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Thanked Posts by Daily

  1. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    I still can't believe the guy went off his computer to go on niggas in space on his mobile to take a screenshot of it as if it's some sort of evidence of his past mobile phone posting

    I'm literally crying rn
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    how is getting off your laptop and then going on niggas in space on your phone evidence of anything
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  3. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Kill Katy Perry
    Fuck Halle Berry
    Marry Keanu Reeves

    This is the objectively right answer.
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  4. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Look at this shockingly nauseating assemblage of DNA just freely interacting with its environment

    His genetic instructions literally say "inject heroin" when seen under a miscroscope
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  5. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Originally posted by Bipolar High Roller Bipolar disorder is the new autism. All the cool kids have it.

    Hey man. I'm on my lunch break so I can't stay for long, but I wanted to log in to quickly say -

    You are a literal cuckold. Forget about this political word "cuck". You are a literal cuckold. In evolutionary terms, we call this "existential suicide" as you will be providing finite time and finite resources to a female who will be seeking another man's DNA while using you solely for your resources. In the modern world, this is known as "beta fux, beta bux". You have memed yourself into objective cuckoldry which, under every metric, is retarded (literally retarding your existence as an organism), immoral (for the innocent children your prostitute wife will be creating) and disgusting (you will be physically intimate with a woman who has and continues to be treated like a sex slave by other men). Your chances of dying early have also increased due to your prostitute wife's likelihood of possessing and acquiring numerous STDs. I also want to close by saying that there is a 100% chance that this marriage will not last due to her loss of pair bonding ability (a direct result of her promiscuity) - she will, neurologically, never be able to feel fulfilled by the love (I feel sick) and attention you provide her. Good luck in all of your future endeavours and I hope this is a lesson to all males considering self-cuckoldry due to low self-esteem and latent self-hate.
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  6. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Originally posted by Vizier Why is that bad? We'd have a gorillion people on the planet right now if it weren't for birth control.

    Because it is an evolutionary lifehack. Women are now able to lead degenerate lifestyles and fuck men with no reproductive consequences while destroying their psychological ability to pair bond. This is why a woman's sexual partner count directly correlates with her likelihood of divorcing her husband in the future. Women have evolved to evaluate the cost-benefit of sexual relations with a man since getting impregnated with a man means investing 9 months into pregnancy and choosing the right man to stick around was incredibly important for the upbringing and health for her and the child. Women no longer have to worry about this and are able to have 80 cocks inside their pussy and even more in their mouth before settling down with an oblivious beta who thinks she's a special snowflake who's going to give him everything she can. Meanwhile, her experiences and ability of experiencing these experiences overshadow the attention and love one man can give her. Why would a woman, who has the ability to fuck many men with no consequence, give a fuck about sexually pleasing one man who gives her all the attention he can, when she can get attention from hundreds of men with better bodies, bigger cocks, better stamina? It makes no sense for her reproductively. It is an evolutionary fuck up. It has destroyed male-female relationships and is one of the main contributors to the high (female initiated) divorce rate. It creates "beta widows" - women who have experienced beta cock that bounced to never be seen again - no shit women are always going to think they can do "do better" (since they have in the past) even though their physical attractiveness deteriorates with their age.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Zanick, do you actually believe domesticating an animal and then stunning it before quickly shooting it in the head is less moral than allowing a predator to rip it to shreds while it slowly bleeds out, suffering while it wonders what it could have been?

    I think you should go out right now and get yourself a nice cheeseburger as a tribute to the cow that offered its labour and domestication for your consumption. Not doing so is objectively immoral.
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  9. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Originally posted by Zanick So we are not obligated to kill by our status as apex predator - the same conditions by which we dominate other beings also grants us the opportunity to save them.

    I still don't understand why you are not saving all of those animals from being killed by other animals with your reasonable, moral brain, Zanick. Why are you so adamant in depriving us homo sapiens from meat while allowing all of these other animals from killing and eating other animals when we have the opportunity to save them?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind So who are you, really?

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  11. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    I feel so sorry for the Greeks. I was in Athens in last year and actually spoke to the average Greek person on the ground and they fucking hate Tsipras. Greeks sure love talking about politics

    I was in a taxi and I told the driver to turn left. Then I said yep, another left. The guy laughed and in broken English exclaimed "left? left? too much left! we need more right!" I tipped him 5 euros for that
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Originally posted by Malice Could you elaborate on your view?

