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Thanked Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    If a national entity is buying large amounts from a national entity that will increase trade demand, the price will likely go up.

    I think there is an upper limit, the idea of $1mil/BTC is definitely possible but for a government to try and own more than 5% of global supply they would essentially need to transfer trillions of dollars if they want it, if the price is that much.

    Or new unfounded levels of wealth unheard of in human history. I think by design Bitcoin can become the most valuable asset on the planet which would make it physically impossible to own "all" Bitcoins because you would need the combined wealth of every nation state, plus every kilogram of gold and every precious metal, every fiat on earth and you would still only be able to afford 50% of global supply, and then the price will go up.

    Donald Trump himself admitted in his Bitcoin speech that it has already surpassed the total global value of Silver

    Also why the fuck are we talking about Bitcoin in this thread? Because of that retarded chink pedophile? Just ignore him, everything he says is wrong. If you want the real skuttlebutt check out my thread above^ listen to Donald Trump and industry experts, not me. I am just parroting what they say SQUAK SQUAK SQUAK HODL !!!!
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  3. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    …catholic ethicist from yesteryear tries to review Sarco calling it “modern hyper-individualism taken to the very extreme” .. but then can offer nothing than god, doctors and more palliative care as the “humane” alternative…

    I agree with the Catholic ethicist here. This Dutch death-peddler is a quack and a mad man and his technology sucks. We should be building robots that kill people without consent, not suicide booths.

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  4. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Elon is now donald trumps lapping dog, What a pathetic faggot.
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  5. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    let me know if you notice a decline in quality as the series progresses ala the "golden age of the simpsons" effect

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  6. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 I don't vote 🤷‍♂️

    Then you can't complain
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  7. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I will continue to not read it or accept it as science
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  8. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I think it's time we do a deep dive into the western legalism behind all modern sex laws in every nation on the planet.

    The evolution of legal frameworks surrounding age of consent (AOC) and sexual relationships has been influenced by a combination of cultural, social, and political factors. Understanding why certain activities were once legal but are now illegal everywhere requires a deep dive into the history, sociology, and psychology of these laws. Here are some key points to consider:
    Historical Context
    Victorian Times

    Social Norms and Economic Factors: In Victorian times, marriages often had economic or social motivations. The concept of childhood and adolescence as distinct phases of life was not fully developed, and young girls were often married off to older men for financial or social stability.
    Legal Frameworks: During the Victorian era, the legal age of consent was much lower in many parts of the world. In England, for example, the age of consent was only 12 until the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1885 raised it to 16. This change was driven by social reformers concerned about child prostitution and the exploitation of young girls.

    Human History

    Cultural Norms: Throughout much of human history, sexual relationships between older men and younger women or adolescents were common and often socially accepted. This was partly due to shorter life expectancies and the importance of early marriage and reproduction in many societies.
    Lack of Distinct Childhood: The modern concept of childhood as a protected, innocent phase of life is relatively recent. Historically, children were often seen as miniature adults and were expected to take on adult roles and responsibilities at a much younger age.

    Modern Legal and Social Changes
    Western Influence

    Child Protection Movements: The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw the rise of movements focused on child welfare and protection. These movements pushed for higher ages of consent and stricter laws to protect children from sexual exploitation.
    Psychological Understanding: Advances in psychology have highlighted the long-term harm that sexual relationships with minors can cause. This has informed modern legal frameworks and societal attitudes towards protecting minors.
    Globalization and Human Rights: The spread of Western legal and social norms through globalization and international human rights organizations has influenced many countries to adopt stricter laws regarding the age of consent and sexual relationships with minors.

    Case Studies

    Poland: Despite being considered part of Eastern Europe, Poland has been influenced by Western legal norms through its membership in the European Union and adherence to international human rights standards.
    Philippines: In the Philippines, traditional norms and Western influence have created a complex legal landscape. The age of consent was raised from 12 to 16 in 2022 to better protect minors from sexual exploitation, reflecting both local advocacy and international pressure.


