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Posts by Iron Ree

  1. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    see you all in a month
  2. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    well that sentence didn't make sense
  3. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by infinityshock

    im so high i read thought she was talking about smoking weed
  4. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
  5. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    mario 2 is not canon with the rest of the mario universe you FUCKING IDIOT everyone knows this

    you know what is canon? Mold Mario

  6. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by mashlehash You Need To Go To The Mental Hospoital.

    thank you

    Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy

    you're ghof damn right
  7. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
  8. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    thats a 22 hole I was trying to scare you
  9. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    you scared him off guys

    come on wozz lets switch alts just log into this account
    Bombay Trap Star
    password: wozny696969

    pm me if you need some more alternatives lets run these fools
  10. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by infinityshock

    thank you for ruining the DH threads you are the savior of totse and we will sing songs about your legends
  11. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by ā €ā €ā €ā €ā €ā € Is she fat?

    bni i meant anal fisting
  12. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    United States Department of State
    Washington, D.C. 20520
    October 16, 2023
    Mr. Simohamed Benbattouche
    Dear Mr. Benbattouche:
    This is in response to your December 20, 2022, request submitted pursuant to the Freedom of
    Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. Ā§ 552, in which you requested documents related to records
    regarding the 2021 death of David Kirk Ginder, an American citizen, which occurred in
    Japan. The Department of State, Office of Information Programs and Services received your
    FOIA request and assigned it tracking number F-2023-03110. Please include the tracking
    number in all future communications concerning this FOIA request.
    The Bureau of Consular Affairs, Office of Overseas Citizens' Services, conducted a search and
    located 32 records, totaling 105 pages, responsive to your request. After careful review, we
    determined that 27 documents may be released in part, five documents may be released in full.
    The Department has considered the foreseeable harm standard when reviewing these records
    and applying FOIA exemptions. The withheld information is exempt from release pursuant
    ļ‚· 5 U.S.C. Ā§ 552(b)(6), which concerns material that, if released, would constitute a
    clearly unwarranted invasion of an individualā€™s personal privacy.
    This action closes your request in this office. For further assistance or to discuss any aspect of
    your request, you may contact our FOIA Requester Service Center or our FOIA Public Liaison
    by email to or telephone at (202) 261-8484.
    If you are not satisfied with the Departmentā€™s determination in response to your FOIA request,
    you may administratively appeal by writing to: Appeals Officer, Office of Information Programs
    and Services, U.S. Department of State, A/GIS/IPS, HST Room B266, 2201 C Street, NW,
    Washington, D.C. 20520, by email to, or by fax to 202-485-1718.
    Appeals must be postmarked within 90 calendar days and include a copy of this letter, clearly
    stating why you disagree with the determination set forth in this response.
    Additionally, if you are not satisfied with the Departmentā€™s determination in response to your
    request, you may contact the Office of Government Information Services at the National
    Archives and Records Administration to inquire about the FOIA Mediation Services they offer.
    The contact information is as follows: Office of Government Information Services, National
    Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road-OGIS, College Park, Maryland
    20740-6001, email address:; telephone: (202) 741-5770; toll free number: 1-877-
    684-6448; fax: (202) 741-5769.
    Dwayne Williamson,
    Acting Chief,
    Management Support Unit
    Overseas Citizens Services
    As stated
    ļˆļ”ļ¬ļ¬ļ€¬ļ€ ļ„ļ”ļ¹ļÆļ€ ļ
    Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2021 7:53 PM
    To: Tokyo Consular ACS SCS DL
    Subject: RE: Duty Log for the weekend of 26-27 June
    Confirmed name and DOB.
    B(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    Sent: Monday, June 28, 2021 8:49 AM
    To: Tokyo Consular ACS SCS DL <>
    Subject: FW: Duty Log for the weekend of 26ā€27 June
    Importance: High
    Letā€™s see if has any additional information before calling, but could someone from SCS call Arakawa police
    department this morning to see if they are aware of this situation?
    Sent: Monday, June 28, 2021 8:44 AM
    To: Tokyo Consular DutyLog DL <>
    Subject: Duty Log for the weekend of 26ā€27 June
    Date: 26 June 2021
    Name of Duty Officer:
    Call #: 1
    Time of Call: 14:54
    Callers Details:
    ļ‚· Officer
    ļ‚· 03ā€3408ā€0110 (ext. 3962)
    ļ‚· Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Harajuku Police Station.
