Mostly Norwegian ones no one here has heard of.. I did read calvin and hobbes.
2017-11-25 at 12:24 AM UTC
Whats your favorite anime?
The first anime I ever watched was Neon Genesis Evangelion and I am still quite partial to it.
2017-11-25 at 12:22 AM UTC
Superhero films are gay
I have totally lost track over what Marvel movies I have and have not seen.
Saw Spider-Man Homecoming last night and actually liked it. First time in quite some time I have wanted to see a sequel.
2017-11-25 at 12:13 AM UTC
Worst books you've ever read
I have a hatred towards Fjodor Dostojevskij. I think that I hate The Idiot the most.
Been playing a lot of Destiny 1 and 2 with my kid brother. Ordered Ghost Recon Wildlands today so I`l play that until the DLC for Destiny 2 drops in december.
2017-11-24 at 11:52 PM UTC
best soundtracks
I love the piano concertoes of Final Fantasy music.
Downloaded it for my Switch a couple of weeks back. Not gotten around to playing it yet. Looks cool.
2017-11-20 at 8:31 PM UTC
AC/DC: R.I.P. Malcom Young
Dementia is a bitch. My grandfather had alzheimers and it tears your heart apart watching them deteriorate.
2017-11-20 at 8:26 PM UTC
Best Age to Die
When I was a teen,I doubted I would make it to 30. Now that I am in my 30s, I want to live to 90.
Fuck up your own life to the point where it consumes you.
2017-11-11 at 6:01 PM UTC
How do you guys shave?
I use an electric one. Can`t be assed to use a razor.
2017-11-10 at 10:53 PM UTC
Lighting pubic hair on fire
Burning body hair is one of the worst things I have ever smelt.
I am not really that surprised. Guy likes to masturbate.