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Posts That Were Thanked by Daily


    help save the children!!!
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. If you don't believe me watch how all the anti-semites and the bigots duck for cover whenever I'm online. They're like coc k roaches ducking for cover when you turn on the lights in the kitchen at night.
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  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    it's blitzkrieging the herbal jedi out of your system
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  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    some people tend to believe any theory for the simple fact that it's NOT the simplest or best represented explanation; in their minds 'knowing' makes them feel special, like an initiate in a secret society

    unfortunately the term 'conspiracy theory' (which was actually invented to be derisive, if I recall correctly the term was coined by the CIA to discredit people accusing them of crimes they almost certainly did commit) gets applied to virtually any theory or analysis that runs contrary to popular opinion, regardless of how well-supported either claim is.
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  5. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by Obbe Why the world is changing into a place where truth matters less than your ability to argue on behalf of lies.

    If it talks about lies but doesn't touch on the JQ it's not worth watching.
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  6. Originally posted by HampTheToker You son of a bitch.

    You actually did it.

    You found the greatest gif on the internet.

    False. Backup Bucket remain #1

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  7. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by hydromorphone Jesus christ, you're the only delusional one.

    I never waved a firearm in my life "wildly", you weren't even in the same room. You were in your room. And two "witnesses"? My grandmother was in her bedroom watching TV. Fuckhead /was standing by the wall/your door. I was standing at first, then sat down on the chair waiting for you to get your shit packed and leave. You were crying and upset and I felt terrible for that and then came to the door and tried to hand you the gun, barrel facing me, handle for you to grab. You wouldn't take it. I had said at one point BEFORE that, to fuckhead if he didn't get out of my way that the walls were so thin I could shoot your ass through the damn thing, which yes, all of what I did was wrong, the way I went about it, but you had been warned, seen that I was desperate to get fuckhead out of my life, been told I didn't want you to get hurt, didn't want shit to get even worse while you were there, as I knew it was going to and told several times that you needed to LEAVE.

    I really wish it hadn't gone the way it did. I feel terrible even now it went as such, but I'm not going to take blame for some over hyped version. I know what I did. I know it was wrong. And since it happened I've been apologetic, regretful, and have tried to make it right as best as one can/make amends. I have took responsibility for my actions and owned what I did, you're the only one who hasn't.

    You were told after throwing a beer at me which splattered everywhere, including the baby being covered, this being right after I got out of the hospital and in serious pain and you falling into me after saying several times to please watch it, or go lay down in bed, I couldn't because if I laid on my back I couldn't breath, being the only reason I was sitting on the couch in the corner of the sectional. You fell into me while I was dozed off asleep and acted like I attacked you when I instinctually pushed/kicked this huge fucking weight that landed right on my lung where I had pneumonia and already could barely breath. You threw beer at me, beer I drove out of my way from the ER to get you so your alcoholic ass wouldn't be in WDs(which you cracked my screen worse instead of talking to me when we were in the parking lot- I wasn't being mean, I was just trying to figure out what was wrong with you - apparently you had an ear infection for the first time in your life and acted like a big fucking baby. When we got home and you asked me to put rubbing alcohol in your ear to dry it out you got mad at me because you left your mouth open and some poured down your face… Meanwhile I can barely breath).

    After the shit with throwing beer because your either drunk and/or impaired by the ear infection I got pissed and told you to get the beer off my property. You went outside. I waited 5mins or so then said "okay, you don't want to get it off then I'm getting rid of it". I struggled up got the beer and began dumping it down the sink. You then came behind me grabbing me, pushing me. And otherwise touching and grasping me in a aggressive manner to stop me. I kept going just for the beer to get rid of it. You then came behind me and grabbed me around the neck. That's when I got scared and it hurt, so I bit the ever living shit out of you. You threatened to call the cops and I told you to go the fuck ahead since I couldn't have bitten you like that without you grabbing me from behind. It literally would have been impossible and YOU would have been the one going to jail just for that. Hell. You could have called for me "illegally destroying your beer", which lol… Doesn't matter if you had one beer or 10, throwing beer because your mad you fell into a sick person and they kicked you off of them isn't acceptable or right. Nothing you did that night was right.