    US Citizen involved
    Details of Call:
    ļ‚· The police called the Embassy to report the death of Ms. . The doctor believes it is from natural
    causes, but they are still investigating. . The next of kin, Mr.
    , is aware of his mother's passing and he was living alone with her. He is also a U.S.
    citizen. His contact information is below:
    Date: Date: 27 June 2021
    Name of Duty Officer:
    Call #: 2
    Time of Call: 0:45(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    Callers Details:
    US Citizen involved
    ļ‚· Date of Birth: Unknown
    ļ‚· Birthplace: Unknown
    ļ‚· Resident Card#: Unknown
    Details of Call:
    ļ‚· called the Embassy to warn that may commit suicide. said the he and his
    wife received messages from that suggested he was planning to take his life, and
    requested that the Embassy check on his status.
    Date: Date: 27 June 2021
    Name of Duty Officer:
    Call #s: 3,4,5
    Time of Call:s 15:30, 17:00, 19:10
    Callers Details:
    ( Likely Dutch citizen as he called from the Netherlands. No further information
    on him)
    US Citizen involved
    ļ‚· Dave Ginder
    ļ‚· Birthplace: Unknown
    ļ‚· Resident Card#: Unknown
    Details of Call:
    ļ‚· called the Embassy to warn that Mr. Ginder may commit suicide. said that Mr.
    Ginder posted threatening tweets on his twitter account @near_koukai that suggested his suicide was
    imminent. After called, called at 17:00 for the same reason and said that he
    spoke to Mr. Ginder at 11:11 am that day for an hour before he just started hear music on loop for
    another hour. gave the duty officer a google phone number for Mr. Ginder .
    At around 19:10 called from the Netherlands saying that he has additional details on
    Mr. Ginder. He provided the date of birth, the likely address, and a local phone number of the subject.
    He also told the duty officer that he contacted the local police about Mr. Ginderā€™s status.(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    To: Tokyo Consular ACS SCS DL
    Subject: FW: Duty Log for the weekend of 26-27 June
    Date: Sunday, June 27, 2021 7:49:00 PM
    Importance: High
    Letā€™s see if has any additional information before calling, but could someone from SCS call
    Arakawa police department this morning to see if they are aware of this situation?
    Sent: Monday, June 28, 2021 8:44 AM
    To: Tokyo Consular DutyLog DL <>
    Subject: Duty Log for the weekend of 26-27 June
    Date: 26 June 2021
    Name of Duty Officer:
    Call #: 1
    Time of Call: 14:54
    Callers Details:
    03-3408-0110 (ext. 3962)
    Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Harajuku Police Station.
    US Citizen involved
    Details of Call:
    The police called the Embassy to report the death of Ms. . The doctor believes it
    is from natural causes, but they are still investigating.
    . The next of kin, , is aware of his mother's passing and
    he was living alone with her. He is also a U.S. citizen. His contact information is below:
    Date: Date: 27 June 2021
    Name of Duty Officer:
    Call #: 2
    B(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    Time of Call: 0:45
    Callers Details:
    US Citizen involved
    Date of Birth: Unknown
    Birthplace: Unknown
    Resident Card#: Unknown
    Details of Call:
    called the Embassy to warn that may commit suicide.
    said the he and his wife received messages from that suggested he was
    planning to take his life, and requested that the Embassy check on his status.
    Date: Date: 27 June 2021
    Name of Duty Officer:
    Call #s: 3,4,5
    Time of Call:s 15:30, 17:00, 19:10
    Callers Details:
    ( Likely Dutch citizen as he called from the Netherlands. No
    further information on him)
    US Citizen involved
    Dave Ginder
    Birthplace: Unknown
    Resident Card#: Unknown
    Details of Call:
    called the Embassy to warn that Mr. Ginder may commit suicide. Mr.
    said that Mr. Ginder posted threatening tweets on his twitter account
    @near_koukai that suggested his suicide was imminent. After called, Mr.
    called at 17:00 for the same reason and said that he spoke to Mr. Ginder at
    11:11 am that day for an hour before he just started hear music on loop for another
    hour. gave the duty officer a google phone number for Mr. Ginder
    ). At around 19:10 called from the Netherlands saying that
    he has additional details on Mr. Ginder. He provided the date of birth, the likely
    address, and a local phone number of the subject. He also told the duty officer that he(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b)
    contacted the local police about Mr. Ginderā€™s status.
    B(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b
    )(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    (b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    (b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    (b) (6)
    B(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    (b) (6)(b)
    (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    (b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    B(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b)
    (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    (b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(