    The shift from the legality of sexual relationships with adolescents in Victorian times and earlier to their illegality in modern times is primarily driven by:

    Changing Social Norms: Increased emphasis on child protection and the recognition of childhood as a distinct and vulnerable phase of life.
    Legal Reforms: Driven by social reformers and child protection movements, many countries raised the age of consent to protect minors.
    Global Influence: Western norms and international human rights organizations have influenced global legal standards.
    Psychological Insights: Growing understanding of the psychological harm caused by such relationships has led to stricter laws.

    This comprehensive shift represents a significant evolution in societal values and legal principles aimed at protecting the well-being of minors.

    wow, 1885? I learned something
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  9. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Warcry i dont get scron how they say that chick was able to code the boss levels in ehr apartment but it wasnt or was as they ddint say on the saturn or on the pc as that othetr guy did it who they complained about?

    The dude that did it at home fucked up and didn't build the game on Saturn hardware. He coded the entire game on PC without using the hardware so they had to convert the entire code to work on Saturn.

    That's a pretty bad fuck-up. But nowadays you could probably just tell ChatGPT to "convert this C++ code to work with these video registers on this hardware" or some shit . Maybe not GPT but copilot could easily scan your dependencies and probably figure it out.

    Why didn't he just bring a devkit Saturn home?
    I bet they weren't allowed to take it out of the office. Sounds like a real mess
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  10. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

    It is natural and no sign of mental illness to feel sexual attraction to pubescent youngsters. But to act on such impulses is, in our society, a reprehensible crime that deserves severe punishment. The proper disposition for those who break the law and selfishly violate the innocence of the vulnerable is prison-not a mental hospital.

    And the scientific literature offered in support of “Hebephilia” contains very few and very poorly conducted studies-not coincidentally mostly done by the people associated with the DSM-5 Work Group. There are no data on how best to define “Hebephilia,” whether it can be diagnosed reliably, or its predictive validity. “Hebephilia” is being dropped into the definition of Pedophilia with no scientific support and no consideration of risks.

    what a reasonable take
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  11. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Genesis and anatomy of controversies

    9 The notions of hebephilia and paraphilic rape are not the simple products of the work of revising the DSM-5, but they have an older history. In 1957, psychologists and psychiatrists Emmanuel Hammer and Bernard Glueck Jr. used the term hebephilia for the first time in a forensic study aimed at classifying perpetrators of sexual assault by type of offense or crime committed. The neologism was initially used to distinguish men preferring prepubescent children (characterized as pedophiles) from those preferring young adolescents of both sexes, on the threshold of puberty (then defined as hebephiles) (Hammer and Glueck, 1957). Later, the expression will also be used by certain psychiatrists to describe the exclusive attraction to young girls (Janssen, 2015). Although the concept is little used in medical publications on paraphilias, it has seen renewed interest since the end of the 1990s in the United States, while media and psychological discourse has expressed alarm at the "precocious" puberty of children. and more particularly the danger of “premature sexualization” of young girls (APA, 2007), considered more vulnerable to sexual predation (Roberts, 2015). Underlying this is the fear, relayed by national health organizations such as the American Psychological Association (APA), that men may project sexual desires onto young girls who appear older (APA, 2007).

    10 The emergence of these categories is also part of the history of the medicalization of sexuality. As Alain Giami (2015) suggests, knowledge about sexuality transformed during the 20th century from a pathologization of non-reproductive sexual behavior to that of the absence of consent, while at the same time the notions of “sexual health” were valued. » and the right to pleasure. Illustrating this paradigm shift, the first proposal in the recent history of the DSM to include a paraphilia dedicated to rape appeared in March 1976, under the term “sexual aggression disorder” (Frances, 2011), i.e. three years after the vote sanctioning the official exclusion of homosexuality from the Manual . Then hotly contested, notably by feminist organizations, paraphilia was abandoned the first time, then a second time in 1983, this time under the term “coercive paraphilic disorder” on the grounds that the scientific research supporting its inclusion was unsatisfactory ( ibid ). The weight of lay people in its exclusion is nevertheless essential: we are concerned that a psychiatric diagnosis does not make it possible to plead the non-responsibility of the perpetrators of sexual violence (Tosh, 2015).