    My only regret is I should have called the police, and I shouldn't have replaced your beer the next day. I'd done nothing to you that night. Hell, earlier I asked if you could hand me my medicine which was next to you and you refused. I didn't say a word, and just sat there and tried to sleep, saying only once before I dozed off seeing you wabbling about to PLEASE WATCH OUT or go to the bedroom to sleep since I was scared you'd fall on me, just like you ended up doing landing right on my lung/chest. I was some monster though for kicking you off so I could breath though. While I was woken up to ungodly pain of your weight on my lungs…. Nope, for that I'm not going to feel bad anymore. Nor for the beer, other than I should have just called the cops and had you arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct and assault by throwing the beer at me and having me covered in it. Hell, I could have for you falling on me but after I came to be awake I did realize it was an accident, albeit, a preventable accident.

    I don't even feel bad other than it had to come to me biting the shit out of you. You had no right to put your hands on me, for your beer or not. Touching a person is assault. You weren't a resident of that house and made it abundantly clear prior. When you came to grab me around the neck, what was I supposed to think in that moment? I promise you, any cop would have seen that as what's called "defensive" injuries because I could have only bit you like that with your arms around me from behind). You hurt me over and over because you were upset your chance to remove your beer from the house had sailed and I was pouring it out. That's a sad as fuck reason to hurt and attack someone to begin with.

    Where's the responsibility you've taken for that? I was emotionally manipulated and made to feel like shit for DEFENDING myself when I was about to be choked out and or otherwise hurt more.

    I'm sorry you're delusional to how shit actually went down. I know it was very traumatic for you. I'm sorry for a lot of shit and I take responsibility for that, but I can't change the past and I'll be damned if I'm gonna keep living in the past like you want to do. All we can do is move on. I'm moving on whether you do or not though. I tried every way to make amends, make up for it, to make it right, but nothing is good enough for you and you love having that card up your sleeve for any reason to pull it mostly being a unrelated to it when you would. Doesn't phase me or make me cry any more though, so that's why you're pissed.

    It's a shame it had to come to this. I tried to be a good friend, as best as I could. I even tried to give you ammo so you could feel safe, but all you want to do is use it to hurt me because you can't move on. You do realize, that the inability to move on from a traumatic event is a mental health problem, right? You should get help. You've described PTSD a lot too. I truly am sorry I was apart and caused it, but you need help to get well and I hope you do.

    Ayyyyy CABRONE!!!!!! Can someone lend me a taller monitor!?!?!?! FUCK!!!!!!
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  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    is that when you like to rub one out while skydiving
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  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    here's OP in a nutshell

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  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock stfu nigger. no shit it was ignorance on the part of whomever removed the 'patience.' thats called being a nigger. theyre fucking stupid.

    you know exactly jack and shit about microbiology

    that vaccine they have. go check how effective it is and in what quantities it is available in compared to the quantities they require. you dumb nigger.

    that bullshit that claims 'ebola doesnt spread because it kills its host too quickly' is bullshit. its marginally plausible in rural nigger-villes where the majority of the population only interacts with a limited number of other potential hosts but when youre talking full blown cities with populations in the millions and MULTIPLE international transportation hubs…youre looking at a pandemic.

    do you remember that nigger that had ebola then was cured of it then the doctors said he could go home because the doctors said he wasnt contagious anymore then he did go home?


    then a few MONTHS later he went out…fucked something…and gave it ebola.

    youre an idiot

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  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I regret to inform you all that our old friend Lanny died two days ago, after slipping off his bathroom weight scale and hitting his fat head on the edge of the bathtub. RIP Mr. Rogers.

    You would shrivel up and die without the attention complaining about this place brings you. Me dying would be your worst nightmare.
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  12. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    I regret to inform you all that our old friend Lanny died two days ago, after slipping off his bathroom weight scale and hitting his fat head on the edge of the bathtub. RIP Mr. Rogers.
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  13. Originally posted by Daily If she is so terrible why did you choose to make her your girlfriend

    She must be hot

    I thought we had a kid and wanted to make it work. I would've never been with her otherwise.