    )(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    To: ; Tokyo Consular ACS SCS DL
    Subject: RE: Duty Log for the weekend of 26-27 June (WW: David Ginder)
    Date: Sunday, June 27, 2021 8:29:36 PM
    On June 28, I talked to Mr. , Crime Prevention Unit ļ¼ˆé˜²ēŠÆäæ‚ļ¼‰of Arakawa Police Station(03-
    3801-0110 X2612). He was aware of the case and reported that he would contact the management
    company and unlock the room. I gave Mr. my direct number to call me during the office hours
    and asked him to call the switchboard after 16:30.
    According to Mr. , the police visited Mr. Ginderā€™s room twice yesterday (late afternoon and
    night) but had no answer. With the neighborā€™s cooperation, the police tried to peak the room from
    the balcony but the wall prevented it and was not able to. The police also called the cell number but
    did not hear any sounds and could not confirm the cell phone in the room. The police also reported
    that when they pressed the room number at the entrance of the building, they got an error
    message. The police said that the electricity could be cut off for not paying the utility bill.
    Sent: Monday, June 28, 2021 9:01 AM
    To:>;>; Tokyo Consular ACS
    SCS DL <>
    Subject: RE: Duty Log for the weekend of 26-27 June
    tracked down several phone numbers for Mr. Ginder and lit them up for much of the night. I
    also called several times. also emailed him, and the operator helped her call the police who
    reported that they went to the apartment building earlier in the day. They think they identified the
    right apartment, but there was no answer when they knocked.
    Unfortunately, she never heard back from him.
    Sent: Monday, June 28, 2021 8:53 AM
    To:>; Tokyo Consular ACS SCS DL
    Subject: RE: Duty Log for the weekend of 26-27 June
    (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(
    )(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    I will call Arakawa Police.
    Sent: Monday, June 28, 2021 8:49 AM
    To: Tokyo Consular ACS SCS DL <>
    Subject: FW: Duty Log for the weekend of 26-27 June
    Importance: High
    Letā€™s see if has any additional information before calling, but could someone from SCS call
    Arakawa police department this morning to see if they are aware of this situation?
    Sent: Monday, June 28, 2021 8:44 AM
    To: Tokyo Consular DutyLog DL <>
    Subject: Duty Log for the weekend of 26-27 June
    Date: 26 June 2021
    Name of Duty Officer:
    Call #: 1
    Time of Call: 14:54
    Callers Details:
    03-3408-0110 (ext. 3962)
    Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Harajuku Police Station.
    US Citizen involved
    Details of Call:
    The police called the Embassy to report the death of . The doctor believes it(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    is from natural causes, but they are still investigating. She also had known heart
    problems. The next of kin, , is aware of his mother's passing and
    he was living alone with her. He is also a U.S. citizen. His contact information is below:
    Date: Date: 27 June 2021
    Name of Duty Officer:
    Call #: 2
    Time of Call: 0:45
    Callers Details:
    US Citizen involved
    Date of Birth: Unknown
    Birthplace: Unknown
    Resident Card#: Unknown
    Details of Call:
    called the Embassy to warn that may commit suicide.
    said the he and his wife received messages from that suggested he was
    planning to take his life, and requested that the Embassy check on his status.
    Date: Date: 27 June 2021
    Name of Duty Officer:
    Call #s: 3,4,5
    Time of Call:s 15:30, 17:00, 19:10
    Callers Details:
    (No further information on him)
    ( Likely Dutch citizen as he called from the Netherlands. No
    further information on him)
    US Citizen involved
    Dave Ginder
    Birthplace: Unknown
    Resident Card#: Unknown
    Details of Call:(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    called the Embassy to warn that Mr. Ginder may commit suicide. Mr.
    Rogers said that Mr. Ginder posted threatening tweets on his twitter account
    @near_koukai that suggested his suicide was imminent. After called, Mr.
    called at 17:00 for the same reason and said that he spoke to Mr. Ginder at
    11:11 am that day for an hour before he just started hear music on loop for another
    hour. gave the duty officer a google phone number for Mr. Ginder
    ). At around 19:10 called from the Netherlands saying that
    he has additional details on Mr. Ginder. He provided the date of birth, the likely
    address, and a local phone number of the subject. He also told the duty officer that he
    contacted the local police about Mr. Ginderā€™s status.(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b)
    (6)(b) (6)
    B(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b)
    (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    (b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    (b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    (b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    (b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b)
    (6)(b) (6)(b)
    (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    (b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (7)
    (A)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    B(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    (b) (6)(b) (6)
    (b) (6)