    5 Described in the DSM-5 as “recurrent and intense sexual arousal involving (…) animals (…)
    6 “Recurring and intense sexual excitement involving (…) corpses” (APA, 2013, 705, my translation (…)
    7 “Recurrent and intense sexual excitement involving (…) urine” (APA, 2013, 705, my translation (…)

    11 In the United States in the 1990s, media attention to criminal cases raised what has sometimes been described as a “moral panic” (Jenkins, 2004; Neuilly and Zgoba, 2008) around questions of sexual crime, and particularly pedophilia. Several states are adopting legislation known as Sexual Violent Predator Laws (SVP), allowing the adoption of internment measures in mental health centers for individuals convicted and having served their sentence for sexual violence, as long as their dangerousness is attested by a psychological or psychiatric diagnosis of “mental abnormality” (Fabian, 2011). The APA has since communicated its opposition to these measures which it presents as a threat to the integrity of psychiatry (Zonana et al, 1999) and has underlined the insufficiency of the diagnosis of paraphilia to assess the risk of recurrence of a perpetrator of sexual violence (First and Halon, 2008). Despite these precautions, there is significant diagnostic use of paraphilias in internment measures: several studies indeed consider that this is the diagnosis most commonly used in SVP procedures ( ibid ; Levenson and Morin, 2006). Among these experts, psychiatrists Jill S. Levenson and JW Morin estimate, in research on the state of Florida, that pedophilia and “unspecified paraphilia” are the forms of diagnosis most often used ( ibid ). Indeed, in addition to the different types of paraphilias, the Manual includes a concept of "unspecified paraphilia" allowing a diagnosis of paraphilia to be made, even if the exact sexual preference is not explicitly listed. This mention makes it possible in theory to code rarer paraphilias such as zoophilia 5 , necrophilia 6 or even urophilia 7 (APA, 2000, 666), but it is also frequently used in internment assessments to diagnose paraphilias that are not part of the DSM. Thus, if hebephilia and paraphilic rape are not present in the latest versions of the DSM, they are nevertheless used alongside the mention of “unspecified paraphilia” in the expertise of these internment procedures (Zinik and Padilla, 2016; Particularly for paraphilic disorder, the proposal to include these two new categories can be read as an attempt to regain control over uncontrolled uses of psychiatric terms. The working group thus justifies:

    “There has been an unfortunate tendency to overdiagnose coercive paraphilic disorder (usually under the category of Paraphilia Unspecified) simply on the basis of repeated coercive sexual behavior. It is necessary to be careful, in basing the diagnosis on the behavior, that this really indicates that sexual coercion is a source of arousal (…) The diagnostic criterion proposed here makes this point clearer and should lead to a reduction in diagnostics which will be used more appropriately” (APA, 2010 cited in Leon, 2011, 131, my translation).
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  12. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Warcry do you mnow the deifnition of pedophilia form a psychology perspective?

    The Misuse of the Diagnosis Paraphilia NOS, Hebephilia

    Although it was first mentioned 100 years ago, hebephilia has sprung into sudden prominence only because of its recent use in forensic proceedings.6 The term hebephilia has been used to provide a mental disorder diagnosis for those SVP offenders whose targeted victims are pubescent, not the prepubescent targets of pedophilia. The numerous conceptual problems with the diagnosis of hebephilia and the extreme limitations of its research base have already been well described by authorities in the sexual disorders field.7–15 This background has not prevented hebephilia (in the official sounding guise of paraphilia not otherwise specified, hebephilia) from being misused as a qualifying diagnosis in legal proceedings, to justify what often becomes a lifelong involuntary psychiatric commitment.

