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Posts by Iron Ree

  1. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    I skipped school to hang out with girls, watch anime, fingerbang them and fuck them in the ass. Good times, and then marijuana ruined my life
  2. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]

    m$$$$L d$$b c$$$$c d$ d$b
    J$$P m$$$ $$ $P ?$ $$P d$b J$$$P ?$L
    $$$b 4$$ $$P c$ $$cc$$P $$$
    $$$$b $$$ $$$ $$$$$P $$m $$P
    $$$b $$$ 4$$$ $$$ ?$$$$ $$P
    $$bc $$bd$ $$P $$P __ __ __ _
    c$$$m $$$L `$P _) \ _) |_ __) \ _)\
    ?$$$$L J$$$P | `- | |__ \ | ' / | |
    `$$$$$$$$P \__|_/ |____/ |_|_\ |_|

    __________________ / 3 \ ___________________
    ______________________\// \\/________________________
    \' `/


    Super Aski is the first serbian ascii comic,that means it's made of pure
    Ascii characters. That way it's apsolutely the same when looked at on all
    platforms. All the credist go to MasterMind /FACE (for drawing the
    ascii's and the screenplay), as to User / FUSION for help on the
    screenplay. You can contact MasterMind trough e-mail at the adress

    You can view this comic from any viewer or editor on any platform. It
    looks a hell of a lot better when looked at 80x50 text mode (on PC,
    alt-F9 from the NC or mode con:lines=50 from dos)

    You can copy and distribute this comic freely as long as you don't
    change anything in it and it's distributed by it's original name,

    All the adventures of Super Aski can be downloaded from WWW from the

    filename name of the episode date of release Super Aski vs. the little green monsters ! 30.09.1997. Super Aski vs. the monster from the swamps! 08.10.1997. Super Aski vs. the ugly ninja fish! 26.10.1997.

    ----- _./ _ ------
    --- . |/o`p (") _____ _____ ---
    -- / \ ') // |||||-r-------------------------t-||||| --
    - \.\===/ ||| |-| The Adventures of |-||| | -
    - (")___//\__\_________LLLLL-| Super Aski, |-||| | -
    - `````' / /\ \ .. || ||-| the first serbian pure |-|| || -
    -- .. | | /_/_ ||| |-| ascii superhero. |-||| | --
    --- ; / ;/ ----' || ||-L_________________________|-|| || ---
    ------ `'' """ '' """"" """"" ------
    |-------------------------------------------------------- 30.08.1997 ------|
    - idea,design and all other shit - MASTERMIND@SEZAMPRO.YU -
    - screenplay & translating to english - AGENT99@MINDLESS.COM -


    Super Aski is a superhero made only of pure ascii characters. Unlike
    all the other superheroes he doens't dress in sleeping clothes when he
    goes to action, because he is ugly enough even without them. Women are
    simply crazy about him and he also has an unbeleavable gift for action
    and an exceptional knowlege of one and a half martshall art. He
    doesn't speek any of the foreign languages, and none of the domestic
    also. His favorit group is Orange and he thinks that their intro
    'Robot' is the best porno movie he has ever seen. In his spare time he
    does crosswords from various domestic and foreign enigmatic papers and
    looks from his window to the city dump. He is an unreplaceable fighter
    against injustice and he cal also serve as a lamp foundation. Super
    Aski doesn't have a younger brother but look a whole lot better when
    looked at in 80x50 mode. Some of the things Super Aski does are done
    by trained profesionals and you shouldn't try to do this at home. If
    you like him and you would like to see the second episode, contact