    (b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)

    ļˆļ”ļ¬ļ¬ļ€¬ļ€ ļ„ļ”ļ¹ļÆļ€ ļ
    Subject: FW: David Ginder
    Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2021 9:04 AM
    Subject: RE: David Ginder
    + :
    Received a call from Arakawa police this morning saying that they are now coordinating with the Tokyo Medical
    Examinerā€™s Office to examine the body to determine the cause of death. In general, no autopsy is conducted if it was
    apparent that the deceased passed away by hanging and the police believes no foul play was involved. But they
    understand that nonā€Japanese family likely to request an autopsy regardless. The police wants to know asap if Davidā€™s
    spouse wishes an autopsy to be conducted or not and asked us to reach out to him. I saw an email from the spouse, so
    will draft a reply for your clearance including the information above.
    Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2021 5:23 PM
    Subject: RE: David Ginder
    Thank you team for the tremendous work on this. I really, really appreciate the group effort on a very sad, difficult case.
    B(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
    ļˆļ”ļ¬ļ¬ļ€¬ļ€ ļ„ļ”ļ¹ļÆļ€ ļ
    From: U.S. Embassy Tokyo ACS
    Subject: FW: David Ginder car
    Sent: Thursday, July 1, 2021 11:45 AM
    Subject: RE: David Ginder car
    The police told me that they found a car key among Mr. Ginderā€™s effects and it is in their possession.
    Sent: Thursday, July 1, 2021 11:39 AM
    Subject: RE: David Ginder car
    Remind me why we thought originally there was a car? I canā€™t find the original mention of a car but I know someone
    mentioned it to us?
    B(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b)
    From: U.S. Embassy Tokyo ACS
    Cc: U.S. Embassy Tokyo ACS
    Subject: Re: Information for David Ginder case/file
    Date: Wednesday, June 30, 2021 11:17:05 PM
    Attachments: Letter of Instruction 6-29-21.pdf
    Letter of Condolence 6-29-21.pdf
    Dear ,
    You are not bothering us at all. Helping in these situations is our job. We very much appreciate
    your frequent and reliable communication with us.
    To make your point-of-contact, please add his information to the Letter of Instruction
    attached to this email. Please complete and return the Letter of Instruction to us as soon as
    possible. If it's easier for you, you can take a picture of the completed document with your
    phone and email it to us. Once we receive this document from you, we can recognize
    as the point-of-contact who can assist with making the necessary arrangements in Japan. We
    will also let the police and landlord know that is the point-of-contact, which will allow
    to communicate with them directly to take care of tasks, including helping with
    David's estate and belongings.
    The Letter of Instruction will NOT designate as your power-of-attorney. For your
    information, in the future, you may be requested to provide a formal power-of-attorney to
    handle estate matters with banks in Japan and for other taks, but we can notify you if/when
    we become aware of that.
    Eventually, the Japanese authorities will send us a Japanese report of death. We will then
    prepare and issue a Form DS-2060, Consular Report of the Death of a U.S. Citizen Abroad
    (CRDA) based on the Japanese report of death. This document is in English and can generally
    be used in U.S. courts to help settle estate mattes. We will send you 20 certified copies of the
    CRDA free-of- charge, and we will also enclose a photocopy of the Japanese death report.
    Attached is a Letter of Condolence that has additional information about the CRDA.
    Regarding scattering Davidā€™s ashes, it may depend on local regulations. We can discuss this
    further with Mr. Imai if he is willing to assist with this. We will also try to obtain information on
    any possible life insurance or death benefit from Davidā€™s employer.
    American Citizen Services
    U.S. Embassy Tokyo
    Sent: Thursday, July 1, 2021 3:21 AM
    To: U.S. Embassy Tokyo ACS <>
    Subject: Re: Information for David Ginder case/file
    Just another few questions, I'm sorry for continually
    bugging you all, as I'm sure you have lots of other
    B(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)(b) (6)
  13. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Alright boys they are onto us, time to switch alts
  14. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    If it's 6 cards that sounds like multiple banks. You might get your money back from one but likely not all of them. They have the worst customer service of any industry and will make you work and jump through hoops when they are the ones that can't protect basic customer data security procedures.