    We will attempt to correct the misunderstandings that are shared among many SVP evaluators about the DSM-IV-TR paraphilia section. These misunderstandings result in part from the imprecise DSM-IV-TR wording, which is best understood by reviewing how paraphilia was defined in DSM-III16 and how and why the wording was changed in DSM-III-R,17 DSM-IV,18 and DSM-IV-TR.19

    DSM-III, which first introduced the term paraphilia, noted that “the essential feature of disorders in this subclass is that unusual or bizarre imagery or acts are necessary for sexual excitement” (Ref. 16, p 266). The text then went on to offer some examples of what would constitute unusual or bizarre imagery or acts, explaining that they “generally involve either: (1) preference for use of a nonhuman object for sexual arousal, (2) repetitive sexual activity with humans involving real or simulated suffering or humiliation or (3) repetitive sexual activity with nonconsenting partners” (Ref. 16, p 266). Because of concerns about the subjectivity and unreliability of the terms unusual and bizarre in the definition, these terms were omitted from DSM-III-R (Robert Spitzer, personal communication, July 8, 2010), leaving only the list of examples that were modified to mention “children” specifically, alongside “other nonconsenting persons.” Notably, the sentences explaining the etymology of the word paraphilia were retained: “In other classifications these disorders are referred to as Sexual Deviations. The term Paraphilia is preferred because it correctly emphasizes that the deviation (para) lies in that to which the person is attracted (philia)” (Ref. 17, p 279).

    Those preparing DSM-III-R understandably did not anticipate that many years later their truncated definition of paraphilia would be placed under intense scrutiny and have such consequential impact in the context of sexually violent predator commitment hearings. The DSM-III-R listing of eight specific paraphilias, along with the inclusion of seven other patently abnormal examples in the NOS section (e.g., necrophilia (corpses), zoophilia (animals), and coprophilia (feces)), was thought to be sufficient to communicate to clinicians the variety of sexual arousal foci considered to be paraphilic. Subsequent editions have similarly failed to provide a general and abstract definition of what makes a particular sexual arousal pattern paraphilic. Nonetheless, the underlying principle governing inclusion in this category is that a person's focus of sexual arousal be considered deviant, bizarre, and unusual.

    In our roles as Chair of the DSM-IV Task Force and its Editor of Text and Criteria, we must take responsibility for its insufficiently clear wording that has allowed the misuse of the Paraphilia section in SVP hearings. We did not anticipate the later forensic misuse of the section and dropped the ball by retaining the vague DSM-III-R wording that did not include anything approaching a clear and coherent definition of the overall concept of paraphilia. The boundaries of the term paraphilia are admittedly extremely difficult to define precisely, but in retrospect we should have provided more guidance and less room for the loose usage now found in SVP proceedings.

    We will annotate the wording of the three introductory sentences in the DSM-IV-TR Paraphilia section, in an attempt to clarify the original intent of DSM-III, DSM-III-R, and DSM-IV and reduce the confusion caused by the unfortunate ambiguity in their wording. We chose these three sentences because they have been the most misinterpreted in forensic settings to justify the inappropriate use of the paraphilia NOS category. We hope that this insider's parsing of the intended meanings will help to set the record straight and prevent their further misuse in SVP proceedings.
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  13. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump I unironically support Kamala for President by the way.

    It's a win win case if she gets in.

    Because that just means Trump can run again
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  14. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I grew up enjoying James Rolfes videos on the internet but like many people stopped watching them at some point. His recent videos are fantastic and go beyond the idea of playing a mere character to do game reviews. Some people say he ruined his career and is an idiot with no talent that squandered being a youtube OG.

    But all they see is the stars and money, they don't understand that James Rolfe is a filmmaker first, everything else comes second. He is a true artistic genius and I no longer see him as soon crustly oldje youtuber but instead I appreciate him as a real modern filmmaker that made it off his own laurels which is honestly more impressive than anyone in hollywood.

    I could go on and on about this subject but I think this video explains his genius the best
    Rolfe was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on July 10, 1980.[2][1] He was raised in south New Jersey.[10][11] He is of Italian ancestry.[12] His parents bought him an audio recorder as a Christmas present sometime in the early to mid-1980s. Later, he got a camera and took photographs of him and his friends play fighting. He was inspired by The Legend of Zelda and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to create adventure stories. Rolfe also illustrated comic books, which he updated monthly. One such comic he created had a plot inspired by the video game The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.[13]