    \\ //\//\//\//\//\//\
    // EPIZODE 1: Super Aski against little green monsters! \\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/
    \\ //\//\//\//\//\//\
    | On the begining of the new episodes we find our superhero in a |
    | painting job in his apartment... |
    | | ______________ | |
    | /| | _________ ( mmmm ) | |
    | / | | | | \ Ah Ah AAA / | but, unfortunatelly, the |
    |/|/| | | WC | /__----------' | phone again rang in the |
    |/|/ | | _ | _______________| worst moment... |
    | / | | O| | ___ |
    | | | | | Ring / _ \_ Our readers sure know|
    | | | | | Ring \_\\_ \_ allready that out hero |
    | |___|_________|_______ | Ring /\_\_ \_ doesn't give up easily|
    | / | /_ \/ \ and when the phone |
    | / /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ | _______ / / ) /\_S_/ rang three times, |
    | / \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ | |\\\\\\\ ( (_/ / S|\ his WC was allready|
    | / /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ | ||\\\\\\\ \ / S S| \ freshly painted. |
    |___________________________1| |||\\\\\\\ \(______S/ \\\ |
    | Using his unbeleavable |_____________________________________________2|
    | manuvering skills which he learned | |
    | during his few years long undercover || ||||||||||||||| |
    | missiom in a circus when he was very || _____ ||||||||||||||| |
    | young, Super Aski dressed up with || | | ||| __ __ | |
    | only one hand, while his other hand /| | (-: | _|| / \ / \| |
    | bravely, with a lot of effort and | | |_____| ( _o) \ _o)| |
    | not without casualties raised the | | \\ \ | |
    | phone hook on it's own. | | \_ (_ )) ) |
    | ____ | | | `' / |
    | _/ \ | | | | ___ .SSS |
    | / \ / / | | | | \_---' | SS |
    | / \ |_\./ | | | | \ S |
    | / \ |'_) | |________ | | `. ) S ____ |
    | ( \ |' / | _/\\__\ _________/ S |
    | /|`\| \ | \/_/\___________/ \ _ S |
    | ( ( )\ \_ | ||___`______________/__\ S |
    | S___/ \ \ | |
    | S \ \ | But, our superhero was either too |
    | S \ __)_ | hungry to talk over the phone now, |
    | S \_ \__ | or perhaps to stupid to notice that |
    | _SS" \_ \_ | the thing in his hand was not a |
    | S \ \ | biscuit. Anyway, while you are |
    | | reading this, he is cheeing on that |
    |____________________________________3| unfortunate phone hook. |
    | Allthough his grandfather Smiley |___________________________________4_|
    | is laughing to him right now from the painting on the wall behind him, for|
    | Super Aski this was nothing new. This was his fifth phone this monts. But,|
    | that doesn't change the fact that he lost an oportunity to respond to an |
    | urgent call from an old lady whose siamese cat got hurt in a fight with |
    | her nothing less siamese twin. If he knew that, our hero wouldn't be anno-|
    | yed by the fact that he will, because of the 10000-th missed good deed, be|
    | thrown out of the Independant Super Hero Club, in wich the most of the |
    | members, including Superman and batman as well as Rambo from part one to |
    | three, envy him for his unbeleavable popularity, but with the fact that |
    | he ussualy gets layed when it comes to old ladies. But, have no worry |
    | dear readers, something will come up yet... |
    | Just when we thought nothing inte-| Super Aski joyfully shouted 'Oh, |
    | resting is going to happen, the sky| fuck, not again ?!' and left his top |
    | above the little town in cetral | secret downtown apartment to check |
    | Africa in wich Super Aski lived was| why he was called upon now... |
    | enlighted by Super Askii's sign, | |
    | Like the one Batman has, but way | The fact that he left |
    | low budget... | _________ trough the window did |
    | | / / | not worry him much, at |
    | .'''. __ __| _________//|| least not untill he, |
    | : @ : ( ) ( | ||/ | under the worh of |
    | `...';. || ____ ||| H H H H | _ o strange,and unknown |
    | __ `:;;_ _ ||--/ \--||| | O\ to him, force G |
    | /_/|| `;;)/| || | .. ___ | H H H H | /\ reached the first |
    | __|.||| _|. |.| ___ \|_||| |-| | . floor level. |
    | |\ _| ||/| | |..|.||\__\ | __|_| H H H H | | |
    | |.| |.||/ /\ | | |||. .| |_| | | | |
    | \| | |/ |__||. |/ `|___| |___| | | |
    | Our hero again had more luch than brains, | |
    | wich he has none, and instead of falling on __________ | the |
    | the grownd and breaking his balls he fell ( OPASNOS' ) | sponsor |
    | in an open shaft and the water (yeah, right, ||--------' | of this |
    | sure it was water) softed his fall. Alive, . || | episode |
    | and even more, with a very interesting | \ \/ | is the |
    | scent, Super Aski, to everybody's ----- /. \ ------------ | clinic |