    Yet if you want to be your own bank you better be ready to pony up and give them an anal swab and pay the big bucks or you are probably a terrorist. It's a scam industry plain and simple, they make 100% of their profit using jedi money tricks and straight up theft.

    Count yourself lucky you are just a victim of crime this time, cancel all cards, close all accounts. Tell them you will sue them unless they fix this ASAP and threaten to stop being a customer for life and lambast them online. If they don't bend over backwards then do all that and never interact with them again. I've lost thousands of dollars to banks scamming me and nobody cares, the government encourages it.

    Get out now before they decide to steal your house and car. You technically own nothing anyways, the bank owns it all, you are just renting it from the dealer and floating the credit. Most people don't own anything and are perfectly happy, klaus "anal" schwab was right all along.
  15. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    I'm gonna drop a wild take here; there is nothing inherently wrong with communism, it can and has worked in many times and places before. Just don't expect me to give my bread to the workers, I hope they all starve.

    The only way I can see it working is if someone sticks a rifle in your face and demands the quota for the state. Monopoly of force (which is economic in nature) i'm not claiming it's a perfect system, but communists like Hasan think otherwise and would just shoot anyone that they consider a class traitor for not giving up their bread. The ironic part is when it comes to the LGBT issue REAL hardline communists would just shoot those class traitors which most fascist/right wing types would applaud. There is a very clear difference between Liberalism and Communism and people like to equate them. There is real communism and modern leftist wokeist fake socialist communism that's not really communist at all. Just ask Lanny.
  16. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Remember guys, never use blockchain technology and always trust pin and chip. IT'S TOTALLY SAFE!!!

    bebrew kosher approved
    the government will always be there to protect you if anything bad happens. Don't rely on technology , rely on regulations and the bank to have your best interests in mind as their customer

    Originally posted by Banana Muffin Mix What happens if you rack up the debt and don't pay it,

    "Sorry sir your hand has been declined" SCAN IT AGAIN!