    She is most definitely not hot. Looks like a deflated viking warrior warrior with big pancake tits. She's 30 but easily looks 40. The only reason she's able to prostitute is because she has the one requirement of prostitution, which is a vagina. I'm not the best looking guy but I am still leagues above hydro.

    I'll post pics if hydro does, then you guys can see for yourselves. Only rule: no bra. I won't wear one either.
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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Shut the fuck up and post nude selfies
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  15. Originally posted by Daily Why does this site always trigger some new fetish laying dormant inside me

    You just like wild bitches that’s all.
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  16. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Daily Why does this site always trigger some new fetish laying dormant inside me

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  17. HampTheToker African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Daily Doesn't everybody want everybody to behave a certain way

    Even if you say "I want everybody to be free" aren't you imposing your own values onto them. Didn't we already go over this with US foreign policy

    Also if you say "I don't care" what you're really saying is "I don't care as long as you leave me alone" so you're hoping everybody goes along with what you want (to be left alone even if you don't care)

    The word you're looking for OP is human

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  18. HTS highlight reel
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  19. After Lanny started there were a lot of users who felt like this forum was heading in the wrong direction, there was a forum called "Riflows" that ran for a few months before it was revealed (by me) that it was a malicious website.

    The question is where did all those users go? did they all just give up on forums? why so many of them and why all at the same time? It doesn't add up.. dozens of users vanishing overnight, never to return. To this day a large number of "core users" of past totse forums remain missing.

    What is the real reason?... I will tell you.

    HONKEYSON.EARTH The secret hidden totse forum for all the users that hate

    Some information was given to me (I'm not at liberty to say who) and I was able to access their secret forum through their onion URL and use the code given to me to de-encrypt the forum but I think they recognized I wasn't a trusted member and booted me off after a minute.

    I did manage to take this screenshot though

    their banner

    someone named "J.P.W" posted this picture in a thread called "Remember when Totse was...."

    Lets have a look at their member list, shall we?.

    Jeff Hunter
    Arnox Immodium
    Michael Myers
    Suicidal Fish
    Chris Hansen
    Iron John
    Richard Burnish
    Kreepy Kay
    Bling Bling
    Vizier (the real one)
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery (the real one)
    arthur treacher
    Arms Merchant
    Duke Zion

    And everyone from TC (wonder why none of them post here?)

    There are probably more i'm forgetting... also not to mention all the people on that randomly "disappear" for months at a time and act like nothing happened when they come back. It's clear they are acting as scouts.

    You see the entire point of is to keep all of us far away from their forum and to never let a single one of us find out about its existence, if all the sudden these people were available to the public they would be inundated with the horde trying to relive the days of Zoklet and catch up on the times with old friends.

    The thing is though, they are not your friends. They all hate and everyone who posts here, they want to destroy the forum and wipe every last one of us off the internet for good.

    This particular group of people believe themselves to be "TOTSE's chosen people" and that they have the sole claim to fame of the entire TOTSE name. They think we're all a bunch of kidiot spamposters shitposting all day on a dumb totse ripoff and slandering its good name.

    Because of this they have become extremely paranoid that we will find their URL and attempt to merge the communities, this is like doomsday to these people. Their forum is completely hermetically sealed off from the public internet, its a .onion TOR site that needs some secret code to even access the forum. Registration has been closed there since 2015 and they are all strictly forbidden from posting on or having any contact with anyone from this forum or anyone who knows someone that uses this forum.

    (the rattex group of darknet forums that report to police agencies, richard burnish is a member)
    (the rat with an axe represents "HACKING" people to get their personal information and turn it over to the police)

    They have gone completely underground and have spent the last 3 years trying to destroy the forum through spam attacks orchestrated by Richard Burnish and Iam.

    Only a select few of the are allowed to venture outside of the comfort of their secret forum and post here for scouting purposes, just looking for any advantages they can use against the forum.

    They like to kidnap members and coax them over to their side. Doesn't anyone find it strange that Enter just vanishes without a trace and deletes his account?.

    The only reason I know about any of this is because of many hours of deep introspective drug induced meditation where the secrets of the internet were revealed to me. Namaste, if I stop posting after this you know what happened to me.
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  20. RisiR † 29 Autism
    TDR sounds like a nice guy. You can barely hear that a hooker bit his nose off.
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