry no i didnt. i never posted this lie from a faggit which is you.

    Originally posted by Warcry you are a gay bro acept it like accept the fact ur momma was a whore and ur daddy whore dher out and thats how u were born..

    Originally posted by Warcry stick to ur faggit shit homo puto shit u were brojn in than worry about me faggit.

    He's right fuys the reason he was in prison was for noncing a girl at a waterpark which also got him deported from the country
  9. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by infinityshock israel…

    Israel can't exist without America so I always consider them in the same bag. They are completely willing to destroy every last goy on the planet, they think it's their mission from God and the Americans that don't see it are usually christians that think jedis are their ally when they actually hate all muslims and christians and want to murder them BUT LETS JUST SEND THEM ALL OUR TAXPAYER MONEY AND TEACH THEM HOW TO MAKE NUKES LOL

  10. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    this title breaks my screen
  11. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    spam < bumping old threads
  12. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    okay what FUCKING RETARD keeps bumping old threads

  13. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    When it comes to fighting a ground war America would rather send drones, bombs or even a fucking nuke rather than send Americans to die in a "fair fight" when they can just use technology to kill them all

    They are the only government in the history of earth that is willing to use that amount of force against people. I don't think any other nation state would ever have it in them to press the button. America pressed it twice.
  14. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    post it again, coward OP
  15. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    The only way to stop the ZOG machine is by destroying all world governments forever
  16. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Warcry rememebr when i used to be heavyb into martial arts? and trained mma at legia fight club also braizllian jiu jitsu and shit? and ebfore that also in usa judo different styles and watched shaw brother mnvoies and shit? anyway,. remember when i posted the video of me doiung a wall run and landing on a rail and forward and showed the pic of the rail on left the one i was chased off of in the day by the management ladies for them thinking ill break it? i hit it. twice. befor ei mvoed to lodz. the idea was to do a right leg jump off the garden fence onto with both legs at least a snap second the main moving dforward gate that oepmns and forward jump. i hit it.

    Originally posted by Warcry the idea was to overocme the fear of the gate moving forward or just wobbling wonce i put both feet on it pure to defeat fear than any tehcnciality and i hit it at least twice. at night when they coudlnt see it.
  17. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    lost the culture war ^
  18. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Bradley Why would you click on this? What were you hoping to learn?

    I've heard about all kinds of animal rape in the past month I was concerned there actually was a bestiality trend
  19. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Narc Yeah I see you still one sorry muthafucka


    okay totsefag
  20. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
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