    Do you recognise that autists have impaired social and cognitive functioning while psychopaths simply lack empathy

    The first is unironically terrifying. The latter is not

    A psychopath isn't retarded while autists are literally retarded. Who knows what those crazy fucks are capable of at any given moment

    A psychopath can still behave appropriately in social settings while autists are specifically dangerous around people due to their social retardation
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  13. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Statistically, the average psychopath in your life is a functioning person who appears normal

    Statistically, the average autist in your life is a dysfunctional person who appears abnormal
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  14. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    It's been a whole week since I've stopped smoking weed. I think overall I've slept around 35 hours in total. I feel like total shit due to sleep deprivation and I haven't hit the gym in 8 days. People are actually noticing a difference in my demeanor. I skyped my friend from Shanghai for the first time in a month and he opened up with "dude you look like one of those heroin chic models". Lanny when do I return to baseline

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Originally posted by Malice I am convinced you are a psychopath and a very dangerous person.

    Autists are more dangerous than psychopaths. CMV.
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  16. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    "If you're talking current events and you're not talking about the jedis, I can't take you seriously"

    ~ Daily circa 2016 at a faggot ass gathering filled with intellectual "golden triangle" university students (of the shabbos goy predilection) who proceeded to kvetch loudly enough for me to desist and wave my statement away as a joke leading to internal shame and resentment for making the trade-off between sticking to my principles and remaining a functional member of society
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  17. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    If you mean do I believe in an "immaterial entity" which exists independent of the mind, no, I do not believe in a god or gods.

    If you mean do I believe in a personal concept of God which exists within the mind that affects my behaviour and how I act in the world, then yes, I believe in God.

    In fact, I would go as far as to say that my second meaning of God is objectively real even though it only exists within my mind. For example, maths is "real" even though it is an abstract invention that we simply created out of our heads. This "invention" changes reality in the most objectively "real" way possible, e.g. creating the blueprint and architectural designs of concentration camps. If you believe in a "transcendent ideal" which physically changes your behaviour in the material world, then that concept is real. Just like "values" or "laws".
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  18. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Originally posted by Jeremus I didn't even dispute that, cockfag. In fact I specifically pointed that out. That's simply not the issue under debate. The issue is whether or not "race" as it is seen now is a useful idea. It is not. There is no such thing as the "white race" or the "black race". Two "white" people from different populations such as from an Anglo background and the far Eastern reaches of Russia, who both evolved to achieve white skin, might have just as many differences in their genetics as either of those two and a sub-Saharan nigger.

    Again, no shit faggot. "A computer" will note differences in cluster analyses between populations and we can do the same within each individual population, and the lines will only get clearer as we move down to the individual level, not blurrier. For example, a biological family will have closer genes to one another than any member of the family does to the average other member of the next hierarchical level of population (such as their city). We can play this game up and down the block. Now you tell me where we draw the line and call it a race like "black" or "white". I'll wait.

    So what you're saying is, you came into this thread with only a straw man and your dick in your hands? Because I never denied genetic clustering you cum encrusted phallus enthusiast: my dispute has always been taxonomical in nature and how it's not a relevant or useful concept. I literally made this clear in my very first post responding to you on this, so you're just tilting at windmills. Now go gargle Jean-Francois's balls till he finally cums out a coherent response to the actual contention I have.

    This is Captain Falcon btw.

    Oh, hey Captain Falcon. Thank you for agreeing with 90% of my post. From what I've gathered, you are admitting to genetic differences between populations but you don't want to use words to describe these genetic and (observable) phenotypic realities.

    So you're chilling with bae. You go to the kitchen to make a sandwich. There's a knock on the door. Bae says "I'll get it!" and gets up to see who's at the door. A second later you hear a scream and you quickly run to bae to see what's going on. You see bae on the floor, in a pool of blood, choking. In horror, you look up at the doorway and see a gentleman standing there with a knife in his hands. He smiles at you and runs away.

    You cry a little bit then call the police. The police come and comfort you a little bit. They ask you for a description of the perpetrator. You suddenly remember how useless taxonomic categories are in describing phenotypic differences which are caused by genetic markers among human populations.

    " guy...I mean...he was wearing a black...a black jacket..."
    "Could you describe his appearance?"
    "Um...he had uh...short, black hair."
    "What else do you remember?"
    "Uhh...he was like, height, maybe...maybe a little taller."
    "Okay. It's okay, take your time. What did his face look like?"
    " know...the guy, uhh...I think he uh...I mean, like I agree that...genetic differences, like, exist but..."
    "Sorry? What do you mean? What did he look like?"
    "He had to leather sofa but like points to own face".
    "I'm sorry, I don't understand. Are you saying he was wearing a mask? A leather mask?"
    "No, was looked this sofa..."
    "It looked like this sofa? This sofa is black. Are you saying he was Black?"
    " know...I really don't think it's uh...useful to, uh..."