    Rolfe started filming shorts in 1989, continuing this hobby into the mid-1990s.[8] He used Mario Paint for a few of his early films. His early films did not have scripts or rehearsal. However, once he started writing scripts, his friends gradually lost interest because of the pressure of trying to remember their lines,[13] which left many of Rolfe's films unfinished. He then tried his hand at action figures and puppets. The plot of The Giant Movie Director (1994) involved toys coming to life. Rolfe attended a special education school for seven-and-a-half years during his childhood. He reflected on his past, "In school, I had a rough time communicating. I went to special ed for seven-and-a-half years. I liked it, I had a good time. But socializing in general… I was a little awkward. Art always made me feel comfortable."[14]

    Rolfe attended the University of the Arts in Philadelphia where he studied filmmaking.[15] While in college, Rolfe met several friends that became collaborators in future projects, including Mike Matei, Kyle Justin, and Brendan "Bootsy" Castner.[15] He graduated from the University of the Arts with a bachelor's degree in fine arts in 2004.[16][17] He worked as a film editor for corporate safety and instructional videos after graduating, but quit in 2007 following the success of his Angry Video Game Nerd web series.[15]

    Rolfe operated and ran an annual "haunted house" Halloween attraction out of his parents' garage (the same garage was later used in building a graveyard for his horror comedy film The Deader, the Better and again used in his film/series pilot Jersey Odysseys: Legend of the Blue Hole), using a collection of several props and antiques that he later reused multiple times in his other films
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  15. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
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  16. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Crispy You’ll never be an accountant, i dont believe in you. You wont get the job

    based anti-groomer take
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  17. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
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  18. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Q: What is TOTSE all about, anyway?

    A: A lot of people have some weird idea that this web site is a Bad Place, a place for hackers, software pirates, and anarchists. The reason that they think this is that there are informational text files on here about hacking, piracy, and anarchy.

    However, there are also text files on here that discuss politics; democratic, right wing, left wing, libertarian, communist, and everything in between, but this is not a political web site.

    There are files on here that discuss Jesus Christ, Muhammed, Buddha, Crowley, John Smith, and "Bob", but this is not a religious web site.

    There are files full of short stories, science fiction, humorous articles, and great works of literature, but this is not a literary web site.

    There are files with information on rocketry, radio broadcasting, chemistry, electronics, genetics, and computers, but this is not a technical web site.

    This web site is about INFORMATION. All sorts and all viewpoints. Some of the information you will agree with, some you will find shocking, and some you will probably disagree with violently. That is the whole point. In this society we go to schools where there is one right answer: The Teacher's. There is one acceptable version of events: The Television's. There is only one acceptable occupation: The pursuit of money. There is only one political choice to make: The Status Quo.

    On this web site you are expected to make decisions all by yourself. You get to decide who and what to agree with, and why. You get to hear new viewpoints that you may have never heard before. On this web site people exist without age, without skin color, without gender, without clothes, without nationality, without any of the visual cues we usually use to discredit or ignore people who are unlike ourselves. All of these things are stripped away and the ideas themselves are laid bare.

    You will change. You will transform. You will learn. You will disagree.

    You will enjoy it.
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  19. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    The quote from Speedy Parker emphasizes a life rich in meaningful connections, acts of generosity, and community involvement. It contrasts this lifestyle with that of the person being addressed, suggesting they lack these experiences. The detailed examples showcase a life filled with:

    Social Engagement: Hosting cookouts and jam sessions, regularly interacting with neighbors and friends.
    Generosity: Facilitating significant charitable donations and helping friends in need.
    Reciprocity and Support: Engaging in bartering for mutual benefit and receiving help from others.
    Emotional Connections: Being appreciated by family members, receiving thoughtful gifts, and being greeted warmly in social settings.
    Community Influence: Being sought after for advice and support, demonstrating a positive reputation and strong relationships within the community.
    Balance of Strength and Kindness: Embracing both the darker and kinder aspects of his nature to protect and support his allies.
    Speedy Parker asserts that these regular occurrences in his life highlight his integrity, strength, and compassion, implying a sharp contrast with the person he's addressing, whom he perceives as lacking these qualities. The final paragraph underscores his self-awareness and pride in his way of life, while challenging the other person's self-perception and honesty
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  20. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Top of every prepper list is a working BBS.


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