2020-06-30 at 11:40 AM UTC
Open regs already
Plurals get banned there too. You can all go fuck yourself I'll make my own damn forum where nobody gets banned not even the spambots as a social experiment.
Then I will never post here again I'll take all my plurals and we can talk amongst ourselves until we die.
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2020-06-30 at 10:36 AM UTC
yo hiki
I am just curious what she looks like. I'm half expecting her to have a comically large nose and a jedi nasal voice like Louis griffon and hiki is like WhAt SHES EURASIAN
you know what's in Eurasia fucking Israel
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2020-06-30 at 11:42 AM UTC
Fona 6-30-2020
It's called waking up early. Calm down kid
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This place is only dead to you because you've been exposed and called out on your toxic behavior so everyone knows you're just a no life jerk and you can't hide behind a ban button on tinychat anymore.
And by the way your forum sucks. Peace out nerd
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2020-05-29 at 5:10 PM UTC
Flood control timer
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2020-06-30 at 10:54 AM UTC
Fona 06-30-2020
You seem pretty jealous that he has a happy life and a loving relationship.
What do you have? A dead forum that's a joke. A marine biology relationship and more salt than the dead Sea.
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Angry black woman is a thing because Africans are a more aggressive race because of their tribal lineage.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angry_black_womanBut nowadays people are obsessed with karen which is just an angry white woman. The problem is that white women don't really get angry they just cry or use a certain tone of voice and ask for a manager.
It's really a shame that they are trying to lump the poor white woman in with this stereotype. Just because some white lady gets upset does not make her a Karen.
And they aren't always angry like a black woman. Cancel culture is becoming Karen culture where people call out someone for acting like a Karen in an attempt to harm her reputation and social status.
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2020-06-28 at 2:15 PM UTC
hts has a "TOTSE" tramp stamp so anyone fucking her knows exactly where she came from
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the new singapore end portal
Originally posted by Fonaplats
I haven't played since upgrading my graphics.
The game runs so smooth now i keep expecting to see curves.
where u at?
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but with an o instead of a 0
im gonna go get coffee ill be right back and log on and bring you to new singapore. I made you a house
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I made a navigational chart. New sing is in the top left circled in white. I brought mushroom cows from the pink to new sing using this chart
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i had to steal a bunch of your cobblestone to make it though. I can pay you back in emerald
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niggers, who are the majority of blacks, (but not upstanding black citizens) have ruined every great city in America. All shitholes now thanks to lazy-ass niggers with no sense of civil decency. Not even decent black folks like niggers...just ask Chris Rock. lol.
4% of the black population is responsible for 53% of all heinous crime in America.
In New York City alone... 98% of ALL CRIME is committed by Black & Brown people.
Is that not an alarming FBI statistic?
What the fuck is wrong with your race?
78% of all black households are single-mothers raising chimps and not quality citizens. They are all on welfare, fat, ugly fucking mammies, able-bodied but refusing to work. They shit out kids to bolster their charity income paid by white working class men. Fathers (3-4 different per household) couldn't give a shit about their own children, So why should we?
Niggers bitch about every little thing, yet forget that this country was built for WHITE AMERICAN LAND OWNERS, and act like they have all been slaves. Fucking low IQ bastards who graduate high school with an average reading level of a third grader. Most NFL players can't even use proper diction when speaking THEIR OWN NAMES. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
White people built the greatest civilizations in the world, so you don't see ANYBODY wanting to relocate to a black or brown majority country because of your innate savagery.
#notall #1000blackdentists
Why couldn't you motherfuckers do like the Asians?
Oh, yeah...that Low IQ thing.
Do you even realize that only 350,000 (a mere 3% of all slaves ended up in the USA?
Go try your bullshit with the Arabs or Brazil where 95% of the ten million slaves ended up, with most males being castrated. THEY DON"T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT NIGGERS.
How about a little thanks you ungrateful niggers?
Only 350,000 slaves were imported into the USA, yet 640,000 WHITE PEOPLE DIED ENDING SLAVERY YOU DUMB FUCKING JUNGLE BUNNY.
How about a little appreciation?
WHITE people did not start the slave trade. It was the jediS.
Fucking stupid ass violent race that has no business being around civilized WHITE people who have done more for your standard of living...I mean fuck, White people invented the wheel and 4000 years later Africa had no concept, nothing but single-story huts...to this day!
You black people should be worshiping the White Man more than Jesus Fucking Christ or Allah (or Muhammad, piss be upon him), you ungrateful fucks.
You would not even be here if it wasn't for the White Man...you would be running around Sub Saharan Africa with bones in your noses sucking on a cow's ass doing your nigger-jigaboo dancing.
Is that good enough for your curiosity?
If America is so bad...then...
♫♪ "We oughtta send 'em all back to Africa ♪♫
Back to the prehistoric shithole where they came from...and live among yourselves in, (ahem), "peace & harmony"
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Yes. I made a villager breeder so now you have a bunch of gollems and cats spawning all over the place.
What items/trades are yall looking for? im gonna get a butcher for cooked meat. idk what else to get
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2020-06-17 at 11:44 AM UTC
How to better manage my hep c?
Originally posted by Fonaplats
Is that why you got kicked out of Tim Horton's for looking homeless?
Stop making excuses. Look forward not ahead
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2020-06-17 at 11:28 AM UTC
How to better manage my hep c?
I don't believe in infectious disease. You just need a routine and the follow through to reach your goals and better yourself. A man isn't anything without a vision and you don't have a vision.
There is no time for getting sick or not feeling good. Corona virus is just a symptom of a weak society that doesn't lift. Do you even lift? You need a daily check list of things and then you finish that list and add to it because a man can't stagnate he has to progress. Progress is how you move toward. Moving forward means you have no time to get sick or feel bad.
Mind over matter. Don't let your body be a bitch
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Originally posted by AngryIVer
No, it's absolute dog shit quality. That's like 12 FPS
works fine for me. It's like making a game for the NES you have to make creative design choices to meet the limitations. it's a fun challenge. If the file size was bigger i would 75x75 an entire episode of the simpsons or some shit
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