    I'm literally dying here. You must be slightly assburgered right? You're saying the concept of race is useless because "White" encompasses many different ethnicities while "Black" also encompasses various different ethnicities. Apparently if you line up a bunch of Icelandic, French, Hungarian, Ukrainian people alongside a bunch of Nigerian, Ghanaian, Zambian, Ugandan people, the concept of race would be entirely useless because all this wonderful diversity only exists in computers running genetic clusters but has no practical applications in real life situations. lmfao. Okay, that's cool. Hey man, to each their own right? I'm sure we're not going to change each other's minds here anyway. You're a millionaire anyway bro, you ain't gotta do this. Have a good day bro!
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  19. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Originally posted by Jeremus TL;Dr: you are not drawing the line that connects the reality that there are genetic similarities within populations, to the justifiability or usefulness of classifications like negroid, Caucasoid, mongoloid, australoid, graboid etc.

    As for phenotypical realities, tell me about them. I can some very superficial ones like skin colour, but even those are on a spectrum and you need to define very clearly where to draw the line. If you're going to go for something like facial features, I can point out that the facial features of two individuals within one of these "races" can be just as different as those from another "race".

    Don't make broad declarations about "phenotypical realities", tell me what these realities are that you believe in, and how they clearly correlate to these groupings.

    I know we're all at least 30% trolls here, but please don't be disingenuous by saying I'm building a strawman and then accusing me of caring about 19th century classifications like caucasoid, negroid, fucktoid, etc. Stop asking me "where do you draw the line" when I specifically said two posts ago that the lines between ethnic populations are blurry and can be divided into many different sub-divisions which I already agreed are a product of the human brain.

    Can you please tell me where the red ends and where the red begins? What about the blue? What about the green? Where do you draw the line? I sure don't know, but that does not deny the fact that we can look at most of the shades of each colour and understand using nothing but sight which colour is which in the general sense. Just because we do not know where to draw the line does not mean that individual colours cannot be recognised. We look at the colour of blood, or the colour of a strawberry, or the colour of a persian rug and we understand on a general level that each of these things are red.

    The same thing can be applied to the global human population. Yes, there has been immigration, yes there has been race-mixing, yes there has been plastic surgery, but the average person can discern between different ethnic populations using nothing but phenotypic analysis (in this case, simply looking at somebody).

    Other than skin colour, there are measurable differences in the mean dimensions of the skull and facial features. These include the nasal index, prognathism, shape of eye orbits, surface area of the lips and eyebrow ridges, among others. When we do nothing but look at an individual, our brains instantly recognise these differences even though we don't take out a tape measurer and compare the differences in millimeters of each aspect of the skull. Our brains are innately wired to recognise these differences in individuals. This is why, for example, we can instantly recognise an albino - there is a fuck up between the genes responsible for their skin colour and the genes responsible for the rest of their phenotype. This is also why you can look at female twins and find one more attractive than the other even though there would probably be a 0% chance of you coherently explaining why.

    What you are doing, and what most people do when discussing race, is hone in on the exceptions while ignoring the general. If you live in a homogeneous town in Poland for 6 months, and then live in a homogeneous town in Denmark for 6 months, you will be exposed to both phenotypes long enough to be able to tell the differences between the two ethnic populations with a more than random accuracy by only looking at their face. This is meaningful because both populations, in the social sphere, will be classified as "Caucasian" or "Europid" or "White" and yet a phenotypic difference will still exist among the sub-divisions of this one genetic cluster. This relates to my point earlier, where I said you can further divide these sub-divisions.

    Apply this to between populations rather than within populations and the phenotypic differences will be even greater - unsurprisingly so, because the further away the genetic clusters are away from each other, the more different their phenotype. Yes, I get it, there are Persians who look Afghan and there are Persians who look Greek. However, Persian, just like "White" or "Black" are socially constructed ever-evolving terms but this does not mean that phenotypic differences are arbitrary and random.
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  20. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I don't own condoms and don't use them because I believe people are electric beings that need to connect you cuck

    AIDS. The more of your posts I read, the more I realise you are going to be dead soon

    God is good
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