    Sue them for illegal body implants that no longer work. I would like to see the fine print on that.

    Is it encrypted with BANK CARD encryption HURR DUR DIGITAL MONEY IS FAKE LET ME JUST SCAN MY CARD TO ENCRYPT MY 128 BIT SSL DIGITAL MASTERCARD ACCOUNT NUMBER. If you're gonna get a chip at least get one that's ZERO KNOWLEDGE
    's only "bad" because of the institutions that control these technologies that are supposed to empower and free us and make us stronger, faster and able to travel to other planets and dimensions but they don't want that, they want us sucking the goyslop and picking up garbage until we die from killing ourselves.

  17. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Tacho already has his paradise. In fact he has multiple paradises. Why doesn't he move to one of them?

    Because he's an American communist? Why don't you just move to a part of the world you don't belong to instead of complaining?

    It's because some people actually want to enact change and make their home better for themselves and others and there are many ways to skin a cat, there's no reason why America can't be communist.

    Also the idea that you can just move to someplace more favorable to your beliefs is laughable. Sure just send every communist to China and every capitalist to the USA and nobody would ever have a problem. There is no such place for my beliefs except in space far away from the pesky arm of the forced economic monopoly of global fiat power. Real communists have no home country because there is no real communism anywhere in the world except for maybe North Korea and they aren't even really communist.

    If it were to be built anywhere correctly I would guess it would be in America by an America, not some third world chink retards.
  18. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by ā €ā €ā €ā €ā €ā € You don't die of overdose, but you can turn yourself into a human vegetable quite easily. Blows your brain circuits.

    I'm perfectly fine
  19. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    this thread just proves DHtards have been fucking retarded since 2018

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    5/2/2017 9:29:30 AM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Quote from Childshgambino:
    Hey Jake how much did you pay j to f**k you

    yeah Jake......Herpes Boy is curious because he offered her literally thousands of dollars and she still refused to even meet him in person.....

    this post is sponsored by the makers of Valtrex

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    5/2/2017 3:52:08 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2

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    Go get em Earl...

    5/2/2017 4:40:26 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Earl loves giving Korybn those Pearl Necklaces

    5/2/2017 5:26:28 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2

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    Quote from Stopsign_01:
    Earl loves giving Korybn those Pearl Necklaces

    Why didnt I think of this?

    Post of the Day...

    5/2/2017 7:46:04 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2

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    5/2/2017 10:40:08 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Nevin Earl

    5/3/2017 12:23:08 AM DH Man of the Year | Page 2

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    Nevin's mouth Earls d*ck

    5/3/2017 12:45:06 AM DH Man of the Year | Page 2

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    5/3/2017 1:30:37 AM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    5/3/2017 6:26:59 AM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    5/3/2017 10:53:14 AM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    5/3/2017 3:42:26 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2

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    Korbyn loves recieving Earl necklesses...

    5/3/2017 4:15:57 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2

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    5/3/2017 5:33:43 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Quote from russellb1:
    Korbyn loves recieving Earl necklesses...


    5/3/2017 5:35:00 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2

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    5/3/2017 6:30:58 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Nevin gargles Earl's loads

    5/3/2017 6:39:29 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2

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    5/4/2017 6:59:36 AM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    5/4/2017 1:25:01 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2

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    5/4/2017 4:42:42 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Nevin s Earl

    5/4/2017 8:20:23 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Mullett is prepared to fight Earl for his gal Korybn.....when his check comes

    5/5/2017 5:01:15 AM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    5/5/2017 4:18:59 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Earl s Nevin's pooper.

