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Thanked Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. Originally posted by Corona-chan See you keep coming up with these particular arguments and insults which shows me you really have no clue what I'm getting at.

    I guess you don't understand the concept of living your own way rather than going with the flow.

    I do live on my own I have my own interests that are illegal and frowned upon by most of society including anti drug people like you that think the CIA invented LSD. There are a lot of anti drug faggots on /pol/ that support the government controlling their life. You just follow the beliefs of a group and talk about how you are a lone woof

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. You are just afraid of change and just want to live in the 90s forever wearing diapers shitting yourself listening to NIN
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  3. 100 views on YouTube means it's shit. You're just a hipster that thinks anything obscure that nobody has ever heard of is cool. you've never even been to a vomit-core show before or seen live music in your life you shut in poser physical collection faggot
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  4. He sends me songs that have 100 views on YouTube and it's just some dude hitting a garbage can with bass cranked all the way up and some reverb.

    It was pretty fucking retarded.

    Just another hipster that listens to shitty niche music because it's the ultimate you just don't get it man you are brainwashed by the record producers. You aren't a real fan of music until you listen to Mexican Yodelling and The Cambodian Landmine Victim Children's Orchestra that's real music man

    These CDs are very rare only $400 on discogs.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. Originally posted by Octavian There's always Eugenics…

    Would need another Holocaust/ mass sterilization of LGBTs to speed things up.

    Yeah that will stop the gays from procreating!
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  6. Yeah I saw that show when it came out. This married woman became the popular girl and would cuddle with her friends it was very sexy.

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  7. There are different types of transgenders there are the ones that enjoy penetrating and getting their dick sucked and then there is the uwu don't look at my bulge it's embarrassing!

    I would imagine there are lots of people that wouldn't want to have sex with a guy but have no problem with taking a dick from a girl, it's pretty normal.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. Yeah but Shulgin had a DEA license to manufacture drugs so he could just order large amounts of restricted chemicals on a watchlist and he had legit accounts with all the suppliers. His lab was very beautiful and had all kinds of analytical equipment.

    Amateurs don't have access to any of that stuff so they have to make everything themselves. There is a big difference in a trained chemist in a million dollar lab ordering chemicals and making something from them compared to a guy making gas traps, pressurized reaction vessels and fume hoods and blowing their own glass tubes along with making all the precursors from scratch.

    Shulgin could just order Safrole or Mdp2p while amateur chemists had to figure out how to make it from unrestricted chemicals using multi-step processes with obscure things like phase transfer catalysts.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. I thought you were leaving
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. Originally posted by -SpectraL

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Nobody in Canada actually likes the prime minister except for the rich elite French speaking boomer faggots that have been running the country forever
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  13. The alcohol store was having a sale on everything polish so I picked these up for $29

    What do you think? what is some good Polish alcohol? what do you usually drink?

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. I have a weird feeling we're all gonna die this year.
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  16. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Waiting for hts to wake up so I can get coffee and make a bagel. Hopefully it's in the next half hour I am getting antsy.

    I might just have to go soon and be really loud coming in so she wakes up and I can give her coffee

    Lol she woke up to ask me the time and went back to sleep. What a legend. It's 12pm and im high it's time to get coffee and smoke more weed.

    If hts doesn't wake up in an hour hers will be cold lmrao
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  17. Originally posted by stl1 I assume that the Native Americans (Indians) invited you?

    Native Americans actually came from Asia during the last ice age so if you think they are the rightful ancestors to North America just because they lived there the longest while what about jedis in Israel? It might be their homeland like how native americans came from Asia but it would be stupid to tell a Native American to "go back home" to Asia.

    So by that logic the Palestinian people who have lived in the region of Palestine the longest should also be the rightful ancestors to their homeland. Just because the jedis came from there doesn't make it automatically theirs.
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  18. Originally posted by Dregs Nice. Fuckers are everywhere here in Toronto…I was there for almost 6 yrs but now 2020 i can't even go into a Timmy's or McDonalds for simple caffeine beverage and donut…fuckers are all up in my arse before I even have a sip..the first sip n coffeeeee is most important BUT THEY FAIL TO APPRECIATE IT. fuck them I say…my understanding/relating to them only goes so far man

    Yeah I have never seen them so aggressive before until I moved to Toronto. The worst thing they do is stand in front of the door and hold it open for everyone that walks by while also holding a change cup like they are a doorman expecting a tip. First of all I don't need a fucking door man, second of all it ruins the image of nice canadians holding the door open for someone that is still crossing the street. THIRD OF ALL I have been cucked by a homeless person while trying to hold the door open for my OWN GIRLFRIEND instead they steal that from me like they are trying impress my girl! Disrespectful!
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  19. The only reason I sympathize with wariat is because women have done the same shit to me for years. I don't know how many times I have been fake raped, fake pregnancy. It seems to be used when a girl gets caught be her parents being a slut sending nudes and then they say I WAS RAPED to not be in trouble and don't really care what that means for the other person.

    Maybe if women weren't so cruel and evil I would jump on the bandwagon with y'all but unlike most of you single losers with no girlfriend I have interacted a lot with females and learned how horrible they are. Maybe once you spend enough time around women you will realize this too.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. Yes, you dig a large hole in the ground and then pour concrete

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