Originally posted by Bradley
told you, they were all in collusion against you after that one day when you said you were screaming cuz you u dropped something and told you were too stupid to sweep.
I never dropped anything and I'm not allowed to sweep . Thats a different department that does that
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I made production errors and broke shit. The final straw was screaming so loud they had to stop the machines because they thought someone got hurt. The stress just got to me and I had to let it out, security has been watching me closely.
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I would smoke a blunt with him and do some cocaine like
"hey listen folx listen, look, listen. This cocaine will make the golden hair on yer lags stand on end i tell ya what there ol cornpoppy
and then secret service would be like HE HAS A GRAM HE HAS A GRAM and black bag me and I wake up on the beaches of Epstein island with William Bill Bill Clinton and zombie epstein there to molest me. TYypical DUMBocrats amd it right folx ?? CMOS bomb
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I don't like native smokes but I support the industry. American tobacco is the best ya herd I used to get this shit smuggled illegally from Idaho farmers
organic son
smoking used to be so cool and sexy
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i think im just gonna jkill myself at work so HTS can get a insure ance money . fug it foooood just lemme get some cocaine first (also they made all mt facvorite cigarates illegal lol)
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Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready
I think we're already in Heck.
Shit is really getting weird these days. but it's subtle. its just enough Heckery to make you question it but not to obvious that you know damn well you're in it./ but Heckery prolly has different levels. like the first level (which we might be in) is Purgatory or something like it. I think we're in Purgatory one or two. I don't want to slide any deeper than this.
But Earth is gone. maybe that 12-21-12 thing or Dec 12th 2012 the great change occurred as the Mayan Calendar suggested would happen.
-just saying
Kill yourself
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Originally posted by Sudo
Anyone remember the show "win Ben steins money?" It featured Ben stein and an extremely young Jimmy Kimmel and the disclaimer at the end said ""Ben steins money" is actually thr budget furnished by the producer"' so it wasn't Ben steins money, he was just trying to steal it from them in typical j00ish Richard Nixon speechwriter fashion. I used to watch that show as a kid at my grandmas house had a VHS tape of some short "goosebumps" movies and for some reason Ben Stein was on it saying he was R.L. Stine the creator of goosebumps so I thought he just used a sudonym (or nomme de sudoplume if you will) while writing those books
Anyway just something I remembered because you never hear about Ben stein anymore but his hit series "goosebumps" is making a comeback
LMAO I scrolled back up when I saw ben stein. I remember that show when I was a little kid I was like what the fuck is this and why does this guy have so much money. I did not know about hebrews at the time. That show had a profound impact on my young impressionable mind.
even as a child I could tell it was a terrible show, the game sucked but the idea of the show itself was amazing to me. just some rich asshole game show??? so random LOL
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