Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood
AYYYYYY!!!!! CONGRATS DOOOOD!!!! I thanked enough of your posts that I should be able to keep that number going for at least a minute
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood
get with the tiems OP we BBS'sers now while you corporate internet 2.0 cucks stay with your ajax bloated fag software we will be using dialup BBSing just like the early days of TOTSE
decetnralized DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO KIWIFARMS??? ARnox does!!!!!
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post didn't die in a fire!
Originally posted by Bradley
I foresee a lot of bankruptcy in your future
I was consdiering it , i'm like $10k in debt but .. if I just build the shadow economy.. the fuck are they gonna do??? The debt becomes a debt in an economy I no longer participate in, Garnish my CRYPTO WALLET??? my PROOF OF WORK ANONYMOUS P2P CURRENCY??? good fucking luck
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post didn't die in a fire!
Let us imagine Communism as if it were a discipline for computer science, like a Github repo.
here are some other flavors of communism
Now lets look at how Lannyism would fit in this framework of communism
I have been going through all the works, writings and thought of our dear leader Lanny, even did a scrape of every post he ever made (16k+) and ran block after block of it through an AI summary to distill his very being into LANNYISM, the greatest ideology ever as it was based on the life and philosophy of our dear leader Leonardo who is the secret architect behind many of our stories bringing us here today.
You don't have to read it (13 pages lol) but if anyone asks what party you support or what your political leanings are, and you DON'T say Lannyism well I would consider that counter revolutionary and anti party, but we err on the side of doing nothing. Punish yourself! Tell your mom you quit left/right politics and have become a devout Lannyist!
This is the special full release edition which includes the LANNYISM MANIFESTO PDF + conways game of life written in HolyC(templeOS), all the images used in the book, a copy of the forum software, the hacker manifesto, Das Kapital, industrial society, and some other pdf files that align with lannyist ideology
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL didnt read, stay mad "KAFKUNTY" pvp me in minecraft you stupid BITCH I was only ever nice to you . Obvious alt fucking faggot loser in love with me . Sophie says hey btw and that you're a faggot, he will be back once we KILL YOUR ASS!!! and we are close and know where you live.
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
post didn't die in a fire!