    5/5/2017 4:19:31 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    (this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)

    5/5/2017 7:54:19 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Nevin Lee Miles
    311 N. 2nd st.
    Central City, KY. 42330-1207

    5/6/2017 8:13:02 AM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Nevins mommy calls him her "baby"

    5/7/2017 5:16:13 AM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    5/8/2017 2:18:48 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2

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    5/8/2017 2:49:22 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    "What a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty dh man..."

    5/8/2017 2:49:49 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    (this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)

    5/8/2017 3:15:33 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Nevin gargles Earl's loads.

    5/8/2017 4:21:36 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2

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    I'd be surprised if Nevin even bathes.....based on his latest pic.

    Looks like a bloated emo-roach..

    5/8/2017 5:08:07 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Quote from russellb1:
    I'd be surprised if Nevin even bathes.....based on his latest pic.

    Looks like a bloated emo-roach..

    Nevin... The fat bald emo homo.

    5/9/2017 5:58:28 AM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Its a grand old day.

    5/9/2017 1:46:37 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2

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    Korbyn, will you ever get laid by someone other than Earl?

    5/9/2017 5:38:11 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    You are just jelly.

    5/9/2017 7:57:20 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Nevin's man ^^^

    [Edited 5/9/2017 7:58:39 PM ]

    5/10/2017 6:05:25 AM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    5/10/2017 5:41:51 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2

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    5/10/2017 9:00:57 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Quote from cheep_trick:

    Nevin's man ^^^

    5/11/2017 2:21:08 AM DH Man of the Year | Page 2

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    Earl treats the b*tch right...

    5/11/2017 7:34:53 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    5/11/2017 9:59:29 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Quote from cheep_trick:

    Nevin's man ^^^

    5/12/2017 9:08:38 AM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    5/13/2017 12:01:53 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Quote from cheep_trick:

    Nevin's man ^^^

    5/13/2017 4:07:02 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Scoobs is Sarahgoldsmith

    5/13/2017 5:25:42 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Moobs is a dumb fat b*tch

    5/13/2017 9:39:31 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    5/14/2017 12:15:28 AM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Quote from thepizzalover:

    5/14/2017 8:30:41 AM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    5/14/2017 10:06:59 AM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Moobs is a dumb fat b*tch

    5/14/2017 10:18:34 AM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    5/14/2017 10:41:10 AM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    5/14/2017 12:11:07 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    5/14/2017 1:26:07 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Quote from thepizzalover:

    5/14/2017 1:31:55 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    5/14/2017 1:38:08 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Daryl you as big a b*tch as korbyn

    5/14/2017 3:27:46 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Korbynmirror is waiting to get his mother's day gift from daddy

    5/14/2017 9:04:43 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Nevin gargles Earl's loads

    5/14/2017 9:10:32 PM DH Man of the Year | Page 2
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    Quote from uncle_claudius:
    Daryl you as big a b*tch as korbyn

    Oh yeah?

    Well I just drank a few a beers while taking a shower and singing myy favorite jams on my ipod 12 whatever nu!mber i forgot,, so I can't comprehend what you're saying right now. Thanks. Good night.

    Going to watch some Netflix.

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  20. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Even if communism was a workable ideology it would have no chance with people like Tacho trying it.

    I think it would only work with people like him

    But I will consider this viewpoint if I debate him. Sounds like white imperialism to me though

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    Don't join political parties unless you are gay

    Do research and preferably build your own organization from the grassroots with real people. Forge ties with other people who think and move like you do. Many anarchists and Maoists have been doing this. The best work nowadays is being done in the anti-cop movement, grassroots union work, and tenant work. Do something like @CommunityMvt

    Join a Party or any organization! If you arenā€™t organized you canā€™t criticize!ā€

    lol what party? There is no fucking Party. The last Party in this country that I would even remotely consider joining would be the Black Panthers, and they had issues too. Thereā€™s a bunch of 50 and 60 year old book and protest clubs

    literally this. THe communist is right, fuck the communist party just throw a molotov
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