    | dissapointment, left the shaft. //\ . \ | hospital |
    |\ |"""| __ // // \ | center |
    |-`---------. _________ / (';') -\\ / // \\ | _______| 'Kingj |
    | ; . " . _| \_______\ // | o |\ \\ - // `' \_______| Richard |
    |--( ( ) )-(__) (( /`-_-' | )) / \\ | pussy' |
    | ` _ ' \/ /__ / /_// | from |
    | (/)- (/)' -' | north |
    | But, his luck didn't serve him very well, because in the next | Botcwana |
    | moment his nose was all over the fender of the car which you | |
    | can see on the left side of your little tv screens. | |
    | regardless of surviving even another |
    | unlucky incident, Super Aski was still |
    | not out of the danger (read this like : |
    | it's too early for ending this episode, |
    | we took the money for at least half an |
    | hour of smore). Of all the dangers /\ __ ____ ??????? |
    | that lurked in souch a peacefull city `// _____ /O) ??????? |
    | of a few dozen residents in central `' ( O) ????? |
    | Africa, the faith choose that he should | \__/ \ |
    | meed the notorious little green monsters `;..;' \ \ |
    | whish are, due to the low budget of this `_______/\ \ |
    | episode, not green and there are not many | | |
    | of them, but only one, but anyway they will (.\\) |
    | kidnap our hero with a suspicious motive. `// |
    | |
    | |||||/ readers with more imagination will perhaps think that behind|
    | |;; o\ the kindaping is actually a hidden erotic urge of the little|
    | |; ._) green monsters, triggered by the odour our hero collected in|
    | | .:. the sewer, but we asure you that the mating season of that |
    | |`..__) type of mosters allready happened last year, so the reason |
    | ___| |___ sure was something else. The little green monsters went to |
    | | /`--'\ | the closest McDonalds to by a double cheeseburger delux with|
    | ( ) lot of catchup on (their favorite food) and our brave knight|
    | ZZZZZZZZZZ became concious and realised that he was tied to a chair. |
    | ZZZZZZZZZZ What he didn't know is that he was endangered by a bomb that|
    | |ZZZZZZZZ| doesn't, except for a fact that it's drawn real bad, differ |
    | || || any way from all the other bombs... |
    | |/ \| _____________________________ |
    | ( /\ ) | _ ______:::_____ | |
    | | `/__\ | | (_| / \ ::: |__() | |
    | ZZZZp--qZZZZ /--------| (_|( V )::: |__() | |
    | ZZZZ| |ZZZZ \--------| (_|_\_/_:::__|__() | |
    | / ;| |: \ |_______________```___________| |
    | /--'/ \`--\ |
    | `--' `--' |
    | 5 minutes later| | and now for some propaganda from|
    |----------------+ Our hero is running | our sponsor : |
    | ::___/ / out of time with the | |
    | /`/ \/ /geometrical progression| Cure yourselves in a nice ambient|
    | / /\ \| |/ / will he save +----+---+ and acceptable prices... |
    | ( / /`.__'; himself and |CHC 'Kingh Richard pussy', north Botcwana. |
    | ( / / /'what's his faith?|telephone 952-134-2948-248-14-FUCK-YOU! |
    | | the answer |
    | ___----- |\__________________ | _ / ` //\ _ to our stu-|
    | ' / \ | \ / pid hero's|
    | | ` ______ ( HMMM, what's this ) | bang `/ question |
    | | ;| \ sound 6,5,4,3... _/ | `/ _\ arrived |
    | | :| _____ .\_________________/ | /_ soon... |
    | ZZZZZZZZz | `// `\' |
    | ZZZZZZZZZ ______________________| ___________`'____________15__|
    | ZZZZZZZZZ | |
    |:;;;.;;;;;;| | | Our hero once again had \||||| |
    |:::::::::::| | | so much luck that even /o | |
    |:::::::::::| | | the author of this mini (_. | |
    |__________________14_| strip is sick of him... .:. | |
    | the bomb was actually a rusty old Austro- (__. .| |
    | hungarian bomb left after the WWI and so / __\ |
    | the explosion just blowed up the chair ___ /\_/` ) |
    | and freed our and your main hero which (;;;) ( . \| |
    | can be seen right now running to his :`'.' | (___) |
    | top-secret apartman. : ; .|; `. .`. |
    | `..' |;; `.. ) |
    | Unfortunatelly, it seems that we will never |;; ..' .' |
    | find out what was really the reasonfor the ZZZZ('` ; |
    | kidnaping and if it has anything to do with /' U `'") |
    | the law-suit from the Telephone Protector's / | ) |
    | Alliance. How Super Aski was thrown out of / \_ \. ___..... |
    | the mentioned Club because he didn't make it (_ \/ \_ ; ;;;;;| |
    | in time to respond to the light signal from \_ \. \_______;;;;;| |
    | picture #6 wich resulted in colective suicide \_ .;. ;;;;| |
    | of all the members of four protected types of `;;;;;. `;;;| |
    | mice in some of future episodes... .;;;;'/ |
    | (;;;'/ |
    |_____________________________________________________`'/ _______________16_|
  3. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013

