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Thanked Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. Originally posted by Wariat


    We have something similar on our server

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Typical brown person pooping in the steets
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Vaccine is killing yourself to stop the potential spread lol hop too it faggots
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  5. Wariat you should join our server I made a museum dedicated to you

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. folx?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. Just gibber yourself brain damage and this shit is suddenly BUMPING BUMPING famalot!!



    ADAM 222
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  8. China only exists because Russia saved their ass in WW2. If axis won than China would just be a territory of Japan and wouldn't have their dirty polluting poor starving communist way of life that causes virus outbreaks like swine flu, covid and SARS.

    "They died so you could be free"

    IF HITLER ONE WE'D ALL SPEAKING GERMAN RIGHT NOW. GOOD! maybe if white countries were National Socialist part of the Reich there would be no immigrants to spread their dirty chinese fever into places like ITALY

    The allies winning ww2 brought the destruction of the human race. Also they invented NUKES which the nazis never did. Who is really the evil ones here?
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  9. Folx he is very negative and spends all his brain power being hateful. That can't be healthy.

    People like that usually end up killing themselves because they can't take all the NIGGERS AND QUEERS THEY ARE EVERYWHERE AHHH!!!!!

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  10. Originally posted by Fox The study appears to be about beans not smoking

    lol i just wanted to post that graph about how hispanics eat the most beans
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  11. I would rape her
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  12. I think thats an electrical box

    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz finny larping as a security expert again lmao

    Too bad they could be using passive harmonic reflectors or something like the OPEC bug and it doesn't need to be "wired" at all, fuckin retard.

    Also, burst transmission. Chances are everything in this idiots apartment is compromised to begin with. Passive illumination of various different reflectors including loud-speakers that aren't even connected to any power supply, can be used quite effectively. This is old news.

    You have schziphrenia and think you can read peoples thoughts, get help
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  13. It's just jedi paper.

    Unlimited resources would make money pointless because it would take no effort to get anything you could ever want or need. Nobody would be able to sell anything because everything would be available to everyone.

    All people want is conglomerates of metal and plastics. That takes time and skill to manufacture into certain things but the only reason they have any value is because of the cost of materials used in their production. If all the materials were free and unlimited you would not be able to sell a luxury car because anyone would have the ability to manufacture their own.
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  14. Years of my life pass by me working while on meth. I've never worked in the food industry like bill Bill KrozbyBY I've always just worked in the industry industry of factories and warehouses.

    Putting on the steel toes and hard hat walking around with a safety vest and a clipboard. There is nothing more American than filling your bloodstream with methylated amphetamines and caffeine and then working a storm shipping things across the country and spilling toxic materials all over the floor.

    Make sure you know where the eye wash station is and god bless fire drills
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  15. Fonaplats Amusement Park, fun for the whole family.

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  16. Originally posted by itybit You can't find face masks, hand sanitizer, alcohol, aloe, Clorox, etc. within a 50 mile radius around here anyway, so there is that

    When advertising fails to work just release a virus!
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  17. Originally posted by jonathan_davis_on_tweak_its_1994 cons: possibly get STD's that would make you uncomfortable at best and a social pariah and dead at worst.
    possibly have a kid which would require you to feel anxious for the rest of your life because you are unable to justify bringing a new human being into the world, and/or pay child support for 18
    at least and/or support and raise.
    have to court and then deal with another human being who is probably disgusting like you are
    possibly could catch feelings for someone you didn't want to and then you have to deal with shitty feelingz
    if the person you are fucking is ugly people will judge you for it, if they are attractive people will be jealous of you and despise you for it and try to fuck with you
    have to either wash your sheets or sleep in bodily fluids afterwards

    i mean am i missing something here? the shit is fucking dumb

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  18. I like my life

    Every time someone logs on the minecraft server they are such CASUALS, they suck at PVP, die constantly, can't get gear for shit and then they quit and never come back.

    Maybe it's because i've been playing for 10 years but I can join any server and become geared in like an hour. I regularly play anarchy servers and escape spawn in a few minutes. I just don't understand how people can be such trash at video games.

    Even really difficult fighting games I can just pick up and be good at them. I have amazing hand eye coordination and learn quickly so I am just automatically good at any game I play. Casual gamers are such bitches I don't get how they are so slow and lame.
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  19. You and william bill Bill Krozbyby have inspired me. I am going to start looking for jobs in the plastics moulding industry immediately. Plastics moulding machine operating isn't ready for me! I work fast and I play hard.

    We should all get good jobs at plastics companies and once a year we all take our vacation at the same time and meet up in Las Vegas for the annual plastic workers convention where we go to industrial avenue behind freemont and buy some weed from the illegal dispensary there and hook up with my homeless friend John who can score us some crack

    Just remember the secret underground catch phrase to score drugs in Vegas, "I'm dead broke and I have to take a shit"

    Then we can put our money together and start our own plastics moulding company. I got an uncle that owns his own CNC business since like 2007 before anyone else was doing it and he taught me how to use autoCAD and Rhindo3D software.
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  20. I have had lots of success at factory jobs because i'm usually high on amphetamines so when things so slow and everyone starts chatting and talking about food and sleep thats when I pick up the broom and sweep everything. Then the boss comes around and says WHY IS SCRAWNY THE ONLY ONE SWEEPING GO HELP HIM! and I feel bad because I wasn't trying to make anyone look bad I am just really high and can't stop moving or else people might notice how much i'm jittering.

    I also like to play practical jokes like when the day is over and we shut off the lights I stand there and say goodbye to everyone because I'm gonna spend the night and bang out these orders so there is less work tomorrow for yall LOLOLOL GETS EM EVERY TIME
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