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Thanked Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. Embed the picture you dumb nigger
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. This faggot hit me up thrice. Each time he stopped dead in his tracks "EXCUSE ME EXCUSE ME EXCUSE ME" maybe I look like some upstanding young kid living downtown but i'm a broke ass monk. I don't even look at them as human anymore I just fuck with them.

    First time he asked I said "I ain't got shit homie"
    Second time I told him to figure it out and shouted GROPE GANG
    Then he started following me after asking for a third time (i said YOU JUST ASKED ME TWICE THE FUCK DUDE and he looked all sad and said sorry) He asked every person and stopped car for money. There was an old lady with a walker and he just slowly walked next to her and shoved his hand in her face the entire time and she had to stop a few times because he was getting in her way.

    Then he goes into the parking lot of my apartment and stood in front of this guy just trying to exit his vehicle and blocked him, asking for money. I really want to fuck him up and tell him if I ever see his ass on this street again i'll paint the pavement with his teeth. Disrespectful pieces of shit.

    When I was homeless I never asked for change not once. Evil motherfuckers, I wish someone would stab them.

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  3. Maybe if they didn't sell it in 8mg trash formulations people wouldn't die from it
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  4. Yes. Being fat is disgusting, but I honestly do find the occasional one that looks attractive and I want to help them be skinny by force feeding them amphetamines and eating that fat ass.

    I try not to judge people and be as fair, open minded and equal as possible. I understand that weight is something a lot of people struggle with but I am offended by their furvent anti drug attitude.

    I mostly hate fat people for being anti meth. Nothing rustles my Jimmies more than some 400lb bitch calling me a bad person for smoking crank when all she does is chug cola and fried food.
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  5. OP can't afford nice televisions or a proper gaming PC because he wastes all his neetbux on physical box collections of NIN and anime body pillows.
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  6. Are you really bragging about having a discman
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  7. cooking meth in the backseat of your car in the middle gridlock traffic is the best meme

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  8. The book of get a haircut and get a real Job
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  9. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Your parents being drug addicts didn't predispose you to being an addict? Ok nigga. Your staunch anti drug attitude as a kid says otherwise tho.

    No, I only started using drugs when I learned about the cruelty of women, I blame females. My parents have no idea why I do more drugs than both of them combined but they just don't understand the horrific reality of being an incel.
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  10. If they wanted us to be alive they wouldn't put caffeine and tylenol in the codeine. Same with only selling bundy with lethal amounts of additives, it has nothing to do with preventing abuse because their way of preventing it is by causing bodily harm to their customers who 'misuse' their products.

    CCC's are the governments way of telling us we should all just kill ourselves and OD on drugs. I got the message, if you get high society thinks you are better off dead. Nobody actually cares about the opioid epidemic. Once all the drug users die there will be nobody to fight eradication of all psychoactive substances from the face of the earth.

    We are a dying breed.
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  11. Maybe you people just want to be put in a detention center and re-educated. Personally, I will just tow the line and pretend to be a normie so I don't get investiated for being a potential self radicalized terrorist that talks about conspiracies and doesn't use social media.

    Originally posted by Technologist What are we being rounded up for?

    Being anti government, talking about jedi conspiracies on fringe websites. if there are any agents on this forum they are 100% investigating both of you right now because if you don't use social media that means you have something to hide that you don't want the public to know. Like maybe you are friends with a bunch of muslims and that's why you don't use social media.

    People that don't use social media: Drug dealers, terrorists, spies, etc.
    Normal people do normal things. Be normal or at least pretend to be.
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  12. Originally posted by 🐿 Okay nobody cares about Facebook or social media.

    Imagine a girl that doesn't post selfies on insta and facebook. You must be really ugly and fat.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. How about you answer my question or I will report you for off topic posting
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  15. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny practice what you preach.

    do this now.

    kill yourself faggot

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  16. White skin = health and beauty

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  17. When I smoked crack for a week straight my first time I decided I wanted to get tattoo of "HUMANS ARE PRONE TO" written on my arm starting from the shoulder going down and CONFLICT!!! written on both knuckles
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  18. No this is a REALLY nice Call Center the one where you can't call in sick all the time because you stayed up too late doing cocaine. But if you exceed your sales targets the boss takes you on a cruise where he offers you cocaine.
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  19. Originally posted by Fox I hope you’re being sarcastic

    If you get the time of day from a woman and she asks for your insta, FB, snapchat.... SORRY BUT I AM AGAINST THE jedi OVERLORDS MARK ZUCKERBURG SELLING OUR PRIVATE DATA

    What do you do? give them your phone number? That's Weinstein as fuck.
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  20. One of my biggest hurdles has been solved. I needed music and sound effects but I am trash at making 8 bit music, it's really hard.

    So I had a better idea. I'm just gonna rip music and sound effects that were never used in video games but still exist in the game code. I think this is legal?
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