    I found something a lot closer…it's not though so you think maybe I could kill somebody with it? Or maybe a cat least?

    that looks like the ones that grew in the park when I was a kid

    idk, there are some magic shrooms with "flat heads" and round heads but the non "dwarf cap" magic shrooms are pretty distinct.
    I think the specific scientific term for the area to look for would be the "Umbo", even the flat head and round magic shrooms have a somewhat pointed top part that looks almost magical in nature like a wizard hat

  4. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    damn, you already bought the pizza?

    I've been left with my heart in my hand and a cold pizza many times and then they come over anyways, drunk and just come over at night to fuck me like an animal and leave. This might be a blessing in the skies

    the only thing colder than a pete is a bitches icey heart
  5. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
  6. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Kinks you believe this of me? lmao

    no i'm just saying I heard that the "pick me girl" meme exists I read about this phenomenae in a thread on a forum. I suspect that entire thread was actually toxic women brainwashed by culture because I don't really think this is a real thing just like every other buzz word term thrown around modern society

    i've only started noticing it recently
  7. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Warcry guck it im done with this shit im not riting her back fuck that another gold digger i bet.

    Hey sometimes you buy a pizza and a bag of crack and then the girl pulls out a knife and takes the crack and runs away, it is what it is.
  8. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Warcry should i just say tou pay for your own pizza and i pay for mine but can get us dinrks if you want?

    buy 2 pizzas and a case of beers and a few grams of mephedrone and then look her in the eyes sultryly and say "wanna chill bby?"
  9. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    good bump!
  10. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    imagine, she could be a registered trained nurse in medical school so she can bring clean rigs and wear a sexy nurse outfit and tie you off and inject you with mephedrone. imagine fuys!!!
  11. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    just invite her over to get high and drink some bears see where it goes you know watch teh fallout TV show with her and cook her dinner and then offer to eat her ass

    if you want your ass licked your gonna have to lick some cunt first and show her you are a gentleman
  12. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Kafka You're a pick me girl.

    lol I heard about this meme

  13. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    maybe you could use a drug test kit for shrooms/LSD and grind up the shrooms and if the kit says positive it's probably a magic shroom
  14. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    I've dated some girls that were like 10/10 gorgeous goes around always looking sexy but you go back to their place and there's holes/knives in the wall and the place is TRASHED and she has no shame about it at all

    You have one of those "I know what i'm getting into" moments
  15. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Warcry shes talking to me right now the 19 yr old. and asked me what time im going back home as she might come back but the thing is my alpce is a dump mess meth fueled mess.


    just tell her you are in the midst of the throes of a heavy hard drug addiction and that you have been snorting mephedrone daily and masturbating to tons of porn and slowly going insane. She will either think you are a sexy emo bad boy self destructing because you are actually a romantic deep down and just need a REAL LADY to tame your wild heart or she will think your a disgusting degenerate and run away

    She will either think "I can fix him!" or be too troubled by your demons to bother. And if she's down to do drugs with you than you can be degenerates together, this is my modus operandi and it always works out for me. I scare away the weak and only attract the fucked up that are DOWN TO PARTY. Mentally ill girls have the messiest bedrooms with dirty plates on the bed and will let you fuck them in the ass right on top of their unwashed dishes as long as you bring them drugs

  16. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    An entire bucket of neopolitan ice cream but I eat all the strawberry and never touch the rest
  17. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Kingoffrogs No don't eat them.

    Grow HBW and Morning Glory instead

    better yet

    grow an entire field of infected rye with ergot and farm it like 1930's Sandoz discovering industrial ergot production for the first time and eventually years later producing LSD for the first time in an infamous moment known as "Bicycle Day" a "tripper holiday" celebrated by people that have been 'turned on' by LSD around the world, a holy holiday akin to christmas or St. Patricks day if you're a catholic

  18. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    follow me on fellas!

  19. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    I only use reddit to view clips of my soap because it's really the only place that makes sense to post such things.

    if it wasn't reddit and the community got banned for some reason it would just be a reddit clone like

    all the communities I followed on reddit that got banned are either on the darknet dread reddir or which is much better than reddit in every way and they frequently poach thousands of users when communities get banned

    Poor Arnox is still waiting for a flood of disgruntled reddit users that will return to the glory days of old skool forums but I'm not sure that day will ever come. People will just use clones or not bother with the community at all if it splits up too much and gets spread across multiple platforms
  20. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Warcry And you people wonder why I hate living here so much.

    Maybe don't get